Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

21 39 66 93 511 | Stephen Curry wins MVP, May 11, 2016, at Oracle Arena

That emphasis on 'Blessed' tells the story.

Blessed = 2+3+5+1+1+5+4 = 21/39 (Bible = 21) (39 Books in OT)
Blessed = 2+12+5+19+19+5+4 = 66 (66 Books in the Bible)

Recall that both 'Revelation' and 'Warriors' sum to 49.  Revelation is the 49th Book of the Bible.  The name Philadelphia originally comes from Revelation, just like the Warriors originally come from Philadelphia.

The Jews who control the NBA script the events of the league the same way they script the events of this world we live in.  It is all a show.

Of course Curry winning on May 11, in Oracle Arena, is also a tribute to Saturn, the Keeper of Time.

Oracle Arena = 93
Saturn = 93
Saturn = 511 (Jewish Gematria) (A lot like 5/11 for May 11)

Revelation is a book about the end of time.


  1. Zach check this out: Sweden hockey player Gustav Nyquist gets a hat trick at world championships

    Their jersey is 3 crowns:

    Nyquist triple crown is looking like a lock

  2. Final score Blazers 121 - 125 Warriors

    Nice tribute for the warriors in this game

    121 = Warriors

    Halftime score 63-58 = 121
    2nd half score 58-67 = 125

  3. Wow So the Heat just lost 95-91 which was the same score as the Spurs losing to OKC?? Anyone elaborate on this?

    1. Oh no mb the heat lost with the spurs

    2. Wouldn't be surprised if they both came from behind to win series 4-3. I think the heat will but the Spurs series is a hard one to call.

    3. I was thinking the same thing so the mobs can have its dream Spurs vs Warriors in cavs vs heat

      I would be very shocked if raptors in Okc win

  4. Different sport, but you might wanna take a lot at Max Scherzer's 20K performance against his former team, the Tigers, last night. Ties the MLB record. Looks fishy, even on the surface lol.

    1. I caught that bro
      What stood out is scherzer had 21 balls and was going for 21 strikeouts. Came short of 21 with 20 strikeouts with 119 pitches thrown ..96 strikes. VS his old team Detroit Tigers ..

      Maybe they messed it up and they were going for 21 strikeouts and 21 balls on the 120th pitch or 121st pitch??? All in all tho there was 119 pitches and 96 strikes.we know about 96 and 119..

    2. Twenty Ks---137

      Washington DC---137

    3. And now with 4 men in the club , they've got a 20 K

      Pitching Rotation- ---666(J)


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