Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

44 67 166 | South Carolina pilots crash F-16s, June 7, 2016, in Jefferson County Georgia

This was going on last year at this time, and here it is again a year later.  Notice the pilots are from South Carolina, again flying F-16s.  Are they trying to tell us something about a June 16 to come?  F is the 6th letter.  Of course last week we had similar headlines.

Notice the wreck took place in 'Jefferson' County, Georgia.

Jefferson = 1+5+6+6+5+9+1+6+5 = 44
Georgia = 7+5+6+9+7+9+1 = 44

June 7 was also a fitting date for a wreck in South Carolina.

South = 1+6+3+2+8 = 20; Carolina = 3+1+9+6+3+9+5+1 = 37
South Carolina = 67 (June 7, or 6/7)


  1. And of course, the "reporters":

    Joshua -- 74/20/949
    Berlinger -- 90/54/248
    Joshua Berlinger -- 164/74/1197

    Keith -- 53/26/132
    Allen -- 44/17/86
    Keith Allen -- 97/43/218

  2. Any big events planned for the 16th? Thr double 44 makes me think of Trump. Maybe a Trump plane crash?

    1. Wow, good question! That's an interesting date considering it is the 168th day of the year with 198 days remaining in the year.
      86 seems themic for that day.

    2. Seems like a useful day for something:

      6/16/2016 - 6+1+6+2+1+6 = 22
      6/16/2016 - 6+16+20+16 = 58
      6/16/16 - 6+16+16 = 38

    3. Trumps bday is the 14th, maybe he falls ill and dies on 16th we hope.

    4. Ed, don't forget about this way too...

      6/16/2016 = 6 + 16 + (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 31 (4)

      So the numerologies of that day are 11, 22, 2, & 4.

      11 = Master Pyramid

      22 = Master Builder

      11 + 22 = 33 (Master Teacher)

      2 = Duality & Unity

      4 = Foundation/Beginning

  3. Jefferson County Georgia
    George Jefferson & Louise
    Moving on up!

    Also Jefferson was the 3rd president and his head is on the nickel, 5 cent coin. I think Monticello may be on the back of the nickel.


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