Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

46 118 322 523 | Donald Trump's tentative meeting with Megyn Kelly on May 23, 2016

The Donald?

The = 2+8+5 = 15
Donald = 4+6+5+1+3+4 = 23
The Donald = 38 (Death)

The = 20+8+5 = 33
Donald = 4+15+14+1+12+4 = 50
The Donald = 83

A couple of months back, I said that there might be a Trump assassination attempt or worse on May 23, 2016.  It is interesting that this is now the date of this potential segment with Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly, two people that have an ongoing public feud that has been mainstream news to the masses in the last year.

In light of this potential 'date for death', let us examine what is curious about Megyn Kelly, the MK mind control tool for the masses that she is.  If you don't know what MK Ultra is yet, it is the impact through the television and mainstream media that is had on the zombie like masses.

First notice that Megyn Kelly is born on November 18, the 322nd day of the year, the number associated with Yale's Skull and Bones, the Masonic fraternity with ties to the Presidency.

11/181970 = 11+18+19+70 = 118 (Death, Jewish Gematria)
11/18/1970 = 11+18+(1+9+7+0) = 46 (46-years old) (Donald born in '46) (Sacrifice = 46)
11/18/1970 = 1+1+1+8+1+9+7+0 = 28
11/18/70 = 11+18+70 = 99

Megyn = 4+5+7+7+5 = 28
Marie = 4+1+9+9+5 = 28
Kelly = 2+5+3+3+7 = 20
Megyn Marie Kelly = 76
Megyn Kelly = 48 (Propaganda) (Illuminati) (Hollywood) (Evil) (Hoax)

Megyn = 13+5+7+25+14 = 64
Marie = 13+1+18+9+5 = 46
Kelly = 11+5+12+12+25 = 65
Megyn Marie Kelly = 175

Remember, May 23, 2016 is the 144th day of the year in 2016.

5/23/16 = 5+23+16 = 44
May 23, 2016 is the 144th day of the year
Forty-Four = 6+15+18+20+25+6+15+21+18 = 144

Katie Couric, KC, 113, my favorite.

Katie = 2+1+2+9+5 = 19
Couric = 3+6+3+9+9+3 = 33
Katie Couric = 52

Katie = 11+1+20+9+5 = 46
Couric = 3+15+21+18+9+3 = 69
Katie Couric = 115

KC = 11 3
Mainstream = 113
Dishonest = 113
Green Screen = 113

Notice how the big names in propaganda media have had Kelly on to discuss this feud between her and 'The Donald'.

The Donald sure is effective.  My goodness.

USA Today and other mainstream outlets covered this story today, with the same May 23 projection date.

Below is a reader contribution on the subject.


  1. Zach what do you think about the May 15th date? because that was the day George Wallaces attempt was 44 years ago

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  6. Weird because there's been several articles about Trump and Graves. He got approval around 7/22/15 to build a Cemetary at his own golf course "Trump national Golf club" in Bed minster, NJ. He is planning on putting the mass grave site behind the first hole of the '36' hole golf course. The grave site will be for he and his family to be buried when they pass away as well as members perhaps of the golf club which include Bill Clinton and other famous names. Link is:

    1. Then there the incident where trump supporters drove over graves on a grave site in Bloomington Illinois around 03/14/2016.. Article is:

    2. Then of course a grave is found with Trumps name on it on Easter with his Birth date and no date of death. Easter the say of Jesus' resurrection. Funny thing is Trumps Father and Grandmothers middle name was "Christ". Trump is German though. Donald Trump = 48. 48 = 223rd prime number. The United states has (48) lower states. All this stuff and news articles though about Donald Trump and Graves. WHY? Something is going to happen to him.. It may be a Mexican who kills him...maybe El Chapo with have something to do with it too since he threatened trump on Twitter. Maybe El Chapo is the patsy or boogie man. The article about the Trump  grave in  Central park New York City is :

    3. Lastly I want to point out something I found using Prime numbers.. ..its like Trump was born for Skull and Bones or some secrets society Destiny. He was born on 06/14/19-46. So take each number to its corresponding prime then add it up. 6th prime = 13 , 14th prime = 43, 19th prime = 67, and 46th prime = 199. 13+43+67+199 = (322). Lucifer = 223 using prime numbers in the same way. Megyn Kelly born on 322nd day of year. Her birthday and Trumps birthday are 22 weeks 3 days apart (223). She works for FOX news (FOX) = 666. Something's in store for him. May 23 makes sense because its 22 days after May 1 which is Beltane, its 22 days before his bday on 06/14, and there's 222 days til the end of the year, 239 days before 01/20/2017, the day a new president is to take office

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