Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, May 13, 2016

No planes on 9/11 and heavy airport security ever since...

If only people would acknowledge the truth they'd see that all of these actions are part of psychological programming.  Linked below is the undeniable truth.  The first plane to hit the world trade center shown on TV flew all the way through the building... something that didn't happen in real life, something that would have been impossible.


  1. As a Gen Xer, or whatever a 37 year old is, I thought that everyone had an inclining that the US had atleast some little bit to do with 9-11, but after speaking with people younger then me, most think its a joke if you bring up a conspiracy.

    I can't speak for the youth of America, and don't want to offend any who are awaken and on here, but the programming in schools has these kids twisted to a point that they can't come back.

    Or am I wrong?

    1. *inkling friggin auto-spell

    2. You're wrong. They can come back. There's lots who see through the bullshit.

    3. Good. There's just so much bullshit, and I feel like the younger you are the harder it is to get thru it. Or even care to. But that's good to know.

    4. They HAVE stepped up the intensity of the programming! Common Core is designed to confuse kids into total submission unto the authority of "Experts" -- & to sever family bonds along generational lines (i.e. "Don't ask your parents or grandparents ... THEY don't know anything ...").

      In case you haven't heard of it before, I'm sure you'd be fascinated by this:

      "UNDERGROUND HISTORY LESSON" @JohnTaylorGattoTV (& other sites). It's long -- but you can jump in anywhere & be riveted!

      This brilliant man quit after 30+ yrs of teaching (& highest awards) -- saying he "didn't want to hurt kids anymore". He set out to learn how we even got saddled with this farce of mandatory forced schooling -- & discovered the TRUTH was deliberately being hidden from us (sound familiar?).

      He provides searchable sources for ALL his disclosures & PROVES that YES, the methodology used to Distort Our Perception Of Reality is VERY well thought-out & goes back as far as our falsified history. I can't praise the intellect & courage of this fascinating man enough.

      EVERYONE should at least listen to this:

      @ 4:49:00 -- "THE 6 PURPOSES OF SCHOOLING" (it's brief) -- Gatto QUOTES from an acclaimed 1917 document that explicitly states the REAL reasons behind "schooling".

      IMO, Mr. Gatto's work is the perfect companion to Zach's. ;D :D

    5. Awesome -- you won't be sorry!

    6. Ya werd, Gatto is an absolute legend. Speaking truth to power for sure. A friend of mine works in upper education management, Harvard educated, and speaks with such programmed contempt about Gatto, which really only adds support to his mission IMHO.

      THE DEPROGRAM PROGRAM! This is what we're accomplishing here one step at a time.

    7. You nailed it -- he IS legendary! I feel the least we can do to honor him is to never stop spreading the word about his work. So glad you're doing it too! ;D

  2. They're brain damaged morons! We're going to have to skip a generation for the sake of the country. South Korea did it. About 5 years ago they had to admit that the current generation was brain damaged by video games. They went to the third graders, took away all electronics, media and told them they would run the country. They're turning 18 now and it looks like it worked.

  3. "TSA" in the English Reduction system equals 4 (2+1+1)
    Mason, Zionist

  4. I suspect every generation thinks the next one are brain dead morons who will fuck everything up, just as we despise the generation of spineless idiots who came before us and left us in this mess.
    *I too am generation x apparently we are the Jan Brady's of this blended family doomed to see the truth and point it out but no one will pay us any attention, they r too busy looking at Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!
    Or that might just be me ;-)

    1. Haha! If you're cross-eyed Jan, then lispy Cindy must be those who got zombified by 9/11 as kids. I've decided to be Alice -- whose past remained the Great Unsolved Mystery of the Brady Clan Tales (& yet possessed an eerily twin-like, doppelgänger cousin ...!) -- the calm voice of wisdom, gently guiding the confused masses towards their happy moment of enlightened realization ... & a wizard with fresh-baked cookies to boot! Just remember this Jan, & you'll always come out ahead in life: There's no better eatin' than "Porkchops - N - Applesauce" ... Lol! ;D

    2. Look up Jelous Jan on YouTube and pretty much any video from BMeister22 if you ever wondered what the Brady Bunch would be like on acid. :-)

    3. Thanks -- I will! Hopefully I won't need therapy afterwards ... seeing all these childhood icons unravel via the matrix's anti-hero programming is bruising the foundations of my psyche! Lol. ;D

    4. OMG -- thank you! HILARIOUS!! :D. :D

  5. "Free" & "Brave" ... Yeh, that's the real "US", isn't it? (... NOT!) Throughout the 60's & 70's -- despite entire planes being hijacked/ (kidnapped) -- you could STILL board a plane without proof of identity. Sneaking off with your secretary for a weekend in Mexico? Make up a name! PLUS -- YOU DIDN'T NEED A PASSPORT TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY! And ... NO LINES! Nowdays -- EVERYWHERE you go, there's a line ... & the cattle automatically assume their place. NOT ME! If 3 or more are queued up -- I LEAVE (though I have missed a few dr appts that way -- haha!). For some reason long lines make me feel like a "sitting duck" ... ;D :D


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