Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, June 10, 2016

33 52 88 106 108 227 314 | NBA Finals Game 4 Breakdown, Warriors win 108-97 (A tribute to Pi, time and prophecy)

First Quarter:

Basketball = 22

Notice the sum of '57', our 'championship' number.  It interesting that Golden State leads by one point with 29.

Ohio = 29

Second Quarter:  

James took the score from 42-44, no surprises there.

LeBron James = 42
King James = 44


55-50 at the half, all fives.

Zionism = 105
Masonry = 105

Cleveland Cavaliers = 69/78/105/114

The playoffs began April 16, typically the 106th day of the year, that was 55-days ago today.

Third Quarter:  

Cavs score 22 in the 3rd quarter...

The 156 combined points also stands out.

Thirty-Three = 156
Cleveland = 33
NBA Finals = 33
Stephen = 33

Also, Golden State's 79 reminds that 79 is the 22nd prime and Cleveland is trying to even the series at 2-2.

Fourth Quarter:

The Cavs retook the lead 83-81 on a LeBron James dunk.  Again, 83 is the 23rd prime.

Warriors went on a 12-1 run in the quarter.

The score sat on 93-84 for a very long time.

Curry hit a dagger to make the score 96-86.

Golden State Warriors = 108

No surprises that the Warriors win on prophecy day.

10/6/2016 = 10+6+20+16 = 52
10/6 = 106

LeBron's 25 points go nicely with the team's 97.

At the end of the game, they showed that teams that are down 1-3 in NBA Finals are 0-32, meaning Cleveland is now the 33rd team to be in this situation...

Cleveland = 33
NBA Finals = 33

Based on the history of Cleveland in sports, 0-33 seems about right.

If the Cavs are the first to win and make it 1-32, it will have a connection to the Philadelphia Train Wreck of May 12, 2015, on the 132nd day of the year.

Catholic Church = 132

Remember, that train wreck happened at 9:23 PM, and LeBron James = 923 in Jewish Gematria.  He also starred in the movie by the name Train Wreck after the Finals last year.

From the start of the season until today, was also 227-days.

Recall, if you divide 22 by 7, it totals 3.14, for Pi.  From March 14, Steph Curry's birthday, known as "Pi Day", until today, was 88-days, or 2 months and 27-days.

The Warriors "earned" their 88th win of the season today.  RIP Gordie Howe, who died in death city, Toledo, Ohio.  All I can say, in light of all this bullshit, is "Holy Toledo".

Remember when the Warriors defeated the Thunder March 3 while Prince was attending, 49-days before the death of Prince?  That game finished 121-106, with the Warriors winning and a sum of 227-points.... the 49th prime.


  1. I'm gonna make a video this shit is so easy to see through.

    1. Yeah because zach already laid the ground. All you have to do is put the tracing paper over it.

    2. Why don't you do it then encinalcanyon?

    3. I have been picking the Cavs since LeBron returned. But it is a wrap guys. We were wrong

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. When younstart contributing then you can have a voice unknown. The script can change. I picked the Cavs, the may pull it out but it is unlikely. I was simply stating that. How does that make me a pussy?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lebron scored 25 points.

    25th Prime = 97

    Have to say im a little surprised GS won this game, i still believe in the numbers for the cavs though. Did GSW not break the record tonight with 88 wins?

    You said in an earlier post that 106 favors the teams from philly, it seems regardless of the situation it always does. Having Cavs win this game would have made for a more straight forward series but again these people are playing out an agenda. Will be interesting to see what alignment the cavs have with the coming games.

    1. Games 5 has date gematria of 55.

      The cavs were winning at HT with 55 points to 50 drop the zero 5. Foreshadowing a game 5 win?

      Game five = 41/68
      Golden State = 41 King = 41
      Cleveland Cavilers = 68.

      I like that for Cavs to win in golden state.

  4. Cavs winning game 5 That is easy after that display of ISO Ball? They winning Game 5 Vegas Had 60% of money on Cavs today it was the equivelent to Game 3 for the Warriors.

    No one will put their money on the Cavs anymore even Game 7

    1. I don't know about that with all the '41' this year. 4-1 makes a lot of sense right now. We'll see if Cleveland can follow in the Sharks footsteps.

    2. Maybe so...
      Justin Braun on sharks

      Justin Braun = 41
      Born the 41st day of the year.
      Memorial = 41
      Lysiak = 41
      Leukemia = 410
      Sixty One = 41
      41st prime number is 179.
      Justin Timothy Braun = 79
      Champion = 79

  5. Did anyone else catch the 811 they showed on the broadcast I think during the 3rd quarter?

  6. Didn't someone try getting on the court when the game was 96-88 and lebron at the free throw line?

    Wouldnt be at all surprised if that was by design. The 88 points like the 88 wins GS now have this season breaking the 96's Bulls record? Haha i think so.

    Also Lebron makes one and misses one leaving Cleveland on 89. King James = 89

    If someone could tell me what time the shot clocked stopped when this happens im sure it will have significance.

  7. Convienient that you cover both teams so whoever wins you're not wrong. It seems you do that all the time.

    1. Its not about being right or wrong. Its about seeing the patterns on both sides for what they are, regardless of what happens Zachs proven the NBA and pro sports are rigged time and time again.

      Even if he's not spot on predicting the results he probably will be with time and experience and its important he documents both sides as it will have clues to the future games.

    2. In order to prove pro sports are rigged he has to be right. He's almost never right when it comes to sports or doesn't make a blatant prediction.

    3. Sports still are probably rigged look at game 3 I mean all the bets in Vegas were on the Warriors and of course the just bombed that game. Gimme a break that was a thrown game.

    4. Yeah, Zach calling the winning team of SB 50 months before it happened and calling the script of the game blow for blow before it happened was just real shit. Way off point. Give yourself a pat on the back, Long Island. You're totally not a douchebag.

  8. They wouldn't show it on Camera so I'm guessing it was a "Streaker"=97 Anyone notice at halftime Jalen Rose kept mentioning his favorite number 52 and they were talking about Klay and Curry having 25 points. He said halfway to 52, and mentioned it at least 3 times. 6+10+20+16=52 Warriors haven't lost a game all season on date numerology of 52 and they even beat the Cavs on 12+25+15=52.

    1. thanks for sharing this after the fact

    2. Cavs lost first game of the season with David Blatt to the Bulls on 10+27+15=52, Then Tyronn Lue lost his first game with the Cavs against the Bulls as well. Christmas day when the Cavs lost to Warriors was 168 days ago. Cleveland Cavaliers=168. What about when James Stepped over Green? Just like Lue got stepped over by Iverson. First game of the season to Lue's first game a span of 2 months 27 days. 10/27/15 to 6/10/16 a span of 227 days.

    3. I didn't look it up until halftime, and I was already almost 2 hours behind on the DVR or I would've shared.

    4. Sorry but as I'm looking I noticed more. 227 the 49th prime. Cavs only beat the Bulls 1 out of 4 games this season. They won on 2/18 the 49th day of the year. 106-95 also. They lost on 4/9 105-102.

    5. This is interesting Dan.

      If it goes to game 7 in golden state it will be a date with 41 numerology. We've seen 41 around a lot and in other events.

      Warriors have only played 3 times this season on a date with 41 Numerology.

      The first on 2/3/2016 @ Washington. Golden State 134 - 121 Washington Wizrds. Notice the 121 for the wizards and the 13 point difference? 13th Prime is 41.

      The second game 1/4/2016. Boston Celtics @ Golden State warriors. Cletics 109 - 106 Warriors. This the only game GSW have played at home with the 41 date numerology. This gave warriors there 9th loss of the season.

      Nine = 42 (Lebron)
      9th Prime = 23 (Lebrons Number)

      The final game was in the play offs - 21/4/16

      Warriors @ Rockets - 96-97. 97 like the cavs tonight.

      Also dont know if this was picked up at the time but warriors lost their 31st game of the season on Lebrons 31st birthday.

      Warriors 91 = 114 Mavericks (Lebron - 114) Also notice again that 13 point difference 13th prime is 41.

      Game 7 could potentially be in Golden State.. If they lose it will be the 4th time they've played on that date with 3 loses. 4-3 Series to the cavs?



    7. Cleveland have played 3 times as well on a date with 41. There 2-1 on this date.

      1/4/2016 Toronto @ Cavs. Toronto 100 - 122 Cavs (122 = Golden State)

      3/2/2016 - Cavs @ Charlotte. Cavs 97 - 106 Charlotte. (Cavs 13th Loss - 13th prime is 41. Lost by Nine = 42/23 Total score of 203)

      1/4/2016 - Cavs @ Atlanta. Cavs 96 - 96 Atlanta (Cavs 110-108 in OT) 108 = Golden State Warriors. Also this is cavs 66 game of the season.

      The way im reading this is; Game 1 Cavs won on home court with a tribute to Golden state were game 7 of the series will be played.

      Game 2 cavs lose away from home court giving them there 13th loss. 13 connects to 41. The team that win win with the number of prophecy 106. I think thats telling us Cavs are going to be at game 7.

      Game 3 cavs win in OT away again, the team they beat have the 108 score that = golden state warriors.


      Green=49.....33 timestamp...."Lets get one" equals 41

    9. Nope. Wrong again. The streaker was a YouTuber. I was one of the people on Instagram who were telling him to streak because he's done it before at the World Cup. His name is VitalyZDTV. You guys are delusional if you think that's part of the rig like wtf

    10. Funny how his full name, youtube name, age and birth numerology all line up with the game isn't it?

      To the fucking point as well. When does it stop being a coincidence?

    11. Long Island, so you be on YT telling other MEN to streak . Thats weird and homosexual

    12. Great catch Dan! This seems like the closest thing to a pattern that we've seen that directly corresponds to date numerologies and hopefully will be proven with a Warriors loss on game 7 with 41 date numerology

  9. The commentators kept saying over and over no one has came back from a 3-1 deficit but I think King James may be the first one to do it I don't believe the nba would make lebron lose twice

    1. 0-32 in the Finals is what they showed. I wondered about this as well. It could be 0-33 to make it fit "Cleveland"=33 or 1-32 makes sense to the game on 1/18 where Warriors beat Cleveland by 34 points. 1/18 is 136 days before the Finals and Game 5 is on 13/6(June 13th). Warriors won 132-98.

    2. The Train Wreck was on the 132nd day of the year, May 12, 2015, at 9:23 PM.
      LeBron James = 923

    3. May 12th to Sept 23rd is 134 days. King Charles III=134 I discovered this last night. It makes so much sense. James Garfield shot 79 days after being shot at a train station. He died 9/19/1881. or 134 years ago will be 135. He was even born exactly 231 years after King Charles I on 11/19. November Nineteenth=91 September Nineteenth=91 Will Smith wore # 91 Ninety One=121=Revelation. 9/19 the 262nd day when Francis went to Cuba then Obama goes to Cubs 26 weeks 2 days later. Clinton=262 She wins nomination 262 days after 9/19 and more.

    4. Sean Rooks assistant for 76ers dies same day as interviewing with Knicks. Lebron shot 9 of 19 on 11/2 and then 9 of 23 on 11/4. Game 1 world series power goes out at 9:19 and comes back on at 9:23 even. Lebron shot 9 of 19 against the 76ers and 9 of 23 against the Knicks. They just took out the Rooks. Only good piece left in Chess is the Queen.

    5. Queen will be 91 next year in her 65th year as Queen. Prince=65

  10. From Zach breakdown of this series before it even started he said golden state will win game 5 and the cavs will win in 7 but if warriors win its over so what is it

  11. 108+97
    A stretch, but still worth mentioning...
    Kentucky Fried Chicken (as in KFC YUM! Center) = 205
    1 Arena Plaza, Louisville, KY 40202
    Muhammad Ali funeral was held at KFC YUM! Center today

    1. Today (6/10/16) + 205 days = 1/1/17
      January 1, 2017


      The 5.2 mag earthquake in California today

  12. Man I want the cavs to win lol... but how about this.... Lebron got so many easy layups in the end to make sure he gets 25... 25 like 2-5 finals, if he loses.. and 25 is like 52, meaning the 52 year drought continues? Idk man

    1. Yea, I think you nailed it here. This might be what the 25 threes were about too.

  13. They're already coding 52 for 52 years since a major championship in cle they're coding lebrons numbers and all that all year to make our subconscious think cle n lebron winning but that's not the case.Phili prophecy folks..

    1. They code the prophecy and the deception through everything, in sports they end up meeting in the championships gsw (prophecy) and cle (deception)but we have it all here in the community no need to argue we are seeing it all here that why Zack has 2 solid "narratives" for both teams but he's laying out the code and we can all read it.

    2. It is over. I am sorry and I am going to lose a lot of money. Not mad, we just saw the numbers wrong. Let it be a lesson

    3. Rigged... How is it over if they still have Games 5 , 6 ,7 ??? Are you high?

    4. It is likely over. Is that better Cali? Step off dude

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This will be the 33rd time a team has been down 3-1 in finals history. Lebron wins 3 in a row for his 3rd ring?

    1. @riggedgame Do you have any new information or you just believe its over?

    2. Cleveland = 33
      They would be the 33rd to to lose down 3-1

    3. Okay Rigged, now THAT's corroborating evidence . Good

  16. I told everyone on here who was prisoner of one game that gsw is not losing 4 in a row in got ridiculed

    I could care less who wins but I'm smart enuff to see how the Nba works curry is the new Jordan

    1. You must not have been alive when Jordan was playing. He never looked like a bitch about to cry on the bench.

    2. I'm 28 Jordan was my fav player . What i mean is by popularity amongst kids etc.

      I don't think gsw is a good team

  17. Yo Zach, if it's 0-32 right now and cavs come back, it would be 1-33 not 1-32. Anything that fits with 133?

    1. Go look up on Gematrix there is a lot. Government.....which is weird....

    2. No it would be 1-32. You don't add a loss if they end up winning.

  18. Few Observations from Lebrons 31st birthday on 30/12/15 to 19/6/16 will be 172 days or 5 months 20 days. 52?

    June 19th will be the 171st day. 171st prime 1019.. 119 - Star of david.

    The 172nd Prime is 1021.. 121 = Revelation.

    If it goes to game 7 then it will be the 120th game between the two teams. The record would stand at Cavs 54 - 63 GSW. If cavs take game 7 they will have 55 wins all time against the warriors.

    Fifty Five = 108.

    GSW would end with 63 wins all time we know the 63 + 2016 connection and would end on 88 season wins. 88 seems to be a bad number this year.

    Nyquist lost after being 8/8
    Trumps going to lose - 88
    Atletico finished on 88 points

    I know theres a few more 88's that have lost this year. Cant think at the moment though,

    1. Sorry guys error on the above.

      The record will actually stand 56 - 63. Meaning Cavs go for there 57th win against the warriors which is more fitting.

      Fifty Seven = 131 (Championship)

      Im still confident on the cavs, if im wrong ill hold my hands up but a lot does seem to line up.

    2. Props to you Jmontz for standing strong with your pick.

      Your the lone believer in Cleveland here now. Best of luck.

    3. Haha cheers dude, if im wrong im wrong and i'll try and learn from it.

      At the end of the day i've been thinking cavs 4-3 since 1-0 down in the series so 3-1 doesn't change anything.

      However i can totally see the narrative for 4-1 golden state i just dont think its as strong.

    4. Yes. I felt Cleveland had this all season. Maybe the script changed. I dunno, but as much as I want Cleveland to come back I just can't see them winning 3 straight. Is it over Sunday? Probably but I wouldn't be surprised If Cleveland won. BUT it appears the streak will continue. Lebron is a career LOSER.

  19. On June 19th France will play switzerland (52) in the final group game. That will be the 38th game between the two nations.

    It will be frances 105th Euro match, and they could potentially be going into that game with 61 wins.

    Sixty one - 41 / 131 (Golden State/Championship)

    I'd be amazed if this doesn't go to 7 and with France-Cleveland connections i'd be even more surprised if cavs then lost.

    1. Having said that we've just seen the 61st edition of the Champions league this year. Won by Real Madrid who had connections to warriors and Zidane the french manager.

      Won it 13 days before the start of the Euro's 13th prime is 41.


    2. lebron directly " I'm not Jordan I'm me"
      Warriors remind me of the 94,95 rockets team that won back to back because the OJ thing is being replayed again. I also noticed vangundy brought it up. Vernon maxwell was hitting those DEEP threes back then too.

    3. They were the first team to play " Small Ball" since Hakeem was under sized.

  20. Replies

      Use 'Ordinal', and 'Reduction' values...

      This one gives you the 'Jewish' and 'English' values...

      If you want a more thorough explanation on Gematria, click the link below... Keep in mind that 'Simple English Gematria' is the same thing as 'Ordinal', and 'Pythagorean Gematria' is the same as 'Reduction'.

  21. Ok The DNC is in Philadelphia this year. Maybe a Warriors win foreshadowing a Hillary win. or at least Hillary Nomination. Hillary Clinton is a war mungerer. The War/riors.

    1. CAvs ,dark lebron ,trump ,panthers ,cam newton all deception

      Phili/warriors,light skinned curry,white bronco,white manning,Clinton all prophecy

      Black lebron vs light skinned curry (they elaborated on this before game 1)
      White bronco vs black panther
      White manning vs black Newton
      Dark vs light evil vs good black vs white prophecy vs deception .who wins??

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. 19 years ago today Michael Jordan had 38 points (Flu Game)

  24. Trump will be in Cleveland for RNC.
    Cavs were held to 88 pts last 7 games vs Warriors
    Cavs only scored 42 second half points
    This year it's been 15 years since LUE was stepped over by iverson ( philly) connection
    Lebron steps over Green.

  25. My cable froze in the third qtr last night during the suicide squad movie trailer anyone else experience that? On my screen there was the chick with ak47, the chick wearing Devils mask and another female in some sort of Michael Meyers (Halloween) mask and hat.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Coward eh? Really? You don't even know me. Go fuck yourself

    2. If green gets suspended cavs will win gm 5. remember what pierce said when they asked him for a winner last night? he said see you back in Cle. He didnt say Cle or GS was winning. So subliminally telling everyone cavs win gm 5

    3. Wanna cookie for being here a long time?? And youre right, coward was too harsh of a word . Sorry

  27. Gematria For " Cleveland Comeback " (131) As someone so astutely already pointed out....

    It has Already Happened

    Truth Behind The Scenes

    Careless of Public Opinion

    The Chosen One

    Fifty Seven

  28. Lets take a look at the numbers during last nights game...

    55 half time score for Cleveland = 55

    in Numerology = number of death = Ali / Howe / Christina Grimmie all inextricably linked in some shape or form to the NBA finals

    Golden State scored 108 points

    Gematria for 108 ( Dies )

    Again Death...

    Cleveland Scores 97...

    Gematria for 97 ( Barack )

    TRUMP Streaker Runs onto Court

    Coincidence ? Not bloody likely....

    Golden State Final Score of 108 Plus Cleveland Halftime Score of 55 = 163

    Golden Phi Ratio = 1.618

    Phi encompasses Beauty, Design, Geometry, Cosmology, Mathematics, etc...all of the things that certainly above all..seem to be interwoven into the NBA finals this year regardless of which side you are on.....

    I am for the record...CAVS despite the deficit...

    1. How on earth, did you logically reach the answer of 'Golden Phi Ratio'?

      For me, it just doesn't add up... No disrespect, but it just seems like you're reaching, to try and link to a conclusion that you wanted to find.

      If I'm wrong in saying this, please explain, how you organically reached the 'Golden Phi Ratio'.

    2. Yes I thought I was reaching as well....and perhaps I am...I have no problem being wrong..When they took the Ball out of Lynch's hands against the PATS, Cam deliberately refused to dive on the loose football and Durant deliberately threw game can afford to be wrong a few times..and sleep well about it..

      They are called "Golden State"

      When One does the Gematria for Golden Phi Ratio..something rather interesting Popped up..

      "Paul Pierce" also known as "The Truth" who a fellow poster astutely pointed out earlier today was rather emphatic about the CAVS going back to Cleveland after game 5...Is Paul having a Damascus moment ? Time will tell...

      In Simple Gemtria Golden Phi Ratio = 153 which Sum = 9

      Golden State Final Score Last Night 108 = 9

      And of course the mathematics of 108 and 55 resulted in the 163.../ 1.6 etc etc...but lets take it a step further...

      The Final Score for Golden State as previously mentioned was 108 = 9 the Number of Completion

      Cavs Final Score was 97 = 16

      In Numerology....16 denotes karmic Debt. Trials and defeats usually encompass this number. Unforseen events may seem to follow people with this number. Quite fitting of the circumstances surrounding this affair I would think

      AS I mentioned previously Phi encompasses Beauty, Design, Geometry, Cosmology, Mathematics...its all almost always is....

  29. If the cavs comeback in win it will be the greatest finals win ever

    But I can't see curry losing 3 in a row

  30. Guys let's keep in mind that steph curry said he's not playing for team USA in thr Olympics....

    Could that be because he knows he's going to blow it in the finals this year?

    And he can then stay comfortably out of the puplic eye without having to keep addressing it?

    I mean.... i would think the elite would want to parade him around..... especially if he just won the nba finals....

    But thats me.....

    Go cavs...

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Curry is the next Jordan. Dont want him risking injury and messing up future revenue for nba.

  33. Warriors win atleast 5 titles with this main core of warriors.

  34. This is one of those classic predictive programming commercials that we usually dont discover until after the fact...Nice Find...Quite prophetic if Cavs do in fact pull it off...but what I find even more intriguing is how its Russell and Durant looking at Curry and James from afar...when we know damn well...Durant and Russel should have been in the finals...intuitively it just doesn't pass the smell test...


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