Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 13, 2016

49 94 97 153 | Draymond Green +153 (Plus-Minus), second only to LeBron James +166 (More Game 7 Confirmation)

Notice Green is at +153, the number often paired with '42', and he is second only to 'LeBron James', who is at +166.  The Cavs are about to host the Warriors on June 16, or 16/6.

Draymond Green's manchurian basketball career looks like it is made for this upcoming Game 7, June 19, 2016, or 'Juneteenth'.

3/4/90 = 3+4+90 = 97 (Civil War)

You also have to appreciate the $15.33 million salary in light of the +153.

As I always say, these games are scripted to the point.

1 comment:

  1. Here's what I found on Draymond Green and his infamous Groin punch!

    Warrior #23 scuffles with Cav #23
    Twenty Three = 163
    The suspension comes on what is typically the 163rd day of the year.
    Fake = 23
    Duped = 23

    Flagrant Foul = 52
    Prophecy = 52
    Game 4 was on June 6, or 10/6. 106 = Prophecy
    6+10+20+16 = 52
    Groin Kick = 52 (Green kicked Steven Adams on OKC)

    Green drafted #35 overall.
    Suspended = 35
    FFP-One = 35 (Flagrant Foul Penalty One)

    Green born the 63rd day of the year.
    Groin = 63, 36
    Groin = 216 like the year, and Cleveland area code = 216
    6+1+0+2+0+1+6 = 16 (day of the punch)

    Green born March 4, or 3/4.
    Flagrant = 34

    The foul was described as "retailatory" and "unnecessary".
    Retaliatory = 144
    Unnecessary = 144, 1404
    Draymond Green = 71
    Seventy One = 144

    The day of the suspension was also the day of the Orlando shooting with 50 dead and 53 injured (supposedly).
    Flagrant One = 50, 500
    Death Hoax = 50
    Fifty = 66
    Lebron = 66


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