Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

33 47 51 101 | Niagara Falls in Purple on Queen's birthday and Prince's death, the hometown of Denise Matthews (Vanity)

You have to love the post time at the 57th minute.  Prince and Vanity died at age 57.

Scottish = 1+3+6+2+2+9+1+8 = 32
Rite = 9+9+2+5 = 25
Scottish Rite = 57

I just found out that Denise Matthews, the woman known as Vanity, whose death was connected to Prince's, was born in the town of Niagara Falls, the landmark, which was Purple on the day Prince died, but not for Prince, just for the Queen and her 90th birthday.

Ninety = 5+9+5+5+2+7 = 33 (Prince 57 (Vanity too), Queen 90, a difference of '33')

Niagara = 5+9+1+7+1+9+1 = 33
Falls = 6+1+3+3+1 = 14
Niagara Falls = 47 (Prince died 47-days before his birthday)

Niagara = 14+9+1+7+1+18+1 = 51
Falls = 6+1+12+12+19 = 50
Niagara Falls = 101


  1. WW3 Obama moves F-22 Raptors into Constanta Romania...
    Connection to the color Purple and Prince's death..
    Constanta in Jewish Gematria Equals: 425
    Purple in Jewish Gematria Equals: 425
    Co-ordinates for Constanta
    44° 10′ 0″ N, 28° 38′ 0″ E
    The raptors came from London.. Obama's visit, Queen's birthday, Birthday color theme purple.

    My work on Raptor transfer..
    U.S. sends F-22 warplanes to Romania ...WW3

  2. Wow! What a coincidence that was... NOT! Great post Zach

  3. The Huffington Post a.k.a. Coincidence Theorist Daily.

  4. Hmmm, yes:

    Joyce => 1058/248/58
    Morocco => 266/492/82
    Joyce Morocco => 1324/840/140

  5. Niagara Falls Purple" in the English Ordinal system equals 189

    Niagara Falls Purple" in the English Reduction system equals 81 / 90

    (The Queen Just Turned 90. The Day Prince Died.)

    Queen Killed Prince" in the English Reduction system equals 90

    Niagara Falls Purple" in the English Ordinal system equals 189

    Niagara Falls Purple" in the English Reduction system equals 81

    1. Opps..

      Purple For Queen" in the English Ordinal system equals 189

      "Purple For Queen" in the English Reduction system equals 81

  6. "Prince left no will" in the English Reduction system equals 85 or 58 like freemason

    Save"Prince left no will" in the English Ordinal system equals 193 or the 44th Prime

  7. Just read about an unaired Simpsons episode from 2008 where homer is hired to kill prince.... Check that out.


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