Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 6, 2016

48 66 74 96 444 666 | Harambe update, 'Mother is Cleared', CNN, June 6, 2016 (Muhammad Ali Parallels)

Muhammad Ali just died at 74.

Remember, this incident happened in 'Cincinnati', also connecting to 'Muhammad Ali'.

Remember, the father's name sums to 74 as well, and the mothers '666'.  Read about that below:

Also notice this story comes on June 6, 2016, a date with '48' numerology, connecting to the name of the Ape.

6/6/2016 = 6+6+20+16 = 48

Because it is 6/6, it also connects to 'LeBron'.

If you thought the headline was bad, checkout the ad playing at the same time on the CNN story.  Do you see that hand pose in the background?  Can you say 'Masonic'?

This ad is for Allstate.  If you see the commercial on CNN, notice how he shows the interior pocket of his jacket, and it is TG.

Allstate = 27
TG = 27

Also notice you can see the hands making the gesture in the careful shot at the end of the commercial.  You can see it to the far right, in the background, off the mirror's reflection.

This is a psy-op.


  1. Did anyone happened to notice that 450-Pond Gorilla = 144? I guess they are saying "Can't anyone notice the 450-Pound Gorilla in the room?"

  2. Also the "Thrilla in Manilla" fight... Illa, Gorilla

  3. Recall that when Harambe arrived at the Zoo he was listed as 419 lbs in weight.

    The campus size of UCLA (during recent shooting) was stressed in the news reports at 419 acres

  4. TG is Tim Gunn from "Project Runway".

  5. New to this thread, before germantria I decoded events by "story" lines. I tend to see the scripts unfolding but thanks to Zack and others it all makes more sense now, I have not tried germantria yet. Two things stand out.
    1, Lebron on the heat said the infamous Not 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, laughs 8... So I always felt he would go to 8 finals and finish at 4 wins. More finals that Kobe and Jordan but less rings and still great Zionist career.
    2. The gorilla IMO could be tied to boxing in that Ali was against the ropes then came back to win in thrilling fashion but the fact the Gorilla died and Ali died are Cavs dead? Ali did call Joe Frazier an ugly Gorilla but this gorilla was named " handsome" is the gorilla Curry the "Champ aka MVP" . Curry dropping out of Rio is strange too.
    If you win title what better way to keep the momentum and fame then that stage.

  6. New to this thread, before germantria I decoded events by "story" lines. I tend to see the scripts unfolding but thanks to Zack and others it all makes more sense now, I have not tried germantria yet. Two things stand out.
    1, Lebron on the heat said the infamous Not 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, laughs 8... So I always felt he would go to 8 finals and finish at 4 wins. More finals that Kobe and Jordan but less rings and still great Zionist career.
    2. The gorilla IMO could be tied to boxing in that Ali was against the ropes then came back to win in thrilling fashion but the fact the Gorilla died and Ali died are Cavs dead? Ali did call Joe Frazier an ugly Gorilla but this gorilla was named " handsome" is the gorilla Curry the "Champ aka MVP" . Curry dropping out of Rio is strange too.
    If you win title what better way to keep the momentum and fame then that stage.


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