Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, April 7, 2016

33 47 113 | ISIS captures more than 300 people at a 'cement company' in Damascus, Syria

ISIS = 9+1+9+1 = 20/38
grabs = 7+9+1+2+1 = 20/29
workers = 5+6+9+2+5+9+1 = 37/46
ISIS grabs workers = 77/113

A cement company?  A CC?  What's next, ISIS mass recruits at the Copacabana?  Of course this news comes on a date with '47' numerology.

4/7/2016 = 4+7+20+16 = 47

Cement = 3+5+4+5+5+2 = 24
Company = 3+6+4+7+1+5+7 = 33
Cement Company = 57

Cement = 3+5+13+5+14+20 = 60
Company = 3+15+13+16+1+14+25 = 87
Cement Company = 147


  1. Cement companies are constant cashcows for most corrupt corporations, of course constantly being hijacked by cagey crooks does curtail cashflow.

    Concerned Citizen

  2. 4+7+16= 27
    4+7+20+16= 47
    4+7+(2+0+1+6)= 20

    27+47+20= .. 94 ..

    Ninety Four" in the English Ordinal system equals 147

    Ninety Four" in the English Reduction system equals 57

    Thursday April Seventh" in the English Reduction system equals 94

    Addition of Date Numerology is Used on the Daily to coincide numerically with the days media stories. Use the technique.


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