Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

22 31 33 42 46 79 96 | Merle Haggard dies on his 79th birthday, April 6, 2016 (Just an "Okie from Muskogee")

Three dozen, eh?  3x12 = 36; 2016 = 20+16 = 36; Merle Haggard = 63

Seeing that he died at age 79, in close proximity to a basketball championship, immediately made me wonder if he might be a ritual sacrifice for what just transpired in NCAA Basketball.  It is interesting that the headline codes out to '82', a number connected to the NBA, which has an 82-game season, and the player Kris Jenkins, who hit the game winning shot in the college championship.

Champion = 3+8+1+13+16+9+15+14 = 79
Murder = 13+21+18+4+5+18 = 79

On the topic of 'basketball', 79 is the 22nd prime number.  While we decode 'Basketball', keep in mind Haggard has 'Oklahoma' connections.

Basketball = 2+1+1+2+5+2+2+1+3+3 = 22/31/40
Oklahoma = 6+2+3+1+8+6+4+1 = 31/40

Should the Thunder end up in the NBA Finals, coming from Oklahoma City, remember this death.  The NBA Finals begin 57-days from today.

World Series = 57
Fifty-Seven = 131; Super Bowl = 31; Championship = 131

Merle Haggard has not only died at age 79, he has died on his 79th birthday.  Today, April 6, 2016, is the 97th day of the year, the reflection of 79.  It is typically the 96th day of the year, a number connected to 'Freemason'.

Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42 (Birthday)
Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96

His hit song, "Okie from Muskogee" connects to his date of death, and 'Freemason'.

Notice the gematria below.

Muskogee = 4+3+1+2+6+7+5+5 = 33/42/51
Muskogee = 13+21+19+11+15+7+5+5 = 96

Again, '33' is the number of Masonic obsession, '42' connects to birthday and 'Freemason', as does '96'.

That song was released in '69, 47-years ago.  Again, more familiar numbers.

Notice that he even predicted his birthday death.  Amazing.

Let us decode his name and birthday.

Merle = 4+5+9+3+5 = 26
Ronald = 9+6+5+1+3+4 = 28
Haggard = 8+1+7+7+1+9+4 = 37
Merle Ronald Haggard = 91
Merle Haggard = 63

Merle = 13+5+18+12+5 = 53
Ronald = 18+15+14+1+12+4 = 64
Haggard = 8+1+7+7+1+18+4 = 46
Merle Ronald Haggard = 163
Merle Haggard = 99

4/6/1937 = 4+6+19+37 = 66
4/6/1937 = 4+6+1+9+3+7 = 30
4/6/37 = 4+6+37 = 47

4/6/2016 = 4+6+20+16 = 46 (Sacrifice)
4/6/2016 = 4+6+2+0+1+6 = 19
4/6/16 = 4+6+16 = 26


  1. Love your post time. Boy Wikipedia sure updates their info fast. There seems to be a "celebrity" death per day this year. Do you think they are numbing people down to get use to death, fallen idols, etc? As well as people getting use to dying younger, as they seem to be dying more under the "average" age of death?

    1. I should have said "death" and "dying" in quotes.

    2. It really seems like they are clearing the playing field, doesn't it?
      Maybe this is the shift from Pisces to Aquarius, or the biblical Revelation. We have been in a deconstruction mode since 911 at least. Everything we thought we knew is slowly being revealed as false, and so many of the idols of the 20th centuary are now shown to have feet of clay. Fascinating times.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oklahoma City Thunder Merle Haggard---322

  4. Zach check out what his son posted on facebook....

    "A week ago dad told us he was gonna pass on his birthday, and he wasn't wrong. A hour ago he took his last breath surrounded by family and friends. He loved everything about life and he loved that everyone of you gave him a chance with his music. He wasn't just a country singer.. He was the best country singer that ever lived."

    Interesting right?

  5. Silver Wings



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