Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Received another anonymous letter yesterday, May 11, 2016

Celebrate = 35/71

In 2031, at this time, I'll be 47-years old.

May 9, May 10, and May 11; three letters, three locations, three related images.

Maybe they're reading my chapter drafts and agreeing "it's all about time".

For the record, these people who mail me started mailing in Spring of 2014, months before I had a YouTube Channel.


  1. There could be a message there I'm just not sure what. Maybe it's about time travel

    1. Maybe the clock's ticking, getting closer to the next big false flag event.......

  2. I saw the date may 23 on my milk carton. Trump might get assasasinated.

  3. Guys check this out.

    1. Even a dead Rockefeller on that date.

    2. Noah Syndergard hit two homeruns? What is with all these homeruns lol

    3. Ha! The Philadelphia Warriors went to San Fran on May 23rd. Weird.


  5. cryptic spirals 71, hidden hand 71, the Society of Jesus 71

  6. Its just some kids fucking with you

  7. Someone's trolling, I'd stop giving these letters attention and see what happens

  8. Someone's trolling, I'd stop giving these letters attention and see what happens

  9. Apparently you sent it to yourself from 2031. Handwriting match yours maybe? Also its 2202^infinity I think, not 2202.00. 2achar1 = 22.

  10. it says capital district like hunger games.

  11. IMO: It's "TIME" to get a P. O. BOX! [I'm not joking -- I'm damned serious ...]

    You'll want want one anyway for book orders (because some of us don't do ANY transactions online -- not even PayPal -- just money orders & cash!). Few people realize that snail mail is by far the most secure option we've got access to (though I'd wager this cadre of letter senders knows that).

    Something To Consider: Since your neighborhood is "polluted" (so to speak ...) & the police/judiciary are similarly compromised, it isn't far-fetched to wonder about the integrity of your mail carrier. Forward ALL your mail to a P. O. Box, & see what happens. Could be that this mail isn't traveling as far as they'd like you to think.

    Mind fucks only need to APPEAR elaborate -- & having the right person in your pocket (i.e. the targeted person's mailman) may be all that's required. Back during your "legal tribulations", wasn't there some issue about receiving a mixed-up court date or something? Perhaps what you received (back then) was a "revised" version?

    It's a LOT HARDER to tamper with mail that NEVER LEAVES THE POST OFFICE ... that would require MORE "insiders" ... & avoiding all those cameras. However, once it's in "your guy's bag" ... well, it's anybody's guess what happens then -- easy to slip something extra in ... or take something out.

    Wouldn't that explain much about why they've campaigned so relentlessly to "privatize" the postal system? It's the ONLY way to ensure you've got control over EVERYONE involved in the process -- & not just a select group.

    The hiring process FOR CARRIERS (only) was revamped in the 80's -- after a rash of "shootings" when carriers "WENT POSTAL". Once THAT mission was accomplished, the rampages stopped. Curiosity got the best of me, so I went to one of their seminars & took their "test" -- just to see what was involved. Despite scoring OVER 100% (go figure -- gov math) ... I STILL wasn't in the "top hiring percentile" because I didn't have enough "qualifying points". However, a disabled Vietnam veteran (but no other vets), who was also an ethnic, single-parent woman (& that's not a large group) ... could technically FAIL the test but still receive hiring preference. I knew then that the fix was already in to only hire CERTAIN people -- these explicit criteria were simply the EXCUSES that would be used to turn the rest away. (After all, how many carriers has anyone EVER seen that fit that precise description? Zero.)

    My point is: not all carriers are in the cabal, but the system WAS altered to make that easier. We already know that nothing online is secure -- that's just the way it is. But by denying access to your mail -- when it's OUTSIDE THE PERVIEW OF CAMERAS -- will at least make these jokers have to think harder about the consequences of hiding behind the postal service. Most people eventually get nervous about screwing with someone through a Federal Agency (psycho-bitch exes being the exception -- lol!), which is why I suspect it's either childish pranksters -- or -- they've gotten complacent because of their "inside man".

    Keep posting these -- public disclosure of this harassment is your best defense against being framed as a lunatic. And think about making that switch -- the boxes don't cost much, & your mail will be much more secure. ;D :D

    P.S. -- No, I never went to work for the postal service! Lol

    1. I never put the going postals incidents and a stricter hiring policy together, but that makes a ton of sense. It is very hard to get a job as a carrier, and all the carriers I've personally known, kept their jobs forever.

  12. Would like to know your thoughts on this one zach. As you stated it almost seems like who ever is sending these letters is trying to tell you something that seems to be centered around "Time".

    These sporting events that we are predicting by the numbers is undeniable. But what is a mystery is how their scripted so well. I personally dont believe its as simple as here's a script go and perform it. Basketball maybe with magnets but what about other sports like soccer which is the biggest sport worldwide? Its has the same syncs with the numbers but i fail to see how its scripted by the players and we're talking about thousands of people all in on the act?

    This leads me onto the subject of "Lucid dreaming" im sure you have heard about the ability to be consciously awake during a dream and know that you are dreaming you can even influence that dream and what happens in it.

    When this happens, what if you were actually stepping out of this time vortex were currently in and into a different one? Almost like travelling into the future in a different consciousness. Perhaps thats how these events are scripted because they have seen the outcomes?

    The world operates on energy and we as humans know so little of our capabilities and our mind. Perhaps its possible that the powers that be have unlocked secrets about themselves? I dont have any answers but would be interested into what everyone else thinks or may want to add!

    1. I think you are exactly right. The Freemasons I am sure of have the ability to step outside of time since it is the illusion in front of us.
      This same principle is all over the entertainment industry. Such as the game Destiny where the Vex (funny they are called that) can travel anywhere due to them being controlled by a central mind that is not present in time.

  13. It appears that both letters from the Capital District came from the same person judging by the handwriting. Look at the way the "u" and "bb" in your last name are written. Also, the second "b" is slightly lower than the first and, the "bard" is slightly arched.

  14. Why dont you just move Zach? If that town and the police are corrupt.

  15. Zach.. Check out this news story I just saw on Yahoo..

    Planting the seeds.....

  16. Here it is again on the internet on a website about time.
    I find it odd how the V is shorter on the 7 and 8 than the 5 and 6.

    1. I did a search for Time Spiral on Google and it was 4 rows down 2nd in.
      42=Freemason. Crazy how the things that have no relevance add up to these numbers.

    2. Everything has relevance K, every single little thing that has happened to you, from the birth of your child to your own birth is up ib that brain database. So every little byte of programming they can implant will be. Resistance is the only thing, and that starts with acknowledgement of course.

    3. I agree. IDK how anyone can deny it if they actually look.
      You also posted that comment at 11:11.

  17. Jack Nicholson sent it to you.

    Golden Mean Clock in Simple Gematria Equals: 134
    Jack Nicholson in Simple Gematria Equals: 134

    The Golden Ratio: Phi, 1.618
    It's a number that goes by many names. This “golden” number, 1.61803399, represented by the Greek letter Phi, is known as the Golden Ratio, Golden Number, Golden Proportion, Golden Mean, Golden Section, Divine Proportion and Divine Section. It was written about by Euclid in “Elements” around 300 B.C., by Luca Pacioli.

    Golden Ratio Clock in Simple Gematria Equals: 164

    Going Back In Time in Jewish Gematria Equals: 322

    The Golden Ratio: Phi, 1.618
    Were Unstoppable=1618
    The Jew=1618

  18. It's called a time travel clock

    "Time Travel Clock" in the English Reduction system equals 61
    Time Travel Clock in J/e/s Gematria Equals: 1136 1014 169

  19. Ah ha I got it!
    Capital District Time Travel Clock in Simple Gematria Equals: 333

  20. Capital District Time Travel Clock Celebrate in Simple Gematria Equals: 404

  21. Sorta dumb question from this noob but...Have you worked out the latitude for the locations and the postmarked dates to see if there's anything in that dataset?

    1. That's an intriguing thought ... You could be on to something. Excellent suggestion! ;D

  22. okay, so you got several letters recently.. how bizarre!

  23. Time unfurling like a rope, a bungee cord, or a slinky. Or even the human intestines.
    Apologies for the gross ness of this subject but I saw the movie The Human Centipede and it got me thinking about our guts and how we r supposed to have another brain there basically. And how we're told astonishing sounding things like if your intestines were stretched all the way out they could the moon. And eastern religions talk about a silver cord attached to your belly. Umbellical cords are how we portal into this world after all. They could be a kind of time rope.
    The Romans apparently practiced a form of divination called haruspicy which involved inspecting the entrails of the sacrificed animals. Maybe our innards are a type of recorder?
    Or maybe if our conciousness resides in our brains, what they call the subconscious is in our bellys? Whenever I'm anxious I feel it in my stomach the worst.
    The way the people were connected in the movie seemed like a gross body shock metaphor for the way we might all be connected in the invisable. Like we all could be connected subconsciously and that could be why this is such an anxiety producing reality.
    Time is a visceral thing, maybe.

    1. This could be why the news is constantly filled with such horrifying painful things. Because when we hear stories about cruelty to children or animals, or people being stabbed or kidnapped or shot it hurts us. We can vividly imagine and feel the pain of the victims, we empathize with them and feel anger at the perpetrators on behalf of the those they hurt. Maybe that's the goal, to have us feel that as much as we can? Who knows, just musing. Sorry to babble on.

    2. All of our cells in our body have their own "brains" with them. They all act independently and react and adapt to the situation without communication to any other cell or organ. Most of us cannot tell these feeling at all because our bodies are so numb from all of the chemicals, animal products, and cooked food we ingest. They all create mucus in our bellies with is the only reason for disease and illnesses due to the bacteria that forms then. That is why I have wen to an all raw mostly fruit diet to get rid of all of it and I believe my body is clear now of most of the waste. I have been eating this way for over a year now and it is amazing the energy and connection you have once you cleanse your body. All food is really just energy, but we dont understand enough to turn it directly into that. We have to go with the program and actually digest it which is where all of the problems lie. Most of us are literally full of shit from the food we eat.
      According to Ancient Egypt and many other spiritualities your naval itself is also the portal that the soul comes into when you become pregnant. The Ab is what they called this part of the Kundalini energy and it is what separates us from the upper and lower parts of it. Most of the entertainment industry is said to operate from the Ab and down which is why they focus mostly on violence, sexuality, and other negative things. The Ab and up to your Crown is where the enlightenment and positive thoughts come from and is how you connect to the consciousness that is.

  24. Crazy stuff Brother. Please stay aware and safe.


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