Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, May 14, 2016

12 52 64 | Mexican American War and Pope prison riots in Mexico headlines from earlier this year (World War III hinting?)

I remember on the 42nd day of the year, February 11, there were these headlines about 52-people being killed in a Mexican prison days before the 'Pope' arrived.

Pope = 16+15+16+5 = 52
Prophecy = 7+9+6+7+8+5+3+7 = 52

February 11, 42nd day of the year...
War = 23+1+18 = 42...

The Mexican American War began after supposedly 12 US troops were killed and 52 injured by Mexican forces, a total of 64 men.... the same numbers in history.

American = 1+13+5+18+9+3+1+14 = 64
311, the 64th Prime Number

Earlier this year I talked about how the Pope's visit paralleled Abdul Baha's visit to the United States for precisely 239-days shortly before World War I.  Remember the Pope's big day was September 23, or 23/9.


  1. The date 5/23 may be significant in triggering ww3. I find your blog very interesting zach. It's crazy how all these numbers coincide with what's happening in the world. But I definitely believe it's not just all a coincidence. Definitely something going on.

  2. The date 5/23 may be significant in triggering ww3. I find your blog very interesting zach. It's crazy how all these numbers coincide with what's happening in the world. But I definitely believe it's not just all a coincidence. Definitely something going on.

  3. So all the money is being put on OKC OR 55-44

    The Over and Under is 223.......Isnt that the gematria for the team?

    Does this mean they win?

    1. Flip Saunders, from Cleveland, Ohio, born on 2/23. The stars of the Cavs wear 0, 2 and 23.

  4. The numbers prove that we live in a programmed reality. A finite amount of data was programed in and it just repeats over and over only changing the names dates and locations. Its like a phonograph record. We arent circling a sun so much as looping thru a preprogrammed data set in which events appear to happen. I think it has to do with convincing us that time is passing. That would mean that we are cut off from the rest of creation as tho we were in a cave or something, ...or maybe on a planet all alone apparently the only intelligent life in the universe (ironic laugh)

    The bible even admits it. "There is nothing new under the sun."

  5. I was looking at my ssn the other day I wonder why the particular 3 2 4 grouping of the numbers what are they for? What does that tell the overlords about me?
    Probably way more than we think it does. I have an uncomfortable feeling that it's to do with our genus, family traits, etc like the way plants and animals are typed and grouped.
    Filling out a form the other day I thought about how many times I have had to fill out forms in my life, the same info copied down over and over again every single time. This number represents me yet I know nothing about it. Sometimes I fuck with it, or my birthday, other assorted info when filling out forms just because I resent having to do it all the time, and to see how long it takes before they come back whining for a correction.

  6. If there is one thing authority hates, it's being questioned. Anytime I ask about stuff like could u explain my ssn to me what it stands for, why I have those particular numbers, etc they smugly point u to the official explication that u already read, and just read it to u without further explanation if u persist in pestering them, growing ever more irritated as if u r the dumbest person alive.
    I used to get that in school all the time with the added dose of my peers snickering "she's so dumb" till I learned to keep my mouth shut.
    See, I always thought I was dumb because i never understood what everyone else seemed to so I was asking for help but all I got was humiliated. Until I realized that no one else understood either, they just pretended they did and thats why they got so mad at u for making them explain what they didn't really understand it reminds them that they r hypocrites nd it doesn't feel good .

    1. Sometimes it takes awhile to see the truth. Cheers to you.

  7. Man united v Bournemouth match postponed today.
    Suspect package found in stadium.
    Man united last match against West Ham was delayed.
    What's going on??

    1. There match against West ham was delayed because of riots I was there so I can assure you all this took place. Bomb scare seems like a total HOAX.

  8. Zach de-code this story ? Just more fear mongering and I can bet my house that there will be more BS Story's during EURO's
    What better way to false a event and install fear at the highest capacity stadium last game of season too

  9. Manchester Uniteds home ground is called Old Trafford.
    Old Trafford =119
    Last week I remember in the NHL playoff game between TB lightning and NY islanders the weird timing of the goals.
    The first one was, 6:11 into the game.
    911 upside down and 119 upside down and backwards.
    The second one was when there was 1:19 left in 1st period.
    The third one was when there was 1:19 left in power play.
    The fourth one was 4:40 into the third period..
    Is this a connection?


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