Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Reader Contribution | Afeni Shakur by the Numbers


  1. I love when TuPac gets shot down...errr, you know what I mean.

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  3. I just want to put this here, but it is a very funny story, especially if you are up on your numbers.

    Kids name is Hunter Osborn---169, charged with 69 counts of indecent exposure. Enjoy.

  4. Tupac Shakur Lie to Black People" in the English Ordinal system equals 298

    Tupac Shakur Lie to Black People" in the English Reduction system equals 109

    Tupac Shakur Zionist Agent" in the English Ordinal system equals 298

    Tupac Shakur Zionist Agent" in the English Reduction system equals 100 / 109

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  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The announcement of Afeni Shakurs death is on May 3 2016 , she died at age 69...2016 can numerologically represent the number 69 if you add the numbers...The day of her death was 44 days away from Tupac Shakur's birthday, on which he would have been 44...In 1996 Tupac took the name Makaveli as referance to the Renaissane author of the book called "The Prince" named Niccolo Machiavelli who was born May 3, 1469, the same date as Pacs mothers death. Also notice the 69 referance again in 1996 and 1469....Afeni was part of the New York Panther 21 group who were arrested on 156 felony charges on April 4 1969...Pacs birthday would have been on 6/16/2016, note the obvious referance to 666...Also Tupac died on September 13, 1996..
    Pac's last album was titled The Don Killuminati: The Seven Day Theory, released on November 5, 1996

  8. She died cause of the tupac bio pic coming out

    1. You're reading too much into this. She's nothing but a commonplace crackwhore, who made money off the back of her son. You act like they need to silence her. She's insignificant, knows nothing.

  9. Wow.These sacrifices are really coming at a rapid rate this year. Everyday one or two high profile person kicks the bucket, and the sheep always think its merely a coincidence,SMH...

    1. Sacrifices? Seriously? Niggers will believe anything these days......

    2. You do relize this is a conspiracy website so clearly you believe in it

      I don't believe Tupac mom was sacrificed but ritual sacrifice is very real
      Do your research

    3. You do realize that I don't need to subscribe to the same ideology as everyone else here, right?

      I mean it's obvious that a numerical code exists within the physical realm, but that doesn't mean everything this guy says is truth. The fact still remains, there are many other words and phrases that equal "numbers of significance" that he is purposely ignoring or omitting if it doesn't suit his overall message/agenda. Sorry my nigger, I'm not a group thinker, I think for myself. Believing that every celebrity death is a sacrifice, makes you just as much of a group thinker as those who believe everything the leaders of the world say.

    4. last i checked I got blonde hair, and blue eyes, Im not a "nigger". And she MAY not have been a FULL ON sacrifice, but her numbers don't lie . Blood scarifies are legit, and theyre extremely prevalent in the entertainment industry, you don't reach the upper echeloens of fame without selling your soul. Its ok, i understand, before I started reseaching-I thought it was bs too, but please know that the truth is stranger than fiction . And yes, I agree with you that you dont have to subscribe to the same ideology as everyone else here, but you can do so without insulting others,thats how mature people debate one another/share views.

  10. Great read in yes Tupac was born into it in he even said he never got in trouble with the law until he got famous

    It's this guy name rfg chosen he has a great video up about the Tupac his death was def a hoax


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