Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, April 10, 2016

34 39 60 72 104 | Warriors tie Bulls '96 record for most wins in a season at 72, beating Spurs in San Antonio for first time since 1997

Twenty years later, the Warriors tie the Bulls 72-game win season, with a chance to break it.

Twenty = 2+5+5+5+2+7 = 26
Jordan = 1+6+9+4+1+5 = 26
Notice the timer on the story above, 0:26

A three pointer from 60-feet away?  That didn't count?

Conspiracy = 3+6+5+1+7+9+9+1+3+7 = 51/60

Notice, had the Warriors lost, it would have been their 34th loss in a row in San Antonio.  Instead, they earn their 34th win on the road, a new NBA record.  34 is the ninth Fibonacci Number, coming before 55, 89, 144, 233, 377.

Number 39 against the Spurs and 39-year old Tim Duncan!  Keep in mind the team is in their 39th year of existence.

Spurs = 1+7+3+9+1 = 21/39

62-61, you have to love it.  Notice that is a sum of 123 points.

Conspiracy = 3+15+14+19+16+9+18+1+3+25 = 123

I remember when Steph Curry supposedly made 77 three pointers in a row in practice.  Notice there are 77-seconds on the clock.

One more point.  Today is April 10, writen 10/4.  The Spurs entered the game with 104 win, and left the game with 104 wins, all-time, against the Warriors.


  1. Warriors should easily beat Memphis

    1. That's what they said last week against the Timberwolves.

    2. True but NBA has been advertising chase for 73 the last month I expect them to win

  2. Bulls opened their 95-96 season vs Dell Curry's Hornets. They also gave CHI their last loss that season. That's some crazy foreshadowing

    1. Actually Indiana gave the Bulls their last lost that regular season. Nevertheless, the Bulls 73rd game was against the Hornets. So there's definitely something there.

    2. Ha! 73rd game? Comical. Like I said, this stuff is planned for decades in advance. I wonder why their family was chosen.

  3. Something's strange about this, because the Warriors aren't that great. It's as if the powers-that-be propped Steph Curry onto this pedestal. It's a controlled changing of the guard. I look at these games so differently now, as in what's fact and what's fake?

    1. Exactly ice been saying this for months the nba is the wwe I don't understand how ppl can't see this

      Remember with the so called best player golden state lost in the first round to the clippers 2 years ago

      Materfact curry couldn't even stay healthy for most of his career

      I hope lebron takes them out so we can move on

    2. No shit lol ESPN compared Curry to Jordan beginning of the season. The whole winstreak is scripted

    3. They're pushing Curry to be the next Jordan and the Warriors as the next Bulls. Jordan is an icon on so many levels, but I don't see Curry having that type of overall impact.

      Regarding the scripting, the NBA playoffs started my suspicions. That is, how could a team play so well one game and then get blown out the next? I discovered this site, so it all makes sense now about what's going on.

    4. No They are hyping Curry up and his team so Lebron Could Defeat the best.Do you know how much Status lebron will gain after that happens? Lebron Bringing Ohio its first title is a better story then this bulls crap. Or were the 4 first #1 round draft picks in 5 years for nothing?

      i can see it now.When he brings a title to clevland the fans after that AMAZING SCRIPTED Win in the Finals like 07 Giants vs Pats Everyone will have no Problem with Lebron Leaving.

      They are trying to Have the fanbase and popularity of the Warriors Increase which is why they get all this TV time and When Lebron Wins The Warriors and Cavs will both be bringing in SO MUCH MONEY for the leauge.

      Exactly like Cam Newton in the NFL they compared him to lebron. He could have been the next big thing but nah The NFL stuck to its roots.

    5. Lol @ Bulls crap

    6. Yeah mothafuckin GSW playing on ESPN vs The Timberwolves and every time they went to commercial they flashed the damn GSW graphic of the amount of wins needed to beat the bulls.

      Predictive Programming like really? Every time they are trying to Jam that in the heads of the new people/fans because everyone loves a story

  4. Aww to bad for that dude saying spurs. It made perfect sense te streak would end at 39 because spurs equal 39.

    golden state isnt having that bulls win streak pushed for no reason. They wlll break it

    1. But that dude had pages and pages and you just have one lil decode.


    2. As soon as the Spurs won against the Rapters I knew the Warriors would beat them. I mean everyone is 39 it was perfect. Dude is a Spurs fan and you have to drop the fandom when doing Gematria.

      Hmmm This makes me a little suspicious. Could the Spurs beat Golden State in the WCF?

      What makes me Skeptical of that is the Spurs are too old.

      This Story of the Bulls and Warriors has been Pushed all season and the only way i See it doing it Justice is the big finale in the finals. It is being hyped up for the main event

      Lebron beat the Spurs already and when he beats the Warriors he will have that excuse of being alone without Irving and Love yet pushing it to 6 games.

      The King having the Crown Bestowed his head While Streamers come down in Cleveland his hometown in an epic Plot Twist.

      Lebron's Humiliation Ritual has been this Whole season being displayed as a joke by the media like Peyton.

      Curry will have everything and back to back runs.

      Also Mo Williams got a Contract on July 10th...>Date Numerology of 52,43 and 16....33 years old for 4.3 million........ 7/1 or SEVENTY one=45 and 6/2 Finals is 10 months and 23(LBJ) days...He is number 52=Prophecy....

    3. It's the 33..streak ended at 33 Stephen=33 they had that ref Sean Corbin which is a small tid bit but I noticed in the 1stquarter them showing the backside of him a lot nba finals=33..lebron only won his 2 little titles cause he as backed by the man with 33 Riley=33..if anybody wins from the east it's the Miami Heat bottom line..

  5. A little humor for everyone..

  6. Zach we have broken their code. Cleveland is winning it all this year.

    1. I don't think so warriors are the chosen ones face it they're the new next dynasty..they have all prerequisite to do so the only thing holding them back imo is Riley..

    2. U can't possibly believe that heat without lebron is going to the finals .dudnt the heat miss the playoffs last year what happen to Riley then

    3. He didn't need to do anything warriors were scripted to win

  7. Heads up on the Giants / Colts trail.

    Giants sign a linebacker today that used to play on the Colts.
    Kelvin Sheppard. He was drafted by Buffalo, traded to the Colts for Jerry Hughes, and spent the last two seasons on the Dolphins.

  8. Last game when Warriors lost Curry and Klay only 2 of 19 on 3's. Back to Back Championships=219 Warriors lost to Portland on 2/19 which is 104 days before 6/2. Today is 4/10 or 10/4. Did you see Spurs shot 9 of 23 in the 1st quarter? Had a good feeling they were dundee after I saw that. Warriors had 92 points. "Warriors win Back to Back"=92 I can't even count how many times all year the announcers and what not say Back to Back in every Warriors game. Either programming the shit out of people to fake them out or not many people notice and they are winning. Plus 34 Road Wins and Win on the 34th game in San Antonio. They beat the Cavs by 34 points on 1/18 34 Cavs games after Lebron shot 9 of 23 on 11/4. Even beat the Lakers by 34 on 11/24. 111-77. Been a lot of 34 references in regards to the Warriors. The Amtrak Wrecks connected. The first in Kansas the 34th State. Then the next on April 3 or 4/3 or 3/4.

    1. notice Kobe had 35 points tonight when the halftime score of spurs warriors was 35-35 too

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Tie the record on siblings day!

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  13. Is it a surprise to anyone that the streak ended at 33? Lol comical.


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