Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

44 87 96 114 | CNN's Wisconsin headlines, 'Which wave will break?'

Which = 5+8+9+3+8 = 33
wave = 5+1+4+5 = 15/33
will = 5+9+3+3 = 20
break = 2+9+5+1+2 = 19/28
Which wave will break? = 87/96/114

Interesting numbers coded into the headline....

Clinton = 3+12+9+14+20+15+14 = 87
Voting = 22+15+20+9+14+7 = 87

Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96

Executive = 5+24+4+3+21+20+9+22+5 = 114

And let us not forget these headlines have to do with 'Wisconsin'.  The candidates are running to be the 44th Person to be President.

Wisconsin = 5+9+1+3+6+5+1+9+5 = 44


  1. Do you still think something is in the works for the Hoover Dam? I wonder if you've got their attention enough that they alter their plans based off of your predictions.

    1. I noticed at the beginning of the game last night, one of the first commercials showed the Hoover Dam. The Giants and Royals World Series had a lot of synchs with the Hoover Dam. Something is coming for a lot of the major infrastructure in this country. When that day comes, we know we'll be entering into WW3.

    2. What's funny is Fallout New Vegas the ending for the main story involved Hoover Dam. Also there is a mission where you have to shoot the President

    3. Hoover Dam Spring Twenty Sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 144

  2. April 5th , 2016

    4+5+16= 25
    4+5+20+16= 45
    4+5+(2+0+1+6)= 18

    25+45+18= .. 88 ..

    All day they have been talking on CNN about Trump's Wall Plan.

    Trump Border Wall Plan" in the English Reduction system equals 88

    Trump" in the English Ordinal system equals 88

    Wave Break" in the English Ordinal system equals 88

    Looks like Trump will say something tonight that finally the media will tell us to be offended by.

  3. "trump under siege" in the English Reduction system equals 78 the reflection of 87

    "a toss-up" in the English Ordinal system equals 111

    "a toss-up" in the English Sumerian system equals 666

    "point break" in the English Ordinal system equals 111

    "point break" in the English Sumerian system equals 666

  4. Cruz is their puppet.

    "A must-win for Cruz" in the English Ordinal system equals 227

    "A must-win for Cruz" in the English Reduction system equals 74

  5. Off topic.
    Do the NBA have any small sacrifice games as a tribute to winning something bigger. The cavs are playing their 78th game of the season today (nba finals = 78) and they are playing the bucks in Wisconsin.
    Wisconsin = 44. Nba finals on 2/6/2016 = 44
    33 is the sacrifice number and if the bucks win then they will have 33 total wins on the season and the cavs will have 33 conference wins still. The bucks will stay on 45 total losses as well, 4/5/2016 = 45.
    The bucks coach Jason kidd = 33 and the manager John hammond = 115. Fifty eight = 115.
    There are 58 days left till the finals.
    I think the cavs lose tonight and win the finals.

  6. Wisconsin was mentioned 3 times in the end-of-the-world movie 2012 which seemed weirdly random. It was also described as the new South Pole after the event.

    1. The "which wave will break made me think of it as that movies advertising heavily featured giant tsunami waves.

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