Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

22 33 93 116 | Brock Turner (Stanford Swimmer) rape case hoax, propaganda giveaways

The perpetrator's name is Brock and the lawyer's name is Aaron, in this case centered around 'rape'.

The last name of 'Brock' is 'Turner', a name that means "bullshit propaganda".

Turns out Brock raped an unnamed girl behind a 'dumpster' and then his dad said, "So what, you want my sons live thrown away over 'twenty minutes of action'"?

The story is all bullshit, it's why the dad's name is the same as 'dumpster'.

Judge Persky is a 'conspiracy'.


  1. Another Langley news bot:

    Ashley -- 70/25/524
    Fantz -- 67/22/647
    Ashley Fantz -- 137/47/1171

    1. Stanford rape case -- 66/84

      The man behind the sentence -- 104/113

      Judge Persky -- 51/69

      Donna Hosie -- 104 SE I loved the 3:33 post time.

      Aaron Persky -- 53/71

      Judge Aaron Persky -- 73/91

  2. Nice "3:33" twitter time stamp...

    Also the number "13" has been everywhere lately..

    "pesky's 13 years on the bench"....

    There was a story today about someone trying to kidnap a "13" year old girl right in front of her mom at a store...... and it was caught on camera.....

    Also that "116" stands out today...

    144 days before today is 1/16....

    6/8/16 = 30

    30th prime is "113"

    Perfect day for bullshit stories......

    1. forgot...

      "Eighty Nine" = 116

      "Eight Nine" = 223

      Todays date is 6/8

    2. I get 89 (P, s exception) for "Stanford swimmer" also.

  3. "Judge on the Hot Seat" = 71 & 197

    "Athlete" = 71
    "Seventy One" = 144
    "Seven One" = 36, or could mean three 6's like 666
    "One Hundred Ninety Seven" = 156(English). 156 is the 33rd Prime Number
    "One Nine Seven" = 141
    "Judge Persky" = 141 = "Six Months"
    "Hot Seat" = 88 = "Stanford University" = Program = Poison = Trump
    "A 12 Page Letter" = 47 = Judge
    "Sentenced a Stanford Athlete to Six Months in Jail" = 174 = New World Order

    It all connects. WTF?

    1. I did this one too...
      "Judge" is 47 (EO)
      "on the hot seat" is 49 (EO)
      47+49=96 like "Freemason"
      Seems we just had a Hillary story like this today...

  4. Are these guys under mind control or do they just make up these stories and throw innocent ppl into prison?

    1. I think they do both.... But mostly made up stories

    2. I think its his initiation into the intelligence agencies. He's probably graduating soon, and they are getting ready to create his new identity. The same thing with the victim. Most of the time though, I think these stories are flat out made up. They pull these people from other countries and prisons.

    3. Mind control, maybe, more like heavy drugs and drop them at the scene, then make up the story. As far as prison goes, I am sure these private little lockaways that some actor criminals go to are just peachy. Connect to the underground city network and everything. Not very pretty, but they sure know how to run things.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. mir's n00b low hanging fruit...
    Updated 7:20 PM, a lot like 72/27
    the other...
    3:33 AM (really??)

  6. Hey mike, Stephen Curry was injured on the "115th" day of the year...

    It has been "1 month, 15 days" since then....

    "Steph Curry Injured" = 1404

    "144" days ago was 1/16 when GSW lost to Detroit....

    "Curry Less" = 140

    140th Prime is "809"
    (much like today's date 6/8)

    Today's date is 6/8/9
    (2016 = 9)

    "Curry Less" = 968

    "Six Eight = 606

    "Curry Injured" = 166

    "Sixty Eight" = 146

    Warriors playoff record would be "14-6" if they lose tonight.

    "Stephen Curry" = 1071

    The "171st" Prime number is "1,019" (119)

    Wishful thinking?.....

    1. Klay Thompson just got injured

    2. Klay Thompson just got injured

    3. Haha i nice... i missed the 1st quarter

    4. 43-51.

      Looks like 4/3 on the series for 51 = Cleveland Cavs

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. You see how obvious it was cleveland was trying to end with "51" points??...... they kept shooting 3's at "48" points and missing..... then lebron james gets fouled and misses a free throw lol...

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. What site do you guys use for gematria?

    9. Looks like it is Cavs for tonight and they are really pushing Irving as this super outstanding player. That guy Adam Silver the NBA Commissioner gives me the creeps. He is such a fucking liar! Ha!! He says the NBA isn't rigged!! Seriously, I would like to punch him in the face.

    10. Yes Adam Silver is obviously lying. He was constantly saying integrity to program it into the viewers minds.

    11. +Brandon Conti, I have a spreadsheet from hell that I used since the and sites didn't let me look up things in one shot (related words, numbers, notes, elements, the text version of numbers, etc). I stuck my spreadsheet link in the July post Zach created for people to put their blog URLs. It's OpenOffice and a little cludgy, but it works well for me.

    12. YES! Called this shit in my Video Lol. I already told you what is going to happen.

    13. @riggedgame i keep getting 42 for Cleveland cavs and not 51?

    14. Lol y'all still got warriors.

    15. Lol y'all still got warriors.

    16. With Simple English Gematria there is an exeption for k,v and s
      k and v are master numbers and dont need to be reduced.
      s is the only number that gets reduced twice so you dont have to reduce it the second time.
      Cleveland Cavs with the s exception is 51 because you add 9 for each s
      k you add 9 as well
      v you add 18

    17. oh, i typed it into the website and kept getting 42. Thank you.

    18. Thanks Korey. Brandon, those exceptions can be key to decoding these things sometimes

    19. Home teams win till Game 7...Period.

    20. Brandon, 51 years since Cleveland has won a final championship

    21. Who think gs is winning*

    22. darius you have been saying cavs the whole time now your on warriors? What are you mike.

    23. Brandon I didn't change my pick I'm adressing the ppl who think gs is winning. Think before you speak.

    24. Lmao you put warriors winning the series, just a misprint on your end no need to attack.

    25. No the fuck I didn't. Please read it again. I laughed at the ppl who has gs winning. Then I said for all the criticizers and doubters who still think gs is winning the series y'all need medication.

    26. Read the first post you had in this thread, you read again.

    27. Darius is right, he did say Cavs...

      That being said, Darius, chill the fuck out... This is only the 3rd game. It's not that serious to be losing your mind about... Let's keep things in perspective here folks.

    28. I know he has, just saw what he wrote but it was a misprint on his end.

    29. For reals Esoteric, doing the same things they were complaining about 2 nights ago..

    30. Thanks again for that, helps a lot knowing that info.

    31. I agree home teams will win until game 7. They keep showing the Taco Bell commercial where you get a free Doritos Locos taco when a road team wins.
      Doritos Locos = 56/74/201
      56 = All Seeing Eye - Star of David(s)
      74 = Masonic - Jewish - Knights Templar(s/k) - All Seeing Eye(s) - Star of David(s:v)

      Doritos Locos Tacos = 69/222/1140
      114 = Lebron James

      Taco Bell = 201/420
      21 = James(s)
      42 = Freemason - NBA Finals(s) - Lebron James

      Taco Bell Doritos Locos = 81/1107/1404
      81 = Masons - Setup
      117 = NBA Playoffs

      Doritos Locos Tacos at Taco Bell = 97
      97 = National Basketball Association - The Synagogue Of Satan(s)

      Do not recommend anyone to actually take them up on that deal when the Cavs win.

    32. I feel you Darius, don't give up tho, it might open their eyes and if not then you did your part on trying to spread truth.

    33. +Darius, now now, there there, hon... it'll be okay. :::pat pat pat:::

    34. Basketball has nothing to do with life Darius. Its just a small piece of the bigger puzzle we are in. Predicting the winner of the series really does nothing besides proving to people that it is all rigged by the numbers. Unless we can decode the formula for exactly how they put the winners out it is basically useless besides that and possibly winning money.

    35. That put human meat in that food anyway.

    36. Yes no one knows what "meat" they are really eating every. It is just handed to them. No one in America knows what human tastes like so how you even know if you are.
      In many other countries they allow the consumption of human meat as long as it is disclosed.
      If you have ever seen Cloud Atlas they show you in that movie how they recycle humans into the fast food industry. If you havn't seen it I highly recommend it the movie is coded with many truths.

    37. I guess if you don't want to go full vegan, you should invest in a meat grinder and do it yourself...

    38. Darius, don't let all these people get you down. Stay strong friend.

  7. Judge gave out a (6) month sentence lol

  8. Mark Jackson brings up Sean rooks, died at 46, while the Warriors have 46. Warriors Philly connection

    1. Yeah totally caught that too

    2. I was like wtf, they shove it right in your face.

    3. It's just sickening at this point...and so obvious. I see the rigged system in everything, everywhere, every day. I'm glad I know, but it can sometimes get depressing.

    4. Imagine all the fake NBA games during mj's run and the Celtics of the 60's

    5. I went back and watched some 80s and 90s Superbowl games and paid extra attention to the individual athletes, plus did some running gematria, all rigged bullshit. You can even find out the old spreads of old games and see how that gets covered.

    6. That means, we need the H.O.F name changed to Hall of Shame.
      Free Pete Rose !

    7. Pete Rose has made a much better living not being in the HOF than he ever would have in it. Whay do you think he charges for a minimum appearance somewhere?

  9. Mike manning probably kicked his TV tonight

    1. I doubt it... If I'm not mistaken, I think he put $10k on the Cavs to win the championship. Dude is probably snorting coke off a stripper's titty as we speak lol...

    2. Darius, he said Cavs from the start, but he did switch his pick after game 2... What do I know though? He could've put money on the Warriors to try and cover any potential losses.

    3. lol that made me laugh Eso.

    4. Cavs are back guys!! Lets go!! Tie this shit up. Yes I habe 10k on Cle but i get very emotional when I drink. Sorry if I offended anyone the other day

    5. And that is why alcohol is not good. It brings out emotional reactions that never add anything good to anything. It is just the programming talking at that point. Gotta stop and use your mind to think it through we all have the time to.

    6. Just get back on those meds, bruh, specially the bi-polars.


    7. That dude us a fucking bitch. Has gs winning the series but has money on the Cavs. Wtf this dude is fucking cointelpro. Ugly ass pile of donkey shit."

      This shit is so fucking obvious wake up guys come on

    8. All kindsa not therapeutic on the psycotropic drug front.

    9. Fuck you Mike your not needed on this blog anymore.

    10. Mir... I could go on for hours, about how psychotropic drugs alter peoples neurotransmitter receptor functionality, but I think I will spare you guys the yawn sesh.

    11. Lord, It's crazy how the Gematria for bipolar, is literally a bipolar reflection...

      Bipolar = 73/37


    12. +Esoteric Mathematic Magic, ayup. Those biochem and neuro psych classes I took in college 'splained all that pretty well too, but yanno, sometimes people really need the alteration! HA!

    13. Meh. EMM and I are okay.

    14. EMM, Love the inversion on bi-polar...

    15. Lord, 37 is also the 12th prime and 73 is the 21st.

  10. I think I know why the game was scheduled for 9pm ET...

    Nine pm = 71/35 (Seventy one = 144 = No Kevin Love)

    Nine pm ET = 96/42 = Muhammad Ali

    Nine pm Est = 115/43 = Freemasons

    Nine pm Eastern = 153/63 = Prime Numbers

  11. LeBron said game 3 was "do or die"

    Do or die in Jewish gematria equals 202
    Do or die in English gematria equals 420

    Cavs tie series 2-2 and then win 4-2 possibility

    1. Announcer said last time Lebron a game 2 that bad was by 36 points. They won the series winning game 6 and 7.

    2. Yep, I caught that too. He also had to reminded us that Cavs lost game 2 by 33 points.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I wish the acting was better like in the 90's

  14. So it looks like the series is 2-1 on a 21 date...

    6/8/16 = 6 + 8 + 1 + 6 = 21

  15. Cavs looked great. It is definitely rigged for them. Congrats to all who decoded.

    1. Furher proving you are a retard troll jew

    2. I believe cavs do win but its still one game. Just have to wait and see.

  16. Cavs won by 30 on a day with 30 numerology.
    6+8+16 = 30
    Kyrie Irving scored 30 points

    210 Total points, series is now 2-1
    Writing on the wall = 210
    Lebron had 32 on a day with 23 numerology
    6+8+2+0+1+6 = 23, lebron wears 23

  17. Game three = 46
    GS had 46 points when they mentioned Rooks who died right before game 3 at 46

  18. Game was played on 6/8
    Tristan thompson = 68

  19. Anyone do any work on curry's shoes that came out called 2 rings?

    1. They were initially gonna be called 2 rings but then they changed the name. Maybe that was foreshadowing it looking like the warriors had the series but then losing?

  20. Brandon Hayward (who played on Cavs last year) said on sportscenter, we are all liars, we are a bunch of phonies.

  21. I can't stand to watch the NBA. So I won't watch. Did anyone spot some obvious rigging?

  22. And due for release on Sept 2. (9/2) from which 120 days remain in 2016

  23. The last name of 'Brock' is 'Turner', a name that means "bullshit propaganda". Zach, this line! LMAO!


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