Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, April 14, 2016

45 108 | Bernie Sanders and Pope Francis headlines, CNN, April 14, 2016

Notice the gematria of '108' and '45'.  These were the big numbers on the college championship won by the Catholic School Villanova for college hoops, a championship that was seemingly connected to Pope Francis and his departure of the United States from Philadelphia.

Also, as I pointed out last June, Bernie had all the numbers connecting to the Philadelphia train wreck that also connected to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church.


  1. Bernie makes me sick just like all the other Jews. It's not hard to see he is a shill. Pope is for NWO,,.People keep falling for the same tricks

    1. Seeing LOTS of Bernie stickers around town. That's the most heartbreaking, seeing good people with good intentions being hoodwinked yet again. Conversely I don't see any Trump supporters, I've even talked to people who realize he is nothing but an actor. Why they can't then make the leap to realize the same about all of the others, is beyond me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It's sad how uninformed people are. I agree & have been trying to tell people Trump is a shill for Hillary, of course they don't believe me. But even a layer above that, they are uninformed on Trump's actual rhetoric aside from media demonization. If you take Sanders & Trump seriously as contenders for leadership, based on their actual policies, Trump is the only one with proposals that would actually strengthen the nation economically. If he were serious, the only proposals I see real issues with is tagging all the Muslims, & the completely un-nuanced illegal immigrant deportation.
      Obviously, illegal immigrants do contain a high amount of tax leeching, but there's better ways than across-the-board deportation.
      Aside from that I think as a shill, he is associated with the only strong national policies so the media can twist his quotes & turn the mindless against those ideas because they stand in the say of globalization by maintaining a strong independence.
      All the others propose things to weaken the country.

      Also, Zach, I apologize for not coming with the numbers so much as I used to, I'm just a young person & very busy trying to get on my feet.
      But I realized The Trump Organization was formed >93< years before the 2016 election. Can't beat the classics.

  3. Tennessee will send the top selection along with its fourth- (No. 113) and sixth-round (No. 177) picks this year to the Rams in exchange for Los Angeles' first-round pick (No. 15), two second-round selections (Nos. 43 and 45) and a third-round pick (No. 76) in 2016. The Titans also will get the Rams' first- and third-round picks in 2017.P.


  4. Replies
    1. They traded three picks, I think. Like a 4th and a 6th.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Giants Schedule is the 2nd easiest.....

  7. Francis Bernie" in the English Ordinal system equals 123

    Feel The Bern Pope Francis" in the English Reduction system equals 114 / 123

    Jorge Mario Bergoglio" in the English Reduction system equals 111

    New York" in the English Ordinal system equals 111

    Holy Father Feels The Bern" in the English Reduction system equals 111

    Your Holiness Feels The Bern" in the English Reduction system equals 119 / 146

    Vatican City" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    Pope Bern" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    4+14+16= 34
    4+14+20+16= 54
    4+14+(2+0+1+6)= 27
    4+1+4+(2+0+1+6)= 18

    34+54+27+18= .. 133 ..

    One Three Three" in the English Reduction system equals 74

    One Three Three" in the English Ordinal system equals 146

    Vatican New York" in the English Reduction system equals 64

    Thursday April " in the English Reduction system equals 64 / 73

    Thursday April Fourteenth" in the English Reduction system equals 115

    Thursday April Fourteenth Twenty Sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 174 / 183

    1. Today's date has 27 Numerology. Ever Wonder why Zion Kills Entertainers at Age 27.

      Twenty Seven" in the English Reduction system equals 46

      Two Seven" in the English Reduction system equals 33

      Two Seven" in the English Ordinal system equals 123


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