Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

34 57 67 99 121 122 | NFL Twitter "hacked", tweets Roger Goodell is dead at age 57, June 7, 2016

Like I often say, half these guys get paid what their name's sum to.

Goodell = 7+6+6+4+5+3+3 = 34

Hacked or jew crewed?  The '57' pops.

Roger Goodell was born February 19, 1959, the fiftieth day of the year.  This hoax comes 121-days after Super Bowl 50, hosted by the 49ers.  It is also a total span of 122-days.

Revelation = 67 (With V-Exception) (June 7, or 6/7...)

2/19/1959 = 2+19+19+59 = 99 (Thirteen = 99)
2/19/1959 = 2+19+(1+9+5+9) = 45 (Thirteen = 45)
2/19/1959 = 2+1+9+1+9+5+9 = 36
2/19/59 = 2+19+59 = 80

If you have not seen my post about Sean Rooks, who supposedly died today, he has very similar numbers.  This is interesting.


  1. There's something big going on with the 219. 8/7 is the 219th day. Queen Elizabeth II=87 Queen Eliz's 64th anniversary was 183 days before 8/7. Her 65th Anniversary is 183 days after 8/7. Easter was on 87th day this year. 183rd day is 7/1 which also leaves 183 days in the year. The Ides of March=71 World War Three=71 Queen's sister Margaret died age 71, she died 49 days before their mom died age 101. They were both buried on 4/9. 87th prime is 449. If King James was alive he would be 449 years old until 6/19/16(Mirrors 619 even) 619 the 114th prime.

    1. Even the death of Sean Rooks, he was born on 9/9. Queen Eliz became the Longest reigning Monarch on 9/9/2015.

  2. Could this be a forthcoming event ? There has already been slot of deaths I wouldn't be surprised

  3. The Jews have been after Goodell's scalp for a while ... this is why the NFL has gotten so much bad press in recent years (concussions, domestic violence, etc.)...

  4. The Jews have been after Goodell's scalp for a while ... this is why the NFL has gotten so much bad press in recent years (concussions, domestic violence, etc.)...

  5. The fake reporter name is also a perfect tribute:

    Ahiza Garcia -- 84/57


  6. A fake story planted in the news BY THE NFL FRONT OFFICE to keep people's minds on the NFL. Deflate-gate went past its sell-by date and nobody cares anymore. So the solution was to cast Goodell in the light of a victim or some hacker plot. I find it amusing how he's trying so hard to appear likeable. I hate the bastard and that's never gonna change. By the way, I have to say I don't like the anti-Jew strain of this blog. What do you people have against Jews? Mercenaries like the owner of the team formerly known as the St. Louis Rams are bastards, yes... Not because they're Jews but rather because they're greedy rich bastards who come in all races and religions. Leave Jews alone. Most of them are good people.


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