Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, May 5, 2016

33 51 58 86 93 105 | Tim Kaine rumors for Hillary Vice President

Timothy Kaine has some numbers.

Timothy = 2+9+4+6+2+8+7 = 38 (Tim = 2+9+4 = 15)
Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Kaine = 2+1+9+5+5 = 22
Timothy Michael Kaine = 93 (The year Hillary became First Lady)
Tim Kaine = 37

*A quick note on 'First Lady' and 'Executive'.

First Lady = 6+9+18+19+20+12+1+4+25 = 114
Executive = 5+24+5+3+21+20+9+22+5 = 114

Timothy = 20+9+13+15+20+8+25 = 110 (Tim = 20+9+13 = 42)
Michael = 13+9+3+8+1+5+12 = 51
Kaine = 11+1+9+14+5 = 40
Timothy Michael Kaine = 201
Tim Kaine = 82

Tim Kaine's February 26, 1958 birthday stands out.  Recall, the '93 WTC bombing, that happened on Tim's birthday, when Bill Clinton had just become the 42nd President of the United States.  Also, that year '58, 58-years ago....  Freemasonry = 58.  The World Trade Centers were also 110-stories tall, matching the gematria of 'Timothy'.

2/26/1958 = 2+26+19+58 = 105
2/26/1958 = 2+26+(1+9+5+8) = 51 (Federal)
2/26/1958 = 2+2+6+1+9+5+8 = 33 (Clinton)
2/26/58 = 2+26+58 = 86 (Symbol, Triangle, Pyramid)


  1. Eli Manning giving a Speech about a Cancer Patient.

    It is Sad that these Athletes are freemasons but Marshawn Lynch was helping people in Hati build schools.

  2. Clinton Kaine Sixteen--223, 1338

    Kaine Clinton Two Thousand Sixteen---383

    Kaine Clinton Ballot--!520(J)

    President Clinton Vice President Kaine- --1380

  3. Also Sheppard is going to wear Number 87 like his dad did......Derrick Sheppard won a Super Bowl in his First year 1987 with the Redskins vs the Broncos.

    Very Interesting.....

  4. hey zach do you rik clay ?

  5. No idea what it means, but I noticed ESPN has articles on the Neals from the draft, Keanu for Atl and Griffin for the Saints. So wuz up with Neal?

    Neal---32, 192, 66(J)

    Keanu Neal---84, 504, 322(J)

    Griffin Neal---101, 606, 233(J)

    A QB and a DB drafted by rivals with matching gematria? I smell a rivarly brewing.


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