Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, April 11, 2016

88 110 411 | CNN's front page story, April 11, 2016, 'It's a corrupt deal going on', presidential campaign politics

Keep in mind these are the headlines for April 11, or 4/11 and also 11/4.  In history, this hasn't been a nice number for Presidents, just ask JFK.

Notice the name of Trump's new hire for his convention strategy.

Manafort = 13+1+14+1+6+15+18+20 = 88
Trump = 20+18+21+13+16 = 88


  1. Its not hard to picture a Trump/Sanders ticket when they both get screwed at their Conventions. If you think the media attacks are bad now - wow, will it get insane if those 2 team up.

    Trump Sanders =51, 168, 1008, 780. All those numbers have been highly ritualized this year.

    1. No, that would never be a ticket. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump don't mix.

  2. Trump Sanders =220 (Bacon) - lots of 22 significance these days as well.

    I actually see a path of unification between the two - they agree on many issues. Though I also agree with your point that they don't mix....BUT, Bush didn't "mix" with Reagan - Gore didn't "mix" w/ Clinton - LBJ certainly didn't mix w/ JFK.

    I'll keep the rest of my comments on subject, and liked the 110 examples in the post - I Smell A Rat =110, and that fits in nicely ;)

    1. No... these are not good comparisons. Have you paid attention to any of the debates? Bernie Sanders speaks very harshly about Donald Trump, and the supporters of Bernie Sanders despise Donald Trump. Also, when was the last time there was a Democratic and Republican ticket?

    2. If Trump gets hoax assassinated, all of this is moot anyway. I'm still leaning towards Obama disappearing. It makes more sense, and will spark more race war in this country.


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