Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

46 235 666 | 'Hit and Run' card in Illuminati Card Game, May 23 or August 22 Assassiantion foreshadowing?

May 23, or 23/5, is the 144th day of 2016.  When you sum the first 144 decimal points of Pi, it totals 666.  In the KJV Bible, there are 666-chapters have Psalms 46.  August 22 is also the 235th day of the year in 2016.  United States of America = 228; Death = 228

Recall Donald Trump was born in '46, the number on his "tombstone".  The date it was placed also had '46' numerology.

3/27/16 = 3+27+16 = 46
Sacrifice = 1+1+3+9+9+6+9+3+5 = 46

Notice what the card says:

Assassination!  This is an instant attack to destroy any personality, at any time.  A single fanatic group may use its action for this attack, and add to its power.

Notice what is on the license plate:


The date May 23 can be written 23/5, a lot like '235'.

The 666 could be a reference to this year, 2016, or even the sitting President, born on August 4, the 216th day of the year.  Recall, for Lincoln, from February 23, 1861 to April 14, 1865, the assassination attempt to the actual assassination was 216-weeks.

666 = 6x6x6 = 216

If nothing happens this May 23, perhaps we're ahead of schedule?  This card game has a track record.

Related Note...

Checkout the May 23, 2015 wikipedia entry about 46 people being dead as a result of flooding in Texas and Oklahoma.

Texas = 2+5+6+1+1 = 15
Oklahoma = 6+2+3+1+8+6+4+1 = 31
Texas + Oklahoma = 46

People are also trying comparisons on this card, from the same game, also having 'assassination' connections.

Enough = 5+5+6+3+7+8 = 34
Is = 9+1/10 = 10/19
Enough = 5+5+6+3+7+8 = 34
Enough Is Enough = 78/87 (Clinton = 87)

Enough = 5+14+15+21+7+8 = 70
Is = 9+19 = 28
Enough = 5+14+15+21+7+8 = 70
Enough Is Enough = 168 (New York City)


  1. I think your'e on to something. Incredible find. Something's definitely going to happen on 5/23. Check this out. Look at 2015 dates.

  2. Delevedova signed to 6/2 is 311 days to 6/16/16 game 6 is 325 Days and the Cavs Play Game four on 5/23.

  3. Wow Zach, that's the jackpot! Tremendous.

  4. Trumps assasination for obama third term. Not saying its going to happen but prepare for the worst.

    1. David Duke may also be chosen to be sacrificed or to fake his death on May 23rd, 2016

  5. wow

    1. That guy sounds like he can't believe the Trump candidacy would be a joke... Poor guy.

  6. I wonder. Too early. I wouldn't think any thing like that will happen until after the political conventions are over for more traumatic shock. Trump will be dumped and Hillary indicted but after the conventions. Then the "Dark Horse", the American Pharaoh will pick up his third crown.

  7. May 23rd is Lucky Penny day apparently. :D A day where you put your 'Two Cents' in ... so the google yoke says.
    'Two Cents' = 119
    From Trumps 69th birthday on June 14th 2015, to May 23rd 2016 = 11 months 9 days ( 119 ) ...
    'Lucky Penny Day' = 59
    'Superstition' = 59
    'Kill' = 59

    1. Hi Dar.
      Read my post below about the rate of a postage stamp being reduced from 49 to 47 cents. Two cents.

    2. Hey how are you ... Class stuff, had a look there now ... here few things noticed ... could be nothing but some seem interesting :)

      With the price at 47 cents. 'Trump' = 470 in Jewish.
      'Forty Seven' = 50. 'Donald = 50 / 119.
      If you add the 3 stamp prices, 47+68+34 = 167.
      Trump announced his candidacy on June 16th 2015, the 167th day of the year.
      167 is the only prime number, requiring exactly 8 cubes to express it. If you cube the number eight...
      8x8x8 = 512.
      From the date Trump announced his candidacy, June 16th 2015, to the election date of November the 8th 2016 = 512 days.
      Were he to win, he'd be 70 years old taking office.
      'Seventy' = 660. 'Forty Seven Cents' = 66
      'Seventy' = 110 in simple. Like 'President'.

      All the best & have a class aul week, Dar! :)

  8. 9/11/11 (or 11/9/11) President Obama reads Psalms 46 (KJV)

    1. Just a side note: This year on 9/5 (September 5) will be 2 X 911 days since 9/11/11.
      Next one (3x911) will be March 5, 2019.

      From 9/11/01 to 8/28/16 is 6 X 911

      Just 9 days (216 hrs) before 9/5

    2. 8/28 this leap year will be day 241

  9. The KrsOne song Bo!Bo!Bo! is 5:23 seconds long
    bobobo = 51/24
    the song is about shooting cops and he says it is "the only way to deal with racism if youre black."
    He also has another song 5:23 long called Connection which is also about shooting people. He doesn't have many that the entire song is about shooting people.
    Then he has one that is 2:35 long called Disaster Kit which he talks about how to be prepared for a natural disaster.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Mind blowing info Zach.. Wow.. This might be the best catch to date.

  12. Political Assassination- --883(J) Pretty Interesting.

    Political Assassination May Twenty Third---462, 2772, 3060(J)

  13. Has anyone looked into Putin or a leader in another country? A hoax Putin assassination could also advance the narrative of U.S. vs Russia/WW3

    1. Yeah. I know the numbers point towards Trump and Obama, but Putin could be a wildcard.

    2. I agree with you. I'm saying that "missing" story could have been foreshadowing as well. It happened when I made a prediction months earlier that there might be an assassination of Obama... instead of that happening, Putin disappeared creating rumors.

    3. I hear ya man. Just saw that Putin disappeared for 10 days. Reminds me of Lincoln (Ten Days Later)

  14. Here is some more useless work in word phrasing as the Definition of Gematria suggests.

    Texas Oklahoma" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    Orange Car" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    Steve Jackson invented the Illuminati Card Game. I Still say to Kill Bill would be probably more effective than Trump.

    Steve Jackson" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

    Bill Hit and Run" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

    1. Automobile Hit and Run" in the English Reduction system equals 87

      Automobile Hit and Run" in the English Ordinal system equals 222

      222 Days Left in the Year May 23rd.

      Clinton" in the English Ordinal system equals 87

    2. Bill Born in Hope, Arkansas August 19, 1946

      Nineteen Forty Six" in the English Reduction system equals 87

      Nineteen Forty Six" in the English Ordinal system equals 222

    3. The entire world we live in is coded with these numbers. That is how they get this stuff to happen by programming us by the numbers.
      You can do this all day and you will constantly come up with the same numbers simply because it is the world we live in.

  15. Check this out Zach - the Cubs sign closer Joe Nathan yesterday. He was born in Houston. This could be a clue for the Cubs/Astros projection.

    I looked closer and here is what I found:

    1. Super work, I agree! LOL! Houston could not even make the Playoffs this year!!!

  16. Could be a clue pointing to the Urber incident The car on card resembles a taxi. Since, Uber wasn't around when the cards were created it makes sense that a taxi would be to signify.

  17. When you subtract 666-235 you get 431(83rd prime number)
    The reflection is 38
    Death = 38

    When you add 666+235 you get 901 or 109(29th Prime number)
    Hit and run = 109

    If we add the prime numbers (83+29) we get 112.

    1. Brooklyn = 112
      Brooklyn, New York = 223

      Maybe something occurs in Brooklyn?

      Bernie is from Brooklyn. He is still fighting against Hillary.
      He just won Oregon
      Oregon = 38 like death.
      The card appears to be a man wearing glasses and a tie.

    2. Oregon also equals 74
      38+74 = 112

  18. There was a movie released August 22, 2012 entitled "Hit & Run". I didn't see the film but maybe it will offer up some clues. There are several other entries on IMDb including a Simpsons 2003 video game.

    Another item to note in our pursuit of the May 23rd event. Effective April 10th, the United States Postal Service reduced the price of stamps to 47 cents.
    April 10 to May 23rd is 44 days.

    Per Zach's previous posts:
    47 = Republican, President
    44 = Kill, Car Crash
    Ten days later is June 1 or 6/1/16.

    United States Postal Service
    Jewish Gematria 1957
    English Reduction 96
    English Summerian 1926
    English Ordinal 321
    English Gematria 2247

    New rates:
    47 cents per one ounce letters
    68 cents for oversized letters
    34 cents postcards

    I remember seeing this announcement on the news but didn't pay much attention because I had a book of stamps. It caught my ear the other day when grocery shopping and the overhead radio announced that the store sold Forever Stamps (now for just 47 cents) at the cash register.

    Forever Stamps
    Jewish Gematria 1297
    English Reduction 60
    English Summerian 1062
    English Ordinal 177
    English Gematria 1167

    The USPS has not reduced their mailing rates for 97 years.

    "The last time that there was a decrease in the price of postage was in July 1919, when stamp prices dropped from 3 cents to 2 cents. This is only the third price decrease on record going back to the Civil War."

    Jewish Gematria 1434
    English Reduction 53
    English Summerian 912
    English Ordinal 152
    English Gematria 1574

    Ninety-Seven Years
    Jewish Gematria 2010
    English Reduction 76
    English Summerian 1320
    English Ordinal 220
    English Gematria 2470

    Civil War
    Jewish Gematria 1722
    English Reduction 43
    English Summerian 582
    English Ordinal 97
    English Gematria 1042

    1. Hi. Quality post. I tried to reply to you on my message further up the page ... Not sure if worked. Not showin' up on my browser ... me computer's a bit cabbage :D Anyway ... Here some stuff I notcied...

      With the price at 47 cents. 'Trump' = 470 in Jewish.
      'Forty Seven' = 50. 'Donald = 50 / 119.
      If you add the 3 stamp prices, 47+68+34 = 167.
      Trump announced his candidacy on June 16th 2015, the 167th day of the year.
      167 is the only prime number, requiring exactly 8 cubes to express it. If you cube the number eight...
      8x8x8 = 512.
      From the date Trump announced his candidacy, June 16th 2015, to the election date of November the 8th 2016 = 512 days.
      Were he to win, he'd be 70 years old taking office.
      'Seventy' = 660. 'Forty Seven Cents' = 66
      'Seventy' = 110 in simple. Like 'President'.

      All the best & have a class aul week, Dar! :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. enough is enough= 78
    cleveland= 78 the convention is in cleveland

    1. Yes, it ends on July 21, 2016
      7/21/16 = 7+21+16 = 44

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Apparently, Barrack Obama leaves this Saturday for a week long trip to Vietnam and China. Whatever that means.

  22. Preakness update. Nyquist post position 3.
    But that's not as interesting as his current odds 3/5 (3 to 5 or 325).

  23. Blue moon this weekend with Mars prominent all day Monday.
    "blue moon" in the English Ordinal system equals 97 (2+12+21+5+0+13+15+15+14), which reduces to 16, which reduces to 7

  24. Results
    Save"mars opposition" in the English Ordinal system equals 199 (13+1+18+19+0+15+16+16+15+19+9+20+9+15+14), which reduces to 19, which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1
    199 is 46th prime


  26. power of ten = 137 (33rd Prime)

    tenth power = 144

  27. Update. Nyquist is at 4:7.
    Very unusual odds. Lots of 33:1's.

  28. Finally got my hands on my own card via I have been deceived into sending money to various companies without getting my card until i came in contact with David Benjamin. My card was delivered to my address in less than 4 days after i placed an order and meant the necessary requirement this company is reliable and true to their word i recommend if you are in need of the programmed atm card.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. The guy on the card has glasses, which clearly are falling down; TRUMP does NOT wear ANY glasses, so the entire story is a bunch of Baloney!!!

  31. 523 > EBC > BCE > 235 ?

    "Terminology that is viewed by some as being more neutral and inclusive of non-Christian people is to call this the Current, or Common Era (abbreviated as CE), with the preceding years referred to as Before the Common, Christian, or Current Era (BCE)."

    Five Two Three (Two Three Five)
    Gematria Jewish 1968
    Gematria Reduction 66
    Gematria Summerian 936
    Gematria Ordinal 156
    Gematria English 1488

    Six Six Six
    Gematria Jewish 1197
    Gematria Reduction 48
    Gematria Summerian 936
    Gematria Ordinal 156
    Gematria English 2127

    1968 + 1197 = 3165
    66 + 48 = 114 *
    936 + 936 = 1873
    156 + 156 = 312 (Chicago area code)
    1488 + 2127 = 3615

    EBC (BCE)
    Gematria Jewish 10
    Gematria Reduction 10
    Gematria Summerian 60
    Gematria Ordinal 10
    Gematria English 10

    Before Common Era
    Gematria Jewish 437
    Gematria Reduction 76
    Gematria Summerian 888
    Gematria Ordinal 148
    Gematria English 517

    Before Current Era
    Gematria Jewish 742
    Gematria Reduction 84
    Gematria Summerian 1044
    Gematria Ordinal 174
    Gematria English 1002

    Before Christ (BC)
    Gematria Jewish 438
    Gematria Reduction 65
    Gematria Summerian 768
    Gematria Ordinal 128
    Gematria English 578

  32. I'm thinking it could be the hit and run may be 2+3=5+6=11 and 6+6+6=24 11/24.

  33. 235-666.
    1) 35 has so many uses in these cards. Check for bottom numbers of the cards. So 2/35 = February 2035.
    2) If it's 23/5 then the year is unknown. 666 maybe telling the year or 6-6-6 = 6th of June at 6(am/pm). Then if the later one is true 235-666 shows a period of time from 23/5 to 6th of June 6(am/pm but probably am). Why the end date have a time? Because it's the dead line (or maybe dea(d/th) line.
    Do not always stick in one way of thinking and If I were you I wouldn't connect Illuminati to Jews ;)
    What if they always makes you think it's related to Jews but it's not?
    Thanks for the article.

  34. Also check this:


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