Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, April 7, 2016

49 94 144 | My parents birthdays and my own birthday... (try this with your own parents and yourself)

My father's birthday is April 18.
My birthday is July 21.
My mother's birthday is September 8.

From my father's birthday to my birthday is 94-days, and from my birthday to my mother's birthday is 49-days.

This is interesting in light of the fact that I have a life lesson number of '49'.

7/21/1983 = 7+21+(1+9+8+3) = 49
Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49

I also like the Bible verse, Revelation 21:7, which corresponds with my date of birth.

The total span of days between my father's birthday and my mother's birthday is 144-days.  There's something happening here, what it is, ain't exactly clear.


  1. Very interesting. Everything happens for a reason
    My younger siblings birthday is august 2nd
    Mine is February 10th
    And my older sibling is October 6th

    1. My sister's birthday is December 7, or 12/7.... mine is July 21, 7/21

  2. This magnet tech thing is feeling more legit all the time. Gary Player, 80 years old, makes a hole in one on day one of the 80Th Master??

    1. Hole in One--!227(J)

      Nice for an 80 year old on the 80th Masters. So much going and coming around.

    2. It wqs actually at the Par-3 Course, not the Tournament itself, which set a record with 9 holes in one and the winner had a -19 score, also a record.

  3. Thursday July " in the English Reduction system equals 49

    Thursday Nineteen Eighty Three" in the English Reduction system equals 143

    Revelation twenty one seven" in the English Reduction system equals 111

    Hubbard Numerical Evidence" in the English Reduction system equals 111

    94+49= .. 143 ..

  4. In various posts, Zach, you have written:

    1.) From my father's birthday to my birthday is 94-days, and from my birthday to my mother's birthday is 49-days.
    2.) Zachary Keefe Hubbard = 89
    3.) Timothy Steven Hubbard = 89
    4.) My mother's birthday is September 8, 1952. Emphasis on 8/9.
    5.) My sister's birthday is December 7, or 12/7.... mine is July 21, 7/21

    And this, of course, is just a partial list. While I believe in coincidence, I also believe in mathematical odds. What's the sheer random chance of all your most special relationships being numerically encoded? Pretty sparse odds, I'd say. Seriously.

    My personal opinion, provided that all this information is correct, is that you have had some factual verification of your "life's calling" arranged for you (by God.) Nothing speaks better than facts, which is why your work, your website and your YouTube channel are so important to people.


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