Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, May 26, 2016

16 44 53 74 | Nuclear weapons program is run on 'floppy disks' in 2016? Nuclear weapons a hoax?

As I continue to say, it seems that nuclear weapons are nothing more than a fear mongering tool, which truly do not exist.

Nuclear = 74
Weapon = 74
Energy = 74
Masonic = 74

Why are we being told that nukes run on floppy disks still in 2016?

Floppy Disks = 53/71
Floppies = 44/53
53, the 16th prime number

'Nuclear war' also sums to '44'.

Nuclear = 5+3+3+3+5+1+9 = 29
War = 5+1+9 = 15
Nuclear War = 44

What about that claim seems believable?


  1. Not to mention, with all the psychotic people we have running this world, you're telling me we haven't seen a "nuke" drop since WW2? Totally a fear mongering tool. Every other day InfoShills talks about some part of the world getting suitcase nuked. It's a joke lol.

    1. I agree 100%. Michael Weiner (Savage) is always talking about the suitcase nuke.... I hate that guy.

    2. I used to listen to Weiner when I first became interested in politics. I was a fan for a while, but when I woke up, I realized he's nothing but a HUGE shill for Israel. You listen to him enough, you'd swear Israel could do no wrong. They also refer to him as Doctor Savage, yet he says the GMO garbage is good to eat. Some "doctor" he is.

    3. Exactly. Someone would have dropped a suicidal nuke by now. Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a dirty bomb set off on the ground, probably by a Fat Man and Little Boy. Im not even so sure they did it like that, radiation spread did happen, but the bomb was an ACME case straight outta Road Runner cartoons.

  2. Yep, this is like the Osama Bin Ladin billionaire that lives in a cave/secret hideout from which he masterminded 911 with just a cell phone and fax machine. Silly James Bond type villains and weapons. The Judy Wood theory of a magic Lazer beam weapon that was used to disentegrate the WTC on 911 is one that has a lot of believers. Wonder if they will take that one to the next level since nukes seem to be losing their threat?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Plus the word floppy, what about that word inspires confidence? Flip flopper is a big insult for politicians. Films that are flops are losers, floppy boobs need a bra, flopsy is a name for a bunny.
    The overlords choose their words very deliberately. Probably there will be calls for more money to "clean up" and upgrade the plants as well as more Fukushima type events.

    It occurs to me that the media is like a priest giving us all our daily meditations filled with worries and problems to count off throughout the day like rosary beads.

  5. Solo, I'm a soloist on a solo list
    All live, never on a floppy disk

    1. Saddens me that RATM looks like controlled opposition

    2. For reals love me RATM awakened me at 6 years old but god damn they are selling out minus zack who seems to be the realist..when there's a RATM something and zack is not involved it's always suspect to me..although zack has shown a lot of love and respect to BReal though out the years . They're all from the same

    3. Prophets of rage=88

      Comming back for trumps run at presidency

    4. They always come back around election time. ZDR made me aware of many things in the early 90's. So I take the good with the bad. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the control of "culture". The psyop of our lives, that has been fed to us from birth. And its been the same since we could record history

    5. +Kevin Gillooly: What is RATM?

    6. +44 33 115
      Rage Against the Machine , front man Zach de la Rocha, Tom Morello on guitar- both speak out against issues, but more and more I see how we only know what They have let us know

  6. Much like "snail mail" via USPS is still likely a more privacy conscious option, so is this type of data retainment. Truthfully speaking, "sneaker transport" is far more secure, though one would think they'd go to USB sticks. The size and the relative ability to conceal and destroy disk material is easier than attempting to destroy even a USB stick, however. Convenience is not the issue, security is the issue.

  7. This is such a joke. Reminds we of the movie WarGames which just so happened to come out 6-3-83 or 32 years ago 11 weeks 23 days.


  8. Nuclear physics is a complete and utter load of nonsense. Nuclear energy is a fraud and Unclear Weapons DO NOT EXIST.

  9. Maybe "floppy disks" are code for UFOs. Keep your eyes open for the NASA Frisbee invasion photographs.


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