Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

235 | Curtis Morton of Black Sports Online (The guy who mocked me for Super Bowl prediction)

Look at this tweet he has up from June 3....


Washington D.C.

The numbers being coded for a high profile assassination...

Honestly, this guy makes me want to say words I shouldn't.  He can't write, he runs his mouth, and he wears a fucking bow tie.  The guy called me a lunatic for the following prediction before the Super Bowl:

Broncos Win
Panthers Lose
Von Miller MVP
Black Panther Tribute

Did the dumb mother fucker apologize after going four for four?  No he did not.

Anyhow, looks like he might be part of the gang.  What a scum.  It is too bad there are so many black men who are willing to get fucked in the ass to collect a pay check from a jew.  No Vaseline.


  1. your a 1000% right about black men getting fuck in the ass for a paycheck. Most of these rappers actors etc have to do its a requirement I just wish these kid new this before tryna be in the entertainment business

    1. That's because they are not encouraged to study business or history because it's seen as "white"

    2. Yes, unfortunately, the black community sees everything that is positive or edifying as "white". What makes it worse, is that everything that is violent, or degenerate, is promoted as "being down" or uplifting "black culture".

    3. I never thought of it like that. I always enjoy black perspective on things

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  4. todays date = 23 the small way and 50 the big way

  5. In my experience, the bow tie worn by black men is a 'Nation of Islam' thing too.
    Just saying.

    1. Exactly. Not so coincidentally, "bow tie" and "Nation of Islam" = 74

    2. +Zach...Thx, except I suck.
      As you figured out, "Nation of Islam" is really 58(P), 67 w/ exceptions and that's not what I typed. LOL
      Anyway, there's a relationship. I just didn't articulate it correctly. Just wanted to clarify for those playing along at home.


  6. This is someone's comment on Zach's Video, & I think it's brilliant. (Although a 7 game series is very tempting). :
    DobesPlace1 day ago
    2016 year of the monkey; Monkey sums to 24 2+4=6
    Harambe was a (4)00 pound gorilla that was killed because a 4 year old boy fell (15) feet into the enclosure 1+5=6
    It happened in Cincinnati
    Cincinnati (sums to 51) 5+1=6

    4pm in Calabasas came out on 6/4 6 divided by 4= 1.5 1+5=6
    OVO sound radio=60 6+0=6
    Drake's album Views dropped on April, 29, 2016
    4+2+9+2+0+1+6= 24
    Views=24 2+4=6
    Drake's networth according to Forbes is $60 M
    Drake also released "Summer 16"
    Summer 16 Summer=24 2+4=6 so basically 6/16
    Summer16 sums to 33 3+3=6

    "Looking for revenge
    All summer sixteen
    All summer sixteen
    Playing dirty, not clean" which I'm sure will happen with Cleveland the next 4 games

    Kanye west is dropping "Cruel Winter" this year
    Cruel Winter sums to 42 4+2=6
    He previewed a track called "Champion" from Cruel Winter the same day Muhammad Ali died
    Muhammad Ali sums to 42 4+2=6

    Athletes that Retired in 2016

    Kobe #24 Retired this year
    Marshawn Lynch #24 Retired
    McKayla Maroney (Gymnast) Retired on February 24 2016
    Kyla Ross (Gymnast) Born on October 24 Retired
    Peyton Manning #18 (6x6x6) Born on March 24 Retired Played 18 seasons Final score of the Superbowl for his final game 24
    Matt Hasselbeck Picked No 6 Overall. Led Seattle to 6 playoff appearances Retired after 18 (6x6x6) years in the NFL
    Heath Miller retired at age 33-6

    Celebrity deaths in 2016
    Prince= 24 2+4=6
    Vanity died on 2/15/2016 on the 15 day of February 1+5=6
    David Bowie died after a 18 month battle with cancer at 69 6+9=15 1+5=6
    Merle Haggard died on 4/6/2016
    Muhammad Ali sums to 42 4+2=6 also born in "42
    Billy Paul died on 4/24/2016
    Papa Wemba died on 4/24/2016
    Kimbo Slice died at age 42 yesterday 4+2=6
    Luis Salom dies of crash at the age of 24; 2+4=6

    Lebron is 2-6 in the playoffs
    Lebron all time in playoffs PPG 26.4
    Cleveland sums to 33 3+3+6
    Cleveland Cavaliers sums to 69 6+9=15; 1+5=6
    Lost game 1 by 15 1+5=6
    Lost game 2 by 33 3+3=6
    Championship sums to 51=6

    I could keep going for days, but I digress.

    4 straight wins coming for Lebron
    Cavs in 6.....They will win the finals on 6/16

    1. Great work.
      The sun = 24
      24 hours in a day
      Cycles and circles

    2. Which makes sense as we near the 240th year, all the celebs off into the pretty sunset.

  7. This is someone's comment on Zach's Video, & I think it's brilliant. (Although a 7 game series is very tempting). :
    DobesPlace1 day ago
    2016 year of the monkey; Monkey sums to 24 2+4=6
    Harambe was a (4)00 pound gorilla that was killed because a 4 year old boy fell (15) feet into the enclosure 1+5=6
    It happened in Cincinnati
    Cincinnati (sums to 51) 5+1=6

    4pm in Calabasas came out on 6/4 6 divided by 4= 1.5 1+5=6
    OVO sound radio=60 6+0=6
    Drake's album Views dropped on April, 29, 2016
    4+2+9+2+0+1+6= 24
    Views=24 2+4=6
    Drake's networth according to Forbes is $60 M
    Drake also released "Summer 16"
    Summer 16 Summer=24 2+4=6 so basically 6/16
    Summer16 sums to 33 3+3=6

    "Looking for revenge
    All summer sixteen
    All summer sixteen
    Playing dirty, not clean" which I'm sure will happen with Cleveland the next 4 games

    Kanye west is dropping "Cruel Winter" this year
    Cruel Winter sums to 42 4+2=6
    He previewed a track called "Champion" from Cruel Winter the same day Muhammad Ali died
    Muhammad Ali sums to 42 4+2=6

    Athletes that Retired in 2016

    Kobe #24 Retired this year
    Marshawn Lynch #24 Retired
    McKayla Maroney (Gymnast) Retired on February 24 2016
    Kyla Ross (Gymnast) Born on October 24 Retired
    Peyton Manning #18 (6x6x6) Born on March 24 Retired Played 18 seasons Final score of the Superbowl for his final game 24
    Matt Hasselbeck Picked No 6 Overall. Led Seattle to 6 playoff appearances Retired after 18 (6x6x6) years in the NFL
    Heath Miller retired at age 33-6

    Celebrity deaths in 2016
    Prince= 24 2+4=6
    Vanity died on 2/15/2016 on the 15 day of February 1+5=6
    David Bowie died after a 18 month battle with cancer at 69 6+9=15 1+5=6
    Merle Haggard died on 4/6/2016
    Muhammad Ali sums to 42 4+2=6 also born in "42
    Billy Paul died on 4/24/2016
    Papa Wemba died on 4/24/2016
    Kimbo Slice died at age 42 yesterday 4+2=6
    Luis Salom dies of crash at the age of 24; 2+4=6

    Lebron is 2-6 in the playoffs
    Lebron all time in playoffs PPG 26.4
    Cleveland sums to 33 3+3+6
    Cleveland Cavaliers sums to 69 6+9=15; 1+5=6
    Lost game 1 by 15 1+5=6
    Lost game 2 by 33 3+3=6
    Championship sums to 51=6

    I could keep going for days, but I digress.

    4 straight wins coming for Lebron
    Cavs in 6.....They will win the finals on 6/16

    1. I'm guessing whoever wrote this comment is a cavs fan

      Step away from numbers in think even if cle does win the chip do you really think the elite is letting thx golden boy curry lose 4 in a row???

      You have to be smart when make predictions like that

      If I think the cavs are gonna win fine but don't try in talk yourself in to believing they are beating curry 4 in a row cause its not happening

    2. Agreed Benzo, whoever wrote that comment, was reaching and grasping at anything they could get their hands on...

  8. I've been following your blog since last November when you said the omens pointed to Denver winning the Super Bowl. But then you changed your mind a lot throughout the season and I don't remember you making this a clear-cut prediction (for the winner, MVP and Black Panther stuff) before the Super Bowl. I even bet money and lost. Did I just miss this prediction?

    1. That was my prediction. Why ask what you can easily verify?

    2. And all those predictions are in one video plus other videos plus multiple blog posts.

  9. Read: Deuteronomy 28:15, 47-48, and especially 68: "And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for BONDMAN (slave men) and BONDWOMAN (slave women), and no man shall buy (save) you. When you research the original name of the land of Egypt, it was called MIZRAIM. It is a Greek word meaning BONDAGE.
    Read Exodus 20:2: We went into slavery because we broke the laws of The Most High (YHWH) and the only way to get out of the hellish conditions that we are in is to come back to the laws, statutes, and commandments of The Most High.
    Read 2Chronicles 7:14: Instead of humbling ourselves, confessing our transgressions, and coming back to The Most High (YHWH) we still continue in our wicked ways, and continue to follow esau (the white man) the devil and father of all lies. Our people are rebellious and stiffhearted (read Ezekiel 2:3-6).

  10. Read: St. John 8:32, 17:17, 4:24: If Christ color doesn't matter why do all the ghetto churches in the hood (especially in the south) have a image of a white Jesus. For hundreds of years he was potrayed as being 'white' but as soon as the truth comes out that he is a very dark skinned negro all of a sudden color doesn't matter. CHRIST IS A BLACK MAN - accept it or not the truth is the truth. The brothers in the street teaching the Word will testify that the people who have a hard time accepting this is not the so-called white people or other nations; it's the so-called blacks and hispanics (Israelites) in the ghettos of Amerikkka. Read Hosea 4:6 - "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy GOD, I will also forget thy children."

  11. You do realize everyone has melanin in their bodies, right?

    Sorry, but calling black people, "melanin people", is ridiculous at best. That's like saying Chinese people breathe oxygen, so let me call them "oxygenated people".

  12. Also, the white Jesus thing is not some grand deception... Most cultures will take the characters from a religion and make them their own. This makes it easier for people to identify with. Throughout my travels, I've seen Jesus depicted as many different phenotypes, if you will.

  13. I take exception with the fact that you singled out, black "men". Black women play a huge role in the degradation of the black community... I'm not saying the blame lies solely on them, but I am acknowledging, that everyone plays a pivotal role in their own destruction. To single out only one segment of a people is illogical, and just plain divisive.

    1. To be fair, the post is about a black man, so the observational was was focused on black men. I'm sure he'd have choice words about the likes of Rihanna, Beyonce and any other race warrior out there associated with this crap.

    2. The system is rigged against us all. Stop making this a color thing.

    3. It's important to acknowledge how one race is being used to manipulate another FOR yet the benefit of yet another "master race".
      If we don't clue in/recognize and acknowledge the manipulation, we cannot get out from under it all.

    4. What is that master race? Draconian?

    5. To be fair Mir, he has done several posts on stories including black women, and I've never seen him even get close to saying what he did about black men here.

    6. Also, I mean no offense to either of you, but my comment was pointed directly at Zachariah... You guys have every right to put your two cents in, but he's a grown man, so I'd assume he can defend his own words.

    7. +Darius: I think the evidence of this is that the Freemasons/Jews have used many false flags and 'false flag' persons... Holocaust, Hitler, etc. to further their cause. It seems to me that they created and then vilified actors (like creating then accusing Hitler/Nazis for being the "master race") to be the boogie men while they reaped the benefit of the sentiment against their perceived oppression.
      It would SEEM that it's boiling down to the "Jewish race" as being the "master race".
      It's like this never-ending game of "set people up to take the fall and tear them down to look better themselves and make money at the same time" thing. I mean, most of us would just like to live... but are thrown into race wars without any basis. We're vilified and put on a 'defensive'.
      This is, of course, just the perception I have now grown to have from the observations of the manipulations. Perhaps others may view this and the 'reason' this differently than I.

    8. The master "race" is not so much a race at all, but a group of world political, business, and fiscal leaders who are of every race, but consider themselves grander and far superior. Those in charge are already at a level of understanding that race is ridiculous, they know we are one race already. The term race is all about competition, the tippy top competes with no one.

    9. +Esoteric Mathematic Magic
      No one said Zach cannot give his own words. I'm sure he will if he wants since it's his blog.
      I, for one, am putting my words on record despite what Zach has to say. So glad to have your permission to do so.

    10. +The Lord of Allusion,
      I think that is a really good point. Like when I say "Jews/Freemasons," I do not mean "Jews" are "Freemasons" or vice versa... or like one is really a subset of another. I quite literally believe it is an elitist thing. Freemasons are NWO. All of the incarnations are only to distract us from the source. Pretty difficult to fight an enemy you cannot define.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. At 1025 +Esoteric Mathematic Magic said...
      "Typical sarcastic bitch response... What a jackass."
      No need to delete it, sweety. We should see how you really think.

    13. I deleted it, because it was not a well thought out and considerate response. I'm not hiding from my words... You were being a snarky and sarcastic bitch to me, after I was nothing but polite to you in our dealings. Now I will post what I was in the middle of writing to you....

    14. No Mir, actually, what you did was defend his choice words...

      It was more than you just putting your words on record. If all you were doing was putting your words on record, you would have simply opened your own thread. You instead, responded to my thread, that was aimed directly at one person.

      I could really care less if you comment here (you don't need my permission, so that snide sarcasm was uncalled for), but I won't allow you to be intellectually disingenuous to me in your responses.

    15. "No need to delete it, sweety. We should see how you really think."

      What does that even mean anyway? Are you attempting to shame me out of what I said, and how I truthfully feel you were acting??? Don't just throw your sentiments around, be specific about what you're implying about me Mir.

  14. I thought part of truth seeking was to first identify with the only thing that matters which is "We are all humans"

  15. Yes Darius, I agree, though I won't condemn anyone for their beliefs (as long as their actions hold merit). I just get annoyed, when people say things that are untruthful, as a means of pushing their own agendas.

    Blaming white people for having a white jesus is stupid...
    First of all, why wouldn't white people have a white jesus? Secondly, when were black people prevented from putting a black jesus in their churches?

  16. Valid point Bobby, we are most certainly all human beings...

    The problem is, we've become so indoctrinated and polarized about race, to ignore it completely would be impossible. It's sad, that something as superficial as skin color, can create so much hatred and intolerance, coming from every direction I look.

  17. This is why Obama is winning a third term. To continue this race b.s.

  18. +Esoteric Mathematic Magic

    "What does that even mean anyway? Are you attempting to shame me out of what I said, and how I truthfully feel you were acting???"
    It means: If you said it, keep it visible. Those who are notified will see it in email anyway. There is no need to hide the evolution of the thoughts. If you are ugly, it will come out. If you think I'm a bitch now, you really have no idea of what I'm really like.
    I do not 'throw' my statements around. I'm very definitive about what I am saying and strive for clarity when possible also.
    FYI: This is exactly the strife they want. Good job getting sucked in.

    1. So you are saying, I am ugly, simply because I didn't take kindly, to what I considered as a petulant response to me...

      The world according to Mir: If you don't submissively let me speak to you any way I want, you're ugly.

      Like I said before, your trying to shame me out of my honest opinion of you... I'm not hiding, if I was, I would've called you a liar. I stand by what I say because it's true...

      I decided to delete it, because I knew I could choose better words to get my point across better, not because I was ashamed of what I said. For the record, that doesn't make me ugly, it makes me critical of my own writing.

      "I do not 'throw' my statements around. I'm very definitive about what I am saying and strive for clarity when possible also."

      Yet you throw around the word "ugly", without specifically explaining, what your intent in using that that particular word was. Ugly is very subjective, it means something different to each person, just like it's antonym "beauty"... I'm curious, what does ugly mean to you, within the context of this conversation?

      "FYI: This is exactly the strife they want. Good job getting sucked in."

      There is nothing wrong with a little dissention, as too much agreement leads to a cult environment. Besides, I don't think you're qualified enough, to tell me that I'm being "sucked in" to anything... You would actually need to know my interactions with people in the real world, for that statement to hold any water.

  19. +Esoteric Mathematic Magic
    To be clear: Calling me a 'bitch' for calling YOU out for condescending to us all for stating our own opinions is in fact UGLY behavior.
    I will be bitchly petulent to people who try to usurp my right to free speech. Then, you have to know your ugly post would be sent in email, yet you deleted it anyway to hide it from those who are not directly involved in your condescending judgment.
    If you are unclear about any of this, please proceed with your juvenile ranting, but honestly, I don't have time for your bullshit. There is dissention and then there is just bullshit and I call it like I smell it from you.

    1. Finally, you actually speak what you feel, instead of hiding behind your snarky sarcasm...

      "Also, I mean no offense to either of you, but my comment was pointed directly at Zachariah... You guys have every right to put your two cents in, but he's a grown man, so I'd assume he can defend his own words." -Me

      That is usurping your right to free speech? I don't see how it's condescending towards you either. I was actually being quite polite to you... If anything, it was more of a jab at Zachariah, for not responding, and needing others to defend his words for him.

      If your opinion is that I am an ugly person, that is fine... But your whole line of reasoning to come to this conclusion is flawed at best, based on pure emotion, with no logical basis whatsoever.

      I'm not hiding from anything... Like I already stated, if I was hiding from my words, I would just deny them. Stop saying that hiding shit, unless you want to be a liar, because you know it's not true. The reason you know it's not true, is because I'm right here, standing behind every word I said to you.

      How is calling you a bitch ugly, when you actually admit to being a bitch? Wouldn't that make me correct? For arguments sake though, let's just say that you actually weren't a bitch... Isn't me thinking you act like, or now, actually are a bitch, my own personal opinion of you? Am I not entitled to my own opinion of you?

      By the way, you don't get to place a threshold, on how other people get to respond to what you do or say... In essence, that would be usurping everyone else's free speech.

      "If you are unclear about any of this, please proceed with your juvenile ranting, but honestly, I don't have time for your bullshit. There is dissention and then there is just bullshit and I call it like I smell it from you."

      The fallacy of attempting to refute an argument, by attacking the opposition’s personal character, or reputation, using a corrupted negative argument from ethos...
      Example: "He's so evil that you can't believe anything he says."

    2. Look, YOU can 'hide' behind YOUR "polite" verbiage, but you saying what you said is intended to be "Hey guys, STFU because I'm talking to Zach here! If he's man enough, he'll man up and spar with my nonsense in his defense!"
      It goes without saying Zach will say what he will in defense of himself, if he feels he needs defending. It is HIS BLOG, after all.
      The comments section is for, you know, COMMENTS from everyone. If it weren't, we'd have direct messaging to the blog author.
      Just because I called you out for your own subterfuge and bullshit and did so in an unsubtle way made me a "petulant" "bitch."
      So be it. I've been called far better and worse. I can take it. Clearly, you have a problem that you can dish it but not take it yourself.
      Now, I'm afraid, everything else you say just looks like "blah blah blah" to me and I have no will to entertain anymore of your nonsense.
      You're like a fucking one note song.

    3. You're literally just putting words in my mouth now...

      You cannot tell another person what they intended, by the words they personally choose. All you can do is interpret them, to find what you think they mean.. It looks like you interpreted it wrong.

      Actually, what I just said isn't completely accurate... There is something else you can do to figure out what someone is implying. I wonder, what might that be??? Hmm... I don't know, maybe, ask them?

      This whole time, I've been asking you to clarify your words, so I can better understand what you're implying. You, on the other hand, have been doing nothing, but throwing out emotionally based insults... All while trying to tell me, what I personally meant, by my own choice of words, not yours. The arrogance of your mind is unbelievable.

      You think I can dish it but can't take it? Ha! Why, because I responded back to you, by sticking up for myself? That makes no sense whatsoever... Then again, most of the emotionally charged drivel you wrote above doesn't either.

      I bid you adieu.


  20. Jeremy, this could very well be true... I just think the white jesus argument is weak. I've seen several different characterizations of jesus i.e. Mexican, Indian, Ethiopian, Eygptian and so on... It's normal for people to infuse their own culture into religions and spiritual customs... It's absurd to think otherwise. No predominately black church has ever been prevented from having a black jesus... If anyone tells you that, they are lying.

  21. Part 1

    You guys have no factual proof or evidence to any of your sayings and findings. This shit is a book but it needs to be said because there's too much incorrect information being said right now. Fuck it here we go:
    First off the whole "European people have melanin"

    Sorry but facts say otherwise...

    Caucasians have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors that suppress melanin production, according to Halprin & Ohkawara, 1966. White people also have calcified pineal glands. You may ask how does this imply that white skin doesn't produce any melanin?.....The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which activates the pituitary to release M.S.H. (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone). It is in the melanocytes that melanin (Greek “melas”=black) is produced. Melanin is somewhat analogous to chlorophyll in plants. What a lot of people don’t realize is that melatonin is also related to fertility. Those with pigmented skin have the highest counts of melanocytes in the genitalia and nipples. The pigmentation in these areas can be influenced by sex hormones like estrogens and androgens. During pregnancy, the nipples, face, and abdominal wall become darkened. These areas of increased pigmentation during pregnancy are due to the increase in the production of estrogens.

    his book, “The Chemical Key to Black Greatness” American Biochemist, Carol Barnes, described melanin as, “a civilizing chemical that acts as a sedative to help keep the black human calm, relaxed, caring, creative, energetic and civilized”. Research also revealed that melanin enables black skin to actively interact with the sun, to produce Vitamin D from a biochemical substance, 7- dehydrocholesterol. The study also detected that, melanin has spiritual dynamics as well as physical, since it acts as a sensory ‘receptor’ and ‘transmitter’; communicating with cosmic energy fields in the vast universe converting light energy to sound energy and back. Dr. Richard King, MD, stated that, “melanin, by its ability to capture light and hold it in a memory mode, reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge”.

    As far as vitamin D metabolization, white people have the lowest bone density of all people on the planet probably because of the climate inhabited. Vitamin D is produced by sun exposure. The skin is supposed to convert sunlight to Vitamin D because of 7-Dehydrocholesterol. However, white people reflect the sunlight so that the body compensates by depleting calcium from their bones. It makes whites more susceptible to kidney stones than any other race of people. The depletion of bone mass is responsible for their low bone density. It is widely regarded that black people have the strongest bones of all people from infancy to old age.

    No one is trying to invoke racism I agree with you guys however let's not deny facts or evidence that paints a much different picture.

  22. Part 2

    Now for the whole "different characterizations"

    ALL founders of world religions on ALL continents were BLACK and “woolly” haired, including the earliest gods.

    The early Greek-Roman gods & goddesses such as Apollo, Zeus, Hercules, Athena, Venus, were all Black, being renditions of the Black Egyptian gods. The historian Herodotus himself wrote “the names of nearly all the gods came to Greece from Egypt.” The Aeneid, like the Iliad, Odyssey and all the other great epics of the world, is a poetic story dealing with Black people! Aeneas, the Trojan hero of Virgil’s Aeneid, was in direct descent from Dardanus, the African founder of Troy.

    An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of The Saitic Isis; or An Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations, and Religions, Vol 1 and 2. They were written after years of research by English historian and linguist Godfrey Higgins, Esq. He published this massive two volume work in 1833 in which he gives many references to the Buddha such as, “…he is continually described as a Negro, not only with a black complexion, in which he agrees with Cristna (“Krishna” – a name that means “the Black One” -ed.), but with woolly hair and flat face.”

    Higgins further states that, “In the most ancient temples scattered throughout Asia, where his worship is yet continued, he is found black as jet, with the flat face, thick lips, and curly hair of the Negro.” These references by Higgins accurately describe the earliest depictions of the Buddha.

    It is only centuries later, when Buddhism gets introduced outside of India that the Buddha takes on the Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other Asian features that we associate with him at present. However, for the record, let it be known that Buddha, the first and original Buddha, was a Black man.

    A study of the history of India will reveal that at one time, all of India was occupied by two distinct negroid types, one having a very dark complexion, with a flat nose and curly hair, often described as “nappy”, or “pepper-corn” hair, while the other was also very dark complexioned but with an somewhat aquiline nose, and straight hair. These Black people were architects of the glorious Indus Valley civilization and its culture called Harappan, which was named after one of the two great cities, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, built around 3,000 B.C. in southern India. Those cities were the culmination of smaller towns which date back to 6,000 B.C. Around 1,500 B.C. a wave of invaders from the northern hemisphere flooded into India.

    These invaders adopted the word “Aryan”, which is an ancient Sanskrit term meaning “noble one”. This is the term that Adolph Hitler, the German dictator from World War II, used in the 20th century as part of his misguided “master race” ideology. Aryan, or “aryan brotherhood” is also a term used by quite a few white supremacists today.

    But I'm getting sidetracked...

    Buddha was Black! That’s why his woolly hair is always shown in small tight curls, peppercorn style or cornrows. Early sculptures of him clearly reveal his Aficoid features ...wide nose and full lips. So was Zaha of Japan, Fu-Hsi of China, Tyr of Scandinavia, Quetzalcoatl of Mexico, Sommonacom of Siam and Isis of Egypt and Rome. Krishna of India was “blue-black,” in fact his means black, or the Black One! (See dictionary). He is always portrayed with blue or blue-black skin.

    Jesus is clearly mentioned in the bible as having dark skin and wooly hair.

    Revelation 1:15
    And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

    Daniel 7:9
    I watched as thrones were put in place and the Ancient One sat down to judge. His clothing was as white as snow, his hair like purest wool. He sat on a fiery throne with wheels of blazing fire,

  23. Part 3

    Acts 21: 37-39
    As the soldiers were about to take Paul into the barracks, he asked the commander, "May I say something to you?" "Do you speak Greek?" he replied.
    "Aren't you the Egyptian who started a revolt and led four thousand terrorists out into the wilderness some time ago?"
    Paul answered, "I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city. Please let me speak to the people."

    They mistake Paul for an Egyptian....which we will discover what color of their skin they were

    Exodus 2: 17-19
    Some shepherds came along and drove them away, but Moses got up and came to their rescue and watered their flock.
    When the girls returned to Reuel their father, he asked them, "Why have you returned so early today?"
    They answered, "An Egyptian rescued us from the shepherds. He even drew water for us and watered the flock."

    Calling Moses and mistaking him for an Egyptian...

    Mohammed, founder of Islam was also ‘bluish’ in color with ‘frizzy’ hair. His grandfather was “black as the night.”
    Moses was Black according to Mohammedan tradition and early portraits. His hand would turn white, then back to his “other flesh” when God wished to give him a sign. (Ex. 4:6,7).

    Lao Tse of Taoism was “a divine incarnation ...born of a virgin black in complexion and as beautiful as jasper.” (Thorton: History of China Vol. 1) The chief title of Osiris, the greatest of Egyptian gods means “Lord of the Perfect Black.” He was also called “The Great Black,” similar to Krishna. The chief title of Zeus, greatest of the Greek gods was “Ethiops” which means, “burnt faced.” Early statues of gods in India have Africoid features and woolly or locked hair. The name of the Mexican god Ixtliton means “blacked faced.” In fact, many ancient Mexican gods are portrayed jet black with Africoid features.

    Once banned, The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves reveals remarkable knowledge on this subject, along with Anacalypis by Godfrey Higgins and African Origins of the Major World Religions by Amon Saakana, (Editors).

    The ancient Egyptians called themselves Kam or Kam-Au (Black people/ Black God-people), and their country Kamit (or Khemit), both meaning land of the Blacks and the Black Land. The word Egypt is derived from the Greek word Aigyptos (or Aiguptos) that means Black! Europe’s first historian, Herodotus said, “the Egyptians, Colchians, and Ethiopians have thick lips, and broad nose, woolly hair and they are of burnt skin.” Egyptian civilization evolved from the Ethiopians. The Bible equates Ham (Africans) with Egypt. (Ps. 78:51; 105:23, 27; 106:21, 22)

  24. Part 4

    The Black identity of Egyptian mummies is proven by their high melanin content. Also, Egyptians made wigs from sheep wool to match their woolly hair! A superb summary of the first Egyptians, their culture & achievements is documented in Legrand Clegg’s video Egypt During the Golden Age. Other great works include Gerald Massey’s scholarly Egypt, Light of the World, and James Brunson’s Predynastic Egypt. Ra Un Nefer Amen presents a powerful synthesis of the esoteric sciences of ancient Egypt, India & Canaan, in Metu Neter.

    Now for the "Jesus deception"

    Is resurrection truly a coming back from death or is it just because of the fact that Jesus didn't die on the cross?

    The proofs and evidences are in front of us for years and years. We failed to realize it because some people with authority interpreted as they wanted for us. At one time only priest had the right to read and write. They had the holy authority to read the holy scripture. So when they became corrupt, the whole system of organized religion was used and monopolized.

    Now we can read the bible for ourself, can't we? You we also can check references to unearth evidences.

    This is one of the most mindblowing fact about the divine life of Jesus that he didn't die on the cross. Believe me not? Before i put forward the proofs from the very same Bible that all christians and others read, lets see the history first.

    To establish Jesus and to make him parallel to the pagan gods with splendid mythical stories with their names, the early church had to draw a picture of Jesus in a similar fashion so that the unsophisticated, illiterate minds of the general people can replace their pagan gods with Jesus. Even though Jesus was a humble human being (which in anyway doesn't change the fact that he was a Spirit from God, and Jesus was a blessed soul, a specially loved one by One and Only God), the church wanted monopoly with the religion. They had to use power at Council of Nicaea to suppress the truth, destroy and hide very important Gospels from true companions of Jesus, rewrite and reinterpret Jesus's divine message according to their wish.

  25. Part 5

    You see a very sad but strong similie here. Jesus himself who all through his prophetic mission always stood against the priests (Pharisees), people who started trading religion for money, who turned Synagogues and Temples into market place ... after Christ left the mission ... it is the same kind of people came back into the picture again. Only difference is that they used Christ as a banner.

    No doubt there was true saints, no doubt there was devoted believers of God and Jesus Christ, no doubt there were true people with true heart ... may God bless them all and raise them high in ranks in the heaven ... but to discover true message of Jesus in our time we have to look back at the histories, because they hold the facts.

    Jesus was taken to crucifixion not because he loved people or he talked about Love neither because he talked about God; he was crucified BECAUSE he stood against some power hungry pharisees, high priests, the god-fathers of Jewish religion (Christ himself was a jewish, remember). You can see Christ's struggle against these so called religious people inside the New Testament, passage after passage. Time and time again you in New Testament you will find Jesus condeming such hypocrites, exposing their fraud behavior and publicly condeming their monopoly with religion.

    These same kind of people (who came into organized power after about 300 years of Jesus's passing) used Christ himself to again monopolize the religion in his name. What a shame for us, what a shame for the humanity !!

    Now once we understand what earlier christianity went through and the evolution, then we can prepare our mind to discover more truth and to find the true message of Jesus and to understsand his divine status as he wanted to know us.

    Researchers and historians in growing numbers finding out that true followers of Christians were of very different nature. They were mystics, gnostics people who understood this world and its nature in a great depth and detail. They were mystics because their great master, Jesus himself was a true mystic in heart. What happened to those christians?

    Who changed christianity in to a materialistic religion where you have to confess your sin to a priest rather than to God? Is it because only then people will turn to priest and give money to churches? Did Jesus prayed and confesed to priest in temple or to God?

    The Real Sayings of Black Jesus

    In 1945 a scroll was discovered in Nag Hamadi, "The Secret Sayings of the Living Jesus," i.e., The Gospel of Thomas; it is a Coptic translation of a Greek translation of Jesus' oral Aramaic sayings. Scholars agree that this is the closest record we have of the historical Jesus.

  26. Part 6

    Jesus absolutely HATED churches

    Jesus' words do admonish against that in the Bible: "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your closet, and when you have shut the door pray to your Father which is in secret, and your Father which sees in secret will reward you openly." [Matthew 6:5-6]

    The reference to "go into your closet" has been translated in other versions of the Bible as "go into your inner room," "go away by yourself," "be all alone," "your most private room," "enter into thy chamber," and "go into your room."

    The message of Mathew 6:6 clearly implies that: Jesus condemns prayers in situations where other people are present. Prayers are to be an intensely private communion between an individual and their God; no one else should be present. One can infer that, according to Matthew, prayers should not be given in groups, for instance, in a building called a church!

    "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained. Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there." (This is verse 77)

    "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you." (This is verse 3)

  27. Part 7

    His disciples questioned him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How shall we pray? Shall we give alms? What diet shall we observe?" Jesus said, "Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate, for all things are plain in the sight of heaven. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered." (This is verse 6)

    "If you fast, you will bring sin upon yourselves, and if you pray, you will be condemned, and if you give to charity, you will harm your spirits." (!!) When you go into any land and walk about in the districts, if they receive you, eat what they will set before you, and heal the sick among them. For what goes into your mouth will not defile you, but that which issues from your mouth - it is that which will defile you." (This is verse 14)

    Here are some other interesting things Jesus said in quotes, from the Nag Hamadi scroll - with our annotations and hypotheses in parenthesis:

    "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death." ("Not taste of death" is not the same as "you will not die." Obviously you will die. "Taste" of death might refer to the fear of death which becomes like an overbearing shadow spoiling life and joy.)

    "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty." (True, inner truth is truth that is OF that Light that Burns in Darkness. Anything else is barren and can not shine out.)

    "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. And there is nothing buried that will not be raised." (True, this is more about inner truth. Hiding what you are from yourself only lasts so long. Eventually, Something grabs you by the heart and makes you see it.)

    "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. " (As we'd say, all things return to the Eternal Voidness.)

    The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us, how will our end come?" Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is. Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death." (That's like saying that the Thatness was, is, and will be - all at the same time.)

    "Congratulations to the one who came into being before coming into being." (!!)

  28. Part 8

    Now evidence showing Jesus didn't die on the cross

    1) Jesus remained on the cross for few hours only (according to New Testament it was approximately 3 hours, from noon till three). The death by crucifixion takes time, as it’s a painful but slow death.

    2) The two men crucified with Jesus were still alive when taken down from the cross.

    3) The breaking of legs was done to the two criminals, but dispensed with in the case of Jesus.

    4) The side of Jesus was pierced and blood rushed out which was a sign of life.

    5) Even Pilate didn’t believe that Jesus actually died in so short time. Read here Mark 15:44, Pilate was surprised that he was already dead (because they knew very well that so quickly a person can not die on the cross).

    6) Jesus was not buried like the two criminals, but was given into the charge of a wealthy disciple of his, who lavished care upon him and put him in a spacious room hewn in the side of the rock. Very much likely that Jesus was given Essenic healing to recover in those three days before he was again seen in the garden.

    7) When the tomb was seen on the third day, the stone was found to have been removed from its mouth, which would not have been the case if there had been a supernatural resurrection.

    8) Mary Magdalene, when she saw him took him for gardener (John 20:15), which is only and only because Jesus disguised himself as a gardener. Such disguise would not have been the case if Jesus had risen from the dead.

  29. Part 9

    9) It was in the same body and flesh that the disciples saw Jesus and the wounds were still there deep enough for a man to thrust his hand in. He even told to the disciples in his own words (Luke 24:38-39) Then he said to them “Why are you frightened and why do doubts arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, its me! (there were sign of wound from crucifixion on hands and feet still then). Jesus continued, “Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones like you see I have.”

    10) He still felt hunger and ate with the disciples (Luke 24: 39-43)

    11) Jesus Christ undertook a journey to Galilee with two of his disciples walking side by side with him, which shows that he was flying for refuge, for if his object had been to rise to heaven he would not have undertaken a journey to Galilee. Read in Luke 24:14 that Jesus himself was walking in disguise with the disciples who even didn’t recognize him at first.

    12) In all post-crucifixion appearances Jesus is found concealing and hiding himself as if he feared being discovered.

    13) Jesus prayed the whole night (before his arrest) to God to be saved. Read in Matthew (26:39) Jesus prayed this beautiful prayer to save him, “My Father, if possible let his cup (which symbolize suffering and death) pass from me! Yet not what I will, but what You will.” Ponder carefully about the words. These are the words of total surrender of a devotee to the Beloved and Jesus not having any father used to call God as his father.

    14) His prayers were answered by the Lord in Heaven and it was a splendid way Lord saved Jesus.

    15) The cry at the cross before Jesus lost consciousness which people took by mistake as death was, My God, my God, why hast Thou Forsaken me?”. Read Heb 5:7 where it is said, “When he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto Him who was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared.”

    Basically Jesus was made to carry the cross (John 19:17) and was beaten severely with a whip before prelude to crucifixion, known to the Romans as verberatio mentioned in Matt 27.26, Mark 15:15, John 19:1. As result he became weak from trauma and loss of blood. He didn’t sleep the night before as he prayed deeply to God (and few nights as well as he was moving constantly). And also due to the pain and trauma at the cross Jesus lost consciousness and went into a coma. The enemies of Jesus thought he died. He was taken down by one of the disciple. (This is exactly how the plan of God executed in His grace). But in actuality Jesus was taken care very carefully.

  30. Part 10

    More than likely he was given healing by the Essenes. The Essenes called themselves Therapeutae, "healers," claiming that their austere lifestyle gave them the power to cast out demons of sickness and even to restore life of the dead. Considering this, Christ raising Lazarus from the dead seems a typical Essenic miracle. And similar method was applied to him to bring him back to consciousness.

    He gained back his consciousness. Took disguise as a gardener and this is when Mary Magdalene saw him, she couldn’t recognize him. And after recognition, when Mary wanted to embrace him in clear voice Jesus said, “I have not gone to Father yet”. Going to Father means journey after death. This clearly signifies that Jesus himself said that he didn’t die (offcourse church has its own interpretation).

    Jesus most probably left Jerusalem leaving the work to James and Mary Magdalene. And where did he go?

    Research shows that Jesus went to India. And it was not for the first time he went to India. Many scholars believe that Jesus went to India even before. The time of his life about which all the gospels are mysteriously silent is the time we are talking about.

    Many of the philosophies that Jesus talked as discovered in Gnostic Gospels and other Mystic Gospels, it is more clear that Jesus had influence of Eastern Thoughts. And many believe he learned them from the Buddhist and Vedantis (Hindus) of India where he spent some part of his life.

    Don't Worry we will get back to the India sorry later....

  31. Part 11

    Back to the crucifixion....

    Why so little about Jesus’s departure:
    In Mark there was no original description of Jesus’s departure. The additional texts were added later. you can see the footnote at the ends of Mark in any standard Bible

    The chruch teaches that Jesus ascended to heaven, which if happened in reality would be given in great detail to strengthen the faith of the believers in Jesus. But such a supposedly magnificent event is writteen just in few lines. Thats something to ponder.

    In Luke its ends like this:
    24:50 Then Jesus led them out as far as Bethany and lifting up his hands, he blessed them. Now during the blessing he departed.

    Look carefully in New Testament the following line, “and was taken up into heaven” was not even in the original text and its written in footnote. It was added later on to make false doctrines.

    Very significant conversation with Mary Magdalene:
    From John 20:24-17 : “She turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus.”

    Now Jesus himself said that he was not ghost (Luke 24:38-39) or spirit in his post crucifixion appearance. Yet Magdalene didn’t recognize him though she was a close companion and a beloved one. What does it indicate?

    Jesus was simply taking disguise to avoid re-capture and more chaos.

    Now continue reading pls, John 20:16 : Jesus said to her, “Mary”.
    She turned and said to him Aramaic “Rabboni (meaning teacher). Jesus replied, “Do not touch me, for I have NOT yet ascended to my Father (this is the most striking proof from Christ’s own word that he confirmed that he didn’t die on the cross)

    Return back to India......

    Holger Kersten's book "Jesus Lived in India". This German book is a thorough, methodical and authoritative examination of the evidence of Christ's life beyond the Middle East before the Crucifixion and in India and elsewhere after it.
    Heres a summary of Kersten's exhaustive research into Christ's travels after the Crucifixion, his arrival in India with the Mother Mary and finally his so called death and entombment in Kashmir. Kersten notes the many parallels of Christ's teachings with other religious and cultural traditions and suggests that at least some of these figures may have been one and the same personality. It is not possible, Kersten asserts, to disprove that Christ went to India.

    The current information documenting Christ's life is restricted to the gospels and the work of Church theologians. One can hardly trust these sources to be objective considering their obvious interest in maintaining the authority of their Church and its grip on the masses.

    The Russian scholar, Nicolai Notovich, was the first to suggest that Christ may have gone to India. In 1887, Notovich, a Russian scholar and Orientalist, arrived in Kashmir during one of several journeys to the Orient. At the Zoji-la pass Notovich was a guest in a Buddhist monastery, where a monk told him of the bhodisattva saint called "Issa". Notovich was stunned by the remarkable parallels of Issa's teachings and martyrdom with that of Christ's life, teachings and crucifixion.

    For about sixteen years, Christ travelled through Turkey, Persia, Western Europe and possibly England. He finally arrived with Mary to a place near Kashmir, where she died. After many years in Kashmir, teaching to an appreciative population, who venerated him as a great prophet, reformer and saint, he died and was buried in a tomb in Kashmir itself.

    The first step in Christ's trail after the Crucifixion is found in the Persian scholar F. Mohammed's historical work "Jami-ut-tuwarik" which tells of Christ's arrival in the kingdom of Nisibis, by royal invitation. (Nisibis is today known as Nusaybin in Turkey).

  32. Part 12

    This is reiterated in the Imam Abu Jafar Muhammed's "Tafsi-Ibn-i-Jamir at-tubri." Kersten found that in both Turkey and Persia there are ancient stories of a saint called "Yuz Asaf" ("Leader of the Healed"), whose behaviour, miracles and teachings are remarkably similar to that of Christ.

    The many Islamic and Hindu historical works recording local history and legends of kings, noblemen and saints of the areas thought to be travelled by Jesus also give evidence of a Christ like man; the Koran, for example, refers to Christ as "Issar". Further east, the Kurdish tribes of Eastern Anatolia have several stories describing Christ's stay in Eastern Turkey after his resurrection. These traditional legends have been ignored by the theological community.
    Kersten also suggests that prior to Christ's mission in the Middle East, he may have been exposed to Buddhist teachings in Egypt. After his birth in Bethlehem, his family fled to Egypt to avoid Herod's persecution. Surprisingly some scholars now acknowledge that Buddhist schools probably existed in Alexandria long before the Christian era.

    More clues are drawn from the Apocrypha. These are texts said to have been written by the Apostles but which are not officially accepted by the Church. Indeed, the Church regards them as heresy since a substantial amount of the Apocrypha directly contradicts Church dogma and theology.

    The Apocryphal 'Acts of Thomas', for example, tell how Christ met Thomas several times after the Crucifixion. In fact they tell us how Christ sent Thomas to teach his spirituality in India. This is corroborated by evidence found in the form of stone inscriptions at Fatehpur Sikri, near the Taj Mahal, in Northern India.

    They include "Agrapha", which are sayings of Christ that don't exist in the mainstream Bible. Their grammatical form is most similar to that of the Apocryphal gospel of Thomas. This is but one example giving credibility to the idea that texts not recognised by the Church hold important clues about Christ's true life and his teachings.


    If there is historical record of a living man's saying inscribed on property, Jesus wasn't some made up fairy tale with a invisible sky daddy.

  33. +Dwayne Harris,
    I don't even know where to begin rebutting all that crazy in your prolific posts, but know this: "They" don't even talk about historic black on white slavery (among other many other things) either. I'm sure you believe what you believe, but honestly, I'm not sure why you're here at all. Who or what are you trying to set straight? It would seem you think we should all think/believe as you do... what you 'believe' to be truth. What I know and understand from data, analysis and 'science' as we know it is that it has all been manipulated. Bless your heart.

  34. I hear what you're saying Jeremy, I really do... But the fact remains, no one is forcing predominately black churches to have a white Jesus today. You do have a valid point, about slave masters forcing blacks to convert to Christianity... Though what you're missing here, is that whites at the time worshipped Christianity themselves, so why on earth would the depict a messiah whom they couldn't relate to?

    As I stated before, every culture depicts their religious figures in the likeness of themselves... There is nothing nefarious about that by itself.

    I'd also like to add that Christianity, Catholicism, Islam etc... Was forced onto all groups of people, not just people of color. There are parts of Europe, that at one point, had spiritual customs very similar to Native Americans (i.e. Nature Worship)... That is before they were conquered by the power groups of the day.

    Every group of people on the planet, are currently being oppressed by the worlds elite, in one way or another... Let's not get caught up in debating who has it the worst... If we play that divisive game, we lose every single time.

    In other words... Instead of focusing solely our differences, we should find common ground, for us all to stand tall on.


  35. No one is trying to tell you what to think or believe. You can believe in anything and it make your truth, regardless if society thinks it's right and wrong. That's how the law of attraction works. I agree you guys ALL PEOPLE have been oppressed. I know we are spiritual beings inhabiting this domain, we are all the same. However we must not ignore certain facts and evidence that questions your paradigm. As far as melanin, if I don't know what I'm talking about then please rebuke it. If im inaccurate then let me know respectfully, we can all learn from each other. That said, If you truly believe I'm a retard and talking out my ass prove me wrong. You haven't put a link to prove I'm wrong your just stating "oh you don't know what your talking about"
    According to Dr. Jewel Pookrum M.D P.H.D in her book Vitamins to Minerals A to Z: "melanin is synthesized and distributed by specialized cells known as melanocytes, within the organ of the body. Melanocytes synthesize melanin through a series of biochemical reactions beginning with the intake of amino acid phenylalanine. Each step in the production of melanin requires certain nutritional components and particular minerals and vitamins, pyridoxine, copper, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, tyrosine, and phenylalanine. Each biochemical reaction in the chain is controlled by a specific enzyme."

    If all specific enzymes, vitamins and minerals are present, the pigment melanin is produced in considerable quantities. Melanin is produced and the individual has dark skin, black hair, and brown eyes. However if all specific enzymes are nutrients or deficient or relatively inactive, the individual manifest a pale skin color. Hair will be light or blond, and eyes will be hazel and blue. This depigmentation is directly related to the genetic inability to produce sufficient amount of melanin. This is directly backed up by the study done here at this link

    This study had several white people's reactions to the sun as well as cloning melanin to prevent them from getting skin cancer. For the full study check out the book The Melanotropic Peptide. According to Dr. Jewel Pookrum M.D P.H.D six types of melanin has been identified and classified from 1 to 6 bases on concentration and activity. Type 1 has pale skin and produce very little melanin. Think Irish, celts, and the Welsh. Types 2 and 3 or also associated with what anthropologist identify as the Caucasian race. Type 4 individuals however are lightly tanned, and their skin color ranges from pale to yellow. Think Chinese, Greeks, Spanish, Japanese. Type 5 and 6 range from brown skinned to very black skinned and consist of black Americans, Egyptians, Nigerians, etc.

    According to Dr. Jewel Pookrum M.D P.H.D since black people have eu-melanin, they are able to absorb the full spectrum of enegry which includes sun light, electric power, radio wave, TV waves, micro waves l, infra red, ultra violet (UV), X-Rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays. White people have pheo-melanin which is such an immature degree of melanosome. This causes white people to reflect the energy rather than absorb, process and store it.

    Last point melanin in its most concentrated and purest form is black because its chemical structure will not allow any type of energy to escape once that energy has come into contact with it.

    Obviously this shit is extensive but we are talking about skin pigmentation. Peace to yall. Not trying to provoke anyone folks just sharing info!

  36. I don't need to provide links, for you to understand that there are different classifications of melanin... As a starting point, look up Eumelanin and Neuromelanin... You are talking about them like they are one and the same... Especially when you make statements, about skin pigmentation having a direct relationship to the pineal gland.

    You're not provoking me or ruffling my feathers... I just won't allow someone to state something as factual, that has not been proven as of yet. You can quote a doctor all you want, but that doesn't make it fact... Doctors and scientists disagree all the time, based on different interpretation of limited data. Is it possible you are right? Sure it is, but there is not enough data, available at this time, to properly analyze and reach a conclusive consensus among peers.

  37. Also, that quote you posted refuted your statement of "whites have no melanin"... It's not that they have no melanin(eumelanin), they just have lower concentrations... Thus making your claims false.

  38. Essentially, the only thing that has been proven, is that people with lighter complexions, are more susceptible to being affected by skin cancer. You can't just connect the dots from different studies, to form one conclusion about the various classifications of melanin. Sorry, it just doesn't work like that.

  39. Lol so your only argument is well since they have a small trace that means they have melanin. Sure you have melanin. Just like you have a jumpshot in basketball or throwing a football. Yeah everyone of us had access to it, but are you getting paid millions of dollars for it? Or are you just playing around with your friends in the backyard? So since you have the same trace as the rest of the world tell me can you produce ALL RACES of people? How come white people are continually in the birth decline? Ok fine you have a laughbly low rate to the point where you cannot receive energy from the sun? You know the same vehicle that powers the earth? Typical even with proof your still considered wrong by someone stating absolutely nothing to refute a claim, yet has the audacity to hypocritical state that they have evidence or better understanding yet doesn't even mention these understandings or proof because "doctors are wrong too" so what's happens when your gematria prediction is wrong? Will you use the same logic? Just because you have .0000001 of melanin don't sit here and tell me what you know when you can't prove anything. How come you get cancer but no one else does? I already stated what eumelanin is if you already read it which you didn't since you know better than people who actually research and conducted test to prove theories. Good one bro. I'm done this dude knows the world so there's no point of debating, watch he'll have some response that says "oh well your not fooling me blah blah blah" show the facts, that doctor ain't no mainstream cream puff. She is the reason why we even know about possible life forms on Mars. But I forgot that's a conspiracy because black people can't be right can they? Subconscious bias at its finest

  40. Truth seeking thread is becoming bloggers death match. Please ladies and gents. You two are bright, please continue to decode. We need you both at your best.


    1. No worries on my side. AFAIK, EMM and I are "bygones."


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