Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 13, 2016

46 73 199 202 | FBI knew about gunman, CNN's latest headlines, June 13, 2016

2:02 am is interesting because June 12 is the date that leaves 202-days remaining in the year.

Also, the Republican Convention will be taking place in Cleveland from July 18 to July 21, 2016.  This year July 20 will be the 202nd day of the year, typically it is July 21.  From now until July 20, is 38-days, our number connecting back to 'death'.


  1. Ha nice, June 12th leaves 202 days in the year too.

    1. Crazy,

      22 = Basketball

      122 Min of the day. 122 = Golden State.

      Tribute to GSW's loss tonight against Cleveland? hmmm.

    2. And its the big day for the Luciferians this year, Inversion Day. 6-12-2*16

    3. And Dan's post was as 2:01 AM. :-)

    4. It was actually 4:01 in Iowa though, it automatically goes to Pacific time on here. Even on my own blog it does that, not sure how to fix it.

    5. They said that this shooting was 2.2 miles from where the young "The Voice" singer was shot the other day.

      "The Voice" = 42, 87, 880(Jewish) or 88
      "Freemason" = 42
      "Forty Two" = 142
      "Inside Job" = 87 = "Clinton"
      "Trump" = 88 = Poison = Program

      Headlines say "The Voice Singer Shot" = 221(Simple)
      "The Bavarian Illuminati" = 221
      "Two Two One" = 42 = Freemason
      "Two hundred twenty one" = 93(Reduction).

    6. The posts will post at PST, Zach's time zone, so nothing you can control.

  2. They changed the dead victins to 49 .plus 53
    dead is 102 like how long 911 was 102 minutes

  3. Forty Nine Die" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

    Forty Nine Die" in the English Reduction system equals 72

    (Orlando Florida= 72 & 144)

    Just like on 9/11 this Omar' dude had help from Bonesmen and Saudi's in conducting this Lie.

    Nine One One Pledge Allegiance ISIS" in the English Reduction system equals 149

    Omar Mir Seddique Mateen Saudi Arabia" in the English Reduction system equals 144

    World Trade Center Pulse" in the English Reduction system equals 96

    World Trade Center Pulse" in the English Ordinal system equals 258

    Saudi Arabia Three Two Two" in the English Reduction system equals 96

    Saudi Arabia Three Two Two" in the English Ordinal system equals 258

    That Middle Part of his name Media kept Changing.

    "Mir Seddique" in the English Reduction system equals 61

    Mir Seddique Skull and Bones" in the English Reduction system equals 102 / 111

    New York Orlando Florida" in the English Reduction system equals 111

    Omar Mir Seddique Mateen Yale" in the English Reduction system equals 119

    Mir Seddique Three Two Two" in the English Reduction system equals 116

    World Trade Center Pulse Club" in the English Reduction system equals 107 / 116

    A Pulse can also be Called a Heart Rate". Remember the Eagles of Death Metal Record Heart On" and the Heart painted in Blood on The Dance Floor after the Photo -Op.

    World Trade Center Heart Rate" in the English Reduction system equals 119

    Heart Rate" in the English Reduction system equals 42

    Heart Rate" in the English Ordinal system equals 96

    Saudi Arabia Skull and Bones" in the English Reduction system equals 82 / 91

    Saudi Arabia Skull and Bones" in the English Ordinal system equals 235

    (235 Reminded me of the illuminati card game and the Dwayne Wade Commercial. The Red Corvette ?!?)

    235-91= .. 144 ..

    Ninety One" in the English Ordinal system equals 121

    Ninety One" in the English Reduction system equals 49

    May Twenty Third Revelation" in the English Reduction system equals 119

    Revelation Prophecy" in the English Reduction system equals 101

    Revelation Prophecy" in the English Ordinal system equals 227

    1. The Time Span Between 9/11/01 and 6/12/16.

      14 Years 9 Months (Skull and Bones= 149)

      fourteen years nine months " in the English Ordinal system equals 303

      fourteen years nine months " in the English Reduction system equals 114

    2. Heart equals the Drummers who have died lately, heart of engine has Horse Power, lots of dead horses at the races, the engine is the heart of the plane but the pilot is the soul, lots of dead pilots lately too. Horses finished as Creator(God) by a nose before Destin(Destiny) and a bit ahead of Lani(Heaven)

    3. The so called "Bluecifer" at Denver International Airport = 330(Jewsih) or 33.

      "Bluecifer" also equals 81(Simple) just like "Masons" = "Black Pope".

      They were showing a Purple Circle above a Square window frame on the side of the Pulse Night Club. Square = 81 and Circle = 50 and (50 + 81) = 131 like "Championship" = "Super Bowl."

  4. Shooting started at 2:02
    Blood Sacrifice Ritual in Simple Gematria Equals: 202

  5. The most important means of control are fear, confusion, and dependency. Events like these bring all of that to the forefront. The Fear is easiest, as the reporting of violence being close to home or the widespread diversity of that violence, dead kids, dead officer workers, dead blacks, dead service men, dead gays, pick a demographic and lets generically attack that stereotype in their place of safety and acceptance.

    Confusion, in my opinion, is the ultimate tool. Keep people guessing and never completely sure, then when a credible government offical tells you exactly what happened in terms you can understand, your faith in them grows. So the more they seek to control the situation, the more likely were are to increase our dependence in them.

    Even our devoted decoding provides attention and energy on their plans, and while combating thembis the ultimate goal, focusing so much of one's energy on them from a place of hate is also not healthy. Tough situation for all of us who are awake to this, because being awake makes you want to hate so much.

    1. But anger is an energy like anything else. They try to make us fear it because they don't want us to use the word no back at them, no they want to be the ones telling us no, sorry u can't do, have, or be that. If you fight back that means u rnt a loving spirit, age garbage, but anger is healthy in this situation IMO being angry is showing love and healthy self tespect. It's standing up for yourself and saying, No you don't have the right to fuck me over any longer. I won't take it.
      It's a healthy Rosa Parks response. "No, I won't sit in the back of the bus bitch, if u try to make me I will rip your head off."
      That last part might be more me than Rosa but hey, they hold her up as a hero so if I choose to emulate her I can't be wrong. If I'm insane then they made me that way so Im not responsible for anything

    2. Like that suicidal tendancies song: I went to your schools, I went to your churches, I went to your institutional learning facilities etc... if I'm unacceptable well tough shit I am what they molded me to be. They really have no right to complain

    3. I dig that, I am anything but new age, and I would be the last to tell someone not to fight back. I've always stood up against authority, it is just my nature, I am just not a fan of actually feeling hate. Anger I am good with.


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