Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, June 11, 2016

22 27 33 42 44 47 74 88 91 137 144 | The death of Christina Grimmie in Orlando, FL, June 11, 2016 (NBA Finals Related)

As I always say, during the time of sports championships, celebrities get sacrificed.  This "22' year old singer's death comes in the time of the 'basketball' championship.

Her name also has a connection to '33', which ties in well with the NBA Finals.

6/11/16 = 6+11+16 = 33 (Date of Death)

Notice she was killed in Orlando, Florida, a fitting place for being killed.  It also has a connection to '44', the big number in basketball these days.

What I am also reminded of is Dylann Storm Roof's t-shirt, in the made for TV shooting hoax psychological operations.  Notice he was wearing #88, the big number in media and in the NBA Finals in the hours before Grimmie's death.

Dylann Roof = 52 (Prophecy)
Dylann got the 33 count 'federal' indictment...

Here are some other things that stand out about her name.

Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74

From her twenty-second birthday until her date of death, was 91-days.  I guess now she can be "free".

The name Christina also has a connection to 'Philadelphia', the city of focus in the basketball season.

Also, the emphasis on 'The Voice' stands out for multiple reasons.  One, 'voice' has gematria of '54', connecting to important words such as 'sun' and 'love'; it is often paired with '93' in ritual sacrifice.

The NBA Finals are heading back to 'Oracle Arena' where the Warriors win streak was snapped at 54-games this year.

Voice also has gematria of '27'.  Hello '27' club.

The Voice also has gematria of '42', connecting to 'Freemason', NBA Finals and more.

Freemason = 42
NBA Finals = 33/42
Stephen = 33/42
LeBron James = 42/51
Female = 42
Lady = 42
Bitch = 42


  1. Replies
    1. Ya, like "Christina" is more like a "Chris".

      It's a skinny tranny jew boy with a pronounced Adam's Apple.

      And his ring fingers are longer than his index.

      Wake the fuck up.

    2. Christina = 47 (3+8+9+9+1+2+9+5+1)

      Grimmie = 47 (7+9+9+4+4+9+5)

      Transexual jew = 47 (2+9+1+5+1+5+6+3+1+3+1+5+5)

    3. Adam's Apple = 322 (1+4+1+40+100+1+70+70+30+5)

  2. Love it .. I think this is the last year we see Lebron James in the mother f ing finals if he loses !! Lmao Lebron ain't even trying . Just like Warriors didn't try in game 3 so predictable.. Refs control the out comes. It's so funny everyone in the crowed last night crying and in shock for what? Because they are so brainwashed to think this crap actually matters , nothing wrong with believing in something but damn people crying lol

  3. Zach anything on the Belmont Stakes? Exxagerator is the favorite.

    1. LOL I was simply asking for an opinion. Funny you couldn't respond to the comment addressing the things you are talking about in the Penguins thread!

      Your arguments could be addressed easily like Stinky cash did. Of course you made a blog post about stinky cash and then deleting it because you realized how stupid it was saying he was another person lol he even has the snapshot.

      lol it is why you haven't debunked RussianVids like you promised you know you will get squashed.

      If you were serious you would have responded to RV like he wanted to you haven't which shows ALL YOUR TALK IS JUST TALK.

      So your arguments are garbage.

      Make a video on why the Earth is a globe. Yeah you got time to debunk it but the Globe is 100% legit please. Lol

      Theroy made up by Pythagoras the freemason. Pythagoras equals 130....Liar equals 130.

      Gravity equals 93. For the Khazar Zionists. The sun equals 33.

      Make a video proving the ball earth please using NASAs CGI paintings!

    2. Also I said this to you in a response you failed to answer.

      Explain how the Stars are stationary which has been experimented on for a span of a year on a spinning globe hurling through space and going around the sun at 66,000 miles the sun is hurling through space as well.

      Yet the stars are stationary?

      Yet you are calling this theory stupid? Explain this for the globe model please I want to hear more hypocrisy.

    3. Warri---STFU. If you spent as much time practicing speaking in a mirror as you do trolling Z for ideas, you might not sound like you're sucking on a bag of marbles in your videos.

    4. This is the problem with this kind of work Zach. It mostly attracts the stupidest human beings to share their worthless opinions like Warri lol

    5. The stars are stationary because the distance from the Earth to the stars is much greater than the distance the Earth travels around the Sun. Matter of perspective.

    6. So over thousands of years, there hasn't been any kind of distance measurable, in that time, to notice any difference? Lol. I don't know man. Zach knows I come in peace, but I disagree with his stance on this topic, and pretty much only this topic. I do have to say though, when I come on to this website, I'm not looking for discussions on the Flat Earth lol. That's what those other guys are for. Let's keep this page about gematria :)

    7. Message to Flat Earthers: I got sucked into Flat Earth pretty hard too, but the South Celestial Pole debunks it completely. FE says all stars rotate around Polaris but that is 100% false, they rotate around another point in the south, I have filmed it myself. NO FLAT EARTHER HAS AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS I HAVE BEEN ASKING THEM FOR OVER A YEAR.

    8. Link the video then. End the debate once and for all.

    9. Dubay has a video on it:

    10. This is the second video we've taken, I've linked it pretty much every flat earther I come across.

      Re: Dubay's video, it still claims all the stars rotate around a single point. My video clearly disproves that. Anyone in the southern hemisphere can see the stars behave this way.
      If the stars rotated all around Polaris as Dubay claims, then in the southern hemisphere looking south (towards the edge) you would see stars moving across parallel to the horizon, as that would be the edge of the dome.

    11. A 3 second vid? I mean you can equally say that the 24 hour Sun in Alaska would be impossible on a Globe Earth too. There's convincing evidence on both sides. Do I know for sure? Of course not. What I do know is that NASA has lied to us, and big time. The Sun is not 93 million miles away, and if it's not 93 million miles away, it kinda destroys their lies on how big it is too. And if they can't get the Sun's distance correct, how the fuck am I supposed to believe they can get the so called planets distances correct (which are many more millions of miles away), as well as the stars which are supposedly light years away. Nobody but the masons know for sure.


      That's another good video

    13. I also agree that the Sun is not 93 million miles away and that NASA is 100% bullshit. I'm not a heliocentrist. But I do know how the stars behave and it's not at all how the FE model says. The stars/night sky is spherically shaped.

      If I'm wrong about the stars, then someone else should be able to take a video in the southern hemisphere looking south and see the stars zooming by parallel to the horizon, as opposed to rotating around a point like in my video (or any of the other 100s of such video of the south celestial pole).
      There are no star trail videos in the southern hemisphere which support FE. None.






  4. Another Zionist hoax ... the hits keep on coming ...

  5. I've noticed when LeBron dunked the ball to score to give the Cavs 83 points which is the 23rd prime number that's when they said that guy ran out on the floor with trump sucks

  6. I've noticed when LeBron dunked the ball to score to give the Cavs 83 points which is the 23rd prime number that's when they said that guy ran out on the floor with trump sucks

  7. Her debut EP, released in June 2011, was called Find Me. And now 5 years later she disappears after being kylled by some ridiculously obvious BS.
    Almost sounds like a challenge, doesn't it?
    Find Me 94/306/51

  8. I think this has some kind of connection to Orlando magic, because they entered the league in '88 right after Miami Heat which lebron just lefted

  9. I think this has some kind of connection to Orlando magic, because they entered the league in '88 right after Miami Heat which lebron just lefted

    1. This also might be why they aired the 30/30 special about the Orlando Magic right before the finals

  10. I think that she ties into the NBA, but also the upcoming 4th of July. She dies 3 weeks 2 days before the 4th or 23 days, also there are 204 days left in the year and the 4th will be our 240th.

    She also kicks it 8 months 1 day before the Grammys.

    1. Grimmie Grammy---151

      It is a 15 hour and 10 minutes drive from Orlando to Cleveland or 1038 road miles.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Also: 7/4/2016 - 7+4+20+16 = 47

    4. I thought I saw that Orlando is on the 81 W, which fits the 8 months 1 day till the grammies.

      And there are exactly 3 months 19 days until the final day of Grammy eligibility for 2017. Or 111 days.

    5. She kicks it also on the day of the Belmont stakes

    6. 1106 weeks after Selena dies and this girl used to open for Selena Gomez.

  11. Real quick before I step away from the cyber world

    Belmont stakes
    Exaggerator racing in 11th race he's horse number 11 on 11th day of June .
    Eleven=63 today is 163rd day
    Exaggerator=121 (11x11=121)
    Kent desormeaux won 21 days ago
    Kent desormeaux=58
    Exaggerator =58

  12. Is this irony also? Reminds me of Brexit.
    She last sang with band "Before You Exit" 170/71(EO)

    1. Before Britain Exits---201, 1206

      And because the two seem related

      Before Britain Exits the Magic Kingdom---340, 2040, 1206(J)

    2. Well, this Grimmie girl (who I'd never heard of before today, no surprise to me) was seemingly wrapped up with the whole Disney/Selena Gomez nonsense.

  13. Cavs scored (42) second half points.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I lived christina grimmie and watched her on YouTube since she was a teenage doing covers. This was definitely a sacrifice. Her full name = 137 in gematria but also the place where she performed was called "The palace live" which also = 137, the 33rd prime. "palace live theater" = 88 in gematria. Big number right now. Lastly she performed with the band called "Before you exit". Fitting I guess seeing how she was exiting this life soon after. These fucking scumbags!! I'm so done...people who doubt... you need to wake the hell up and investigate so we can stop these assholes...this makes me sick to my stomach

    1. PS;

      Christina = 47 (3+8+9+9+1+2+9+5+1)

      Grimmie = 47 (7+9+9+4+4+9+5)

      Transexual jew = 47 (2+9+1+5+1+5+6+3+1+3+1+5+5)

      Adam's Apple = 322 (1+4+1+40+100+1+70+70+30+5)

  16. Anticipating

    The Grand Resurrection- --242, when all these poobahs come back.

  17. Or does this 81 everyone talking about is referring to Cleveland 8-1 home record

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I can't believe this was missed the killers name
    Kevin Loibl=666
    Grimmie=444=jesus, CHRISTina was killed by "satan" Here's my vid just uploaded

  20. Looks like you were onto something regarding Orlando, just heard the FBI was at an Orlando "gay club" over the last few hours.

  21. A Go Fund Me page -- "SUPPORT THE GRIMMIE FAMILY" -- was set up Sat. 6/11 ... asking for $4,000 ... & has already raised over $70,000 in less than a day. It was set up by her "Management Team" (out of NASHVILLE, TN): Laura Worley & BRIAN TEEFEY (who signed the "description" with his name & LH7 Management). TEEFEY IS SELENA GOMEZ's STEPFATHER & supposedly Grimmie's manager.

    BRIAN = 44 TEEFEY = 66 Combined: 110 (Pythagorean, Long Form)

    At the rate it's climbing, they'll be over $100,000 before noon today (6/12).

    Adam Levine reportedly had offered to sign her with his label "222", but she went with ISLAND RECORDS instead. They dropped her in March 2015.

    In 2014, ELOF LOELV recorded her for ZAC Recording in Atlanta. Using Hebrew pronunciation, his name creates an interesting anagram (read Right to Left -- as in Hebrew): v (silent) LOVE OF EL.

    LOELV is also VERY similar to the (supposed) "killer's" last name of LOIBL ...which sounds like "LIBEL" -- as in "BLOOD LIBEL".

    Whether this is a hoax or sacrifice, people need to stop being idiots & sending these shysters money -- cause the "official story" is complete & total BULLSHIT!! ;D :D

  22. **** Mass shooting in Orlando Gay Club
    20 dead and 42 injured

    1. Pulse gay night club = 1212, 202

      "Police responded at 2:02 am local time"

    2. 1912 S Orange Ave, Orlando FL
      28 deg 31' 10" N
      81 deg 22' 36" W

    3. June 12, 2016 (6/12/16)
      is day 164 with 202 remaining

    4. If we count from 2/02/12 (day 33 with 333 remaining in 2012)
      To 6/12/16

      227 weeks 3 days

    5. from Pulse Orlando (Facebook page)

      "Everyone get out of Pulse and keep running" = 444 (eo), 174(er)

    6. Injured were taken to ORMC
      Orlando Regional Medical Center

      ORMC = 22 (er)

    7. 6/12 is reverse 216 (6 * 6 * 6)

      June 12 + 42 days is July 24 (7/24)
      June 12 - 42 days is May 1, 2016 (240 years since May 1,1776)

      June 12 + 42 weeks is 4/2 (April 2, 2017)

    8. Number of dead: 20 (2)
      Number of shooters: 1
      Number injured: 42 (6)

    9. Shooter identified as
      Omar Mateen = 105 (eo), 42 (er)

  23. Christina Grimme killer is identifited Kevin James Loibl, a 27-year-old from St. Petersburg, Florida


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