Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, May 6, 2016

38 44 58 71 74 93 113 139 | The death of Afeni Shakur and Tupac Shakur in light of the real Machiavelli

Recall Tupac Shakur used the stage name Makaveli for his final album, which released after his death.  The name was a play on Machiavelli, the Italian politician and philosopher who taught the art of brutality.  Machieavelli is best remembered for his book THE PRINCE.  The album was recorded in August, less than a month before he died in September.  If you have never seen the album before, the cover is below.

In history, the real Machiavelli was born May 3, 1469, and died June 21 at the age of 58, the number connected to Freemasonry.

Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58

Just days ago, Tupac's mother passed on May 2, the day before his birthday.  Remember, Tupac's mother was once a black panther, the group founded by 'Huey P. Newton' in 'Oakland' on the 122nd meridian as masonic controlled opposition.  Tupac's mom would die on May 2, which is typically the 122nd day of the year.  Let us not forget the word 'Freemason' sums to 122 in the Francis Bacon method.

Huey P. Newton = 8+3+5+7+7+5+5+5+2+6+5 = 58
Oakland = 15+1+11+12+1+14+4 = 58

Notice how 'Makaveli' ties in with 'rapper', 'Jesus', 'cross' and more.  It has that 'masonic' coding.

Makaveli = 13+1+11+1+22+5+12+9 = 74
Rapper = 18+1+16+16+5+18 = 74
Jesus = 10+5+19+21+19 = 74
Cross = 3+18+15+19+19 = 74
Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74
Jewish = 10+5+23+9+19+8 = 74

Don Killuminati, the small print, also sums to 74.

Don Killuminati = 4+6+5+2/11+9+3+3+3+4+9+5+1+2+9 = 65/74

It is interesting to note that from Machiavelli's birthday to Tupac's birthday, June 16, is 44-days, the number associated with killing.  It is also a span of 1-month and 13-days.

Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44

If you've never seen Tupac's last music video, "I ain't mad at cha", Tupac is shown in heaven.  The song and video start with the word "Change".  The song is off his prior album, the double disc, 'All Eyez on Me'.

Change = 3+8+1+14+7+5 = 38
Death = 4+5+1+20+8 = 38
Rapper = 9+1+7+7+5+9 = 38
9/13/1996 = 9+1+3+1+9+9+6 = 38
Blasphemy = 2+3+1+1+7+8+5+4+7 = 38 (Track on Makaveli)

You can't say the signs weren't there.  Tupac on the cross, music videos in heaven?

In my last posts on the death of Afeni Shakur, I covered the parallels between her death and Hussein Fatal's from last year, a member of 2Pac's Outlawz rap group.  If you missed that post, read below.

Notice she died on the 122nd day of the year, as a former Black Panther Party member, the group established as controlled opposition, on the 122nd Meridian West.

Alice = 1+3+9+3+5 = 21
Faye = 6+1+7+5 = 19
Williams = 5+9+3+3+9+1+4+1 = 35/44
Alice Faye Williams = 75/84 (New World Order = 75) (United States of America = 84) (Jesuit = 84)

Alice = 1+12+9+3+5 = 30
Faye = 6+1+25+5 = 37
Williams = 23+9+12+12+9+1+13+19 = 98
Alice Faye Williams = 165

1/10/1947 = 1+10+19+47 = 77
1/10/1947 = 1+10+(1+9+4+7) = 32
1/10/1947 = 1+1+0+1+9+4+7 = 23
1/10/47 = 1+10+47 = 58 (Freemasonry) (Secret Society) (Tupac Shakur)

5/2/2016 = 5+2+20+16 = 43 (RIP)
5/2/2016 = 5+2+2+0+1+6 = 16 (Sixteen = 33)
5/2/16 = 5+2+16 = 23 (Symbol)

Let us decode Tupac's birth name.

Lesane = 3+5+1+1+5+5 = 20/29
Parish = 7+1+9+9+1+8 = 35/44
Crooks = 3+9+6+6+2+1 = 27/36/45
Lesane Parish Crooks = 82/91/109/118 (Death = 118, Jewish Gematria)

Lesane = 12+5+19+1+14+5 = 56
Parish = 16+1+18+9+19+8 = 71
Crooks = 3+18+15+15+11+19 = 81
Lesane Parish Crooks = 208

6/16/1971 = 6+16+19+71 = 112 (911 alt)
6/16/1971 = 6+16+(1+9+7+1) = 40
6/16/1971 = 6+1+6+1+9+7+1 = 31
6/16/71 = 6+16+71 = 93 (Crucifix) (Martin Luther King Jr.) (Malcolm X)

With regards to June 16, or 16/6, it reminds me of '166', and that Malcolm X was killed in the Audubon Ballroom.  This number '166' has multiple ties to September 11, just type in '166' at and see.

Audubon = 1+21+4+21+2+15+14 = 78
Ballroom = 2+1+12+12+18+15+15+13 = 88
Audubon Ballroom = 166

Audubon = 1+3+4+3+2+6+5 = 24
Ballroom = 2+1+3+3+9+6+6+4 = 34
Audubon Ballroom = 58

Tupac Shakur died September 13 after being shot September 7, six days earlier, a total span of 7-days.

Tupac = 20+21+16+1+3 = 61
Shakur = 19+8+1+11+21+18 = 78
Tupac Shakur = 139 (Dead 13/9, September 13)

Tupac = 2+3+7+1+3 = 16 (Mom dead in '16, "by the numbers")
Shakur = 1+8+1+2+3+9 = 24/33/42
Tupac Shakur = 40/49/58

The word 'Freemasonry' sums to 58, 67 and 139.

Tupac had just exited the MGM after the Tyson and Holyfield fight.

9/13/1996 = 9+13+19+96 = 137 (33rd prime)
9/13/1996 = 9+13+(1+9+9+6) = 47
9/13/1996 = 9+1+3+1+9+9+6 = 38 (Death)
9/13/96 = 9+13+96 = 118 (Death)

Tupac's mother died 7,171-days after her son.  This is interesting in light of Tupac being born in '71.

Catholic = 71

Forty-Four = 144
Seventy-One = 144

Recall in the first post I did on Afeni Shakur's death, there were standout connections to the Catholics an Jesuits.


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    3. so, if something happen with the Queen this year, by the codes, they would say "Heart Attack / Congestive Heart Failure"...

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  3. ****Don't Read This*******
    >>> WARNING <<<< (Could Be Worth Your Time)

    Tupac Shakur All Eye's' On Me I Ain't Mad At Cha" in the English Reduction system equals 135 / 144

    Tupac All Eye'z' On Me I Ain't Mad At Cha" in the English Reduction system equals 118

    Tupac All Eye's' On Me I Ain't Mad At Cha" in the English Reduction system equals 111

    The Video and Single Release Day Sunday September 15, 1996

    September Fifteenth" in the English Reduction system equals 88

    9+15+96= 120
    9+15+19+96= 139
    9+15+(1+9+9+6)= 49
    9+1+5+(1+9+9+6)= 40

    Forty Nine" in the English Reduction system equals 54

    Forty Nine" in the English Ordinal system equals 126

    All Eyes On Me" in the English Reduction system equals 45 / 54

    All Eyes On Me" in the English Ordinal system equals 126

    Tupac All Eyes on Me" in the English Reduction system equals 61

    Tupac All Eyes on Me" in the English Ordinal system equals 187

    Skull and Bones Kill Tupac" in the English Reduction system equals 74 / 83

    Skull and Bones Kill Tupac" in the English Ordinal system equals 254

    Two Five Four" in the English Reduction system equals 61

    Two Fifty Four" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Two Hundred Fifty Four" in the English Reduction system equals 105

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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