Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 6, 2016

85 | Curry to skip Rio Olympics, June 6, 2016 (Presidential Election & NBA Finals clues?)

Rio = 42
NBA Finals = 33/42
Stephen = 33/42
Freemason = 42/51

In light of what we have discussed about the NBA Championships and the Presidency, this shot is pretty interesting that CNN has up.

Hillary = 85
Curry = 85
Basketball = 85


  1. Seems strange that the star of the NBA won't be representing USA on the global stage?

    You'd have thought they would want to parade him to the masses. I suppose LeBron might be the poster boy for Rio if Cavs win.

    1. I agree I'm confused if he's the best player then why sit out maybe he knows something we don't no . At least not yet anyway

    2. The zika virus plus he knee isn't 100 percent.

    3. The Injury is most likely bull as well. Another narrative they've been running all play offs.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can this guy be any more unlikeable than he already is? When he dangles his mouthpiece from his mouth, I just wanna deck this clown. He was laughing on the bench as he was watching his teammates throw up bricks, which somehow went in. Last night's game made me believe the magnet theory even more. Some terrible shots somehow made it in. Also, it was so obvious that they wanted the 33 point victory. Cavs guy intentionally missed a free throw there at the end.

    1. whatsa the magnet theory?

    2. Magnet theory...

    3. Magnets in he ball or rim that assure shots go in or out. With today's tech advances I don't put it passed the NBA

  4. "0 to 100" or zerotoonehundred = 222/96

    "zeitgeist" = 12/57 (EO),
    120/57 and 111 (EO, s exception),
    48 (P), 57 (P, s exception)
    222 120 111 96 57 48

    1. Drake was just in the news for the "4pm in Calabasas" deal also.

  5. I think we might see a few clues as to who wins the series in game 4.

    10/6 - 106 = Prophecy

    10+6+20+16 = 52 = Prophecy

    Be worth looking out for.

  6. subscribe to my channel.

    1. I've been systematically adding folks from the first post, but I hadn't gotten to you yet, sorry! I've subbed now. :)

  7. Oh Snap...Notice the "Curry for President" in the background? "Curry for President" = 1404 = 144. Also, "Curry for President" = 99 (Reduction). If we look at "Nine Nine," we get 48 & 84 (Reflections).

    48 = Hoax = Fixed = Thief = Crime = Evil

    If we look at "Ninety Nine," we get 57....and we all know its relationship to Sports Championships....Interesting!

  8. Curry is the next Jordan. He is the greatest player of this era not Lebron

    1. Curry's fall from grace is going to be epic when it happens.

    2. I think they realized they needed a white washed Jordan instead of LeBron, so let James have that mega-contract limelight(not that I believe anyone makes as much as they tell us they do), and are giving Curry the player of the era motif. All the black guys on sports radio are talking about how light skinned brothers always stick together, and that blacker brothers are never are popular.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Curry has a killer contract lol. 4 year 44 mill

  9. More bullshit time for Zach to change his pick yet again when the going gets tough. This is what Im talking about, you analyze something for months then when it doesnt work out say "remember I said team X had a shot". I mean cmon

    1. Mike why call out Zach? You are on his blog talking shit? You don't like it or don't find value, then go somewhere else.

    2. I've not ever been a big sportsfan, but at least Zach IS willing to make a prediction based upon his best interpretation of the moment. Of course, as new information comes in, that analysis could be subject to change.
      Do you think it'd be better if he said nothing and left us all wondering as to his thoughts?

    3. Sorry buddy, he stuck with his Super Bowl pick, and was correct. Stuck with the NCAA pick and was wrong. Stuck with his Horseracing pick and was correct, and just today said he was sticking with Cavs. Now go get your Shine Box!

    4. Stuck with his super bowl pick lol shut up bro.

    5. If we're here to speak truth then I have be honest with my observations

    6. +Mike Manning, and I am speaking truth to you when I say that you should find a way to stop digging your hole deeper.

    7. Where did Zach say he was sticking with Cavs?

  10. Stephen Curry = 1032

    Hillary Clinton = 1032

    I find it interesting that the guy holding the "curry for president" shirt......

    is wearing a hat and sunglasses.

    Like he was planted there, and doesn't want to be recognized....

    Subconscious programming?

  11. Curry Finals Collapse" in the English Reduction system equals 85

    Finals Collapse" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

    Finals Collapse" in the English Reduction system equals 54

    Stephen Barack " in the English Reduction system equals 51

    Stephen Barack " in the English Ordinal system equals 123

    Curry Obama Conspiracy" in the English Ordinal system equals 240

    Curry Obama Conspiracy" in the English Reduction system equals 96

    Stephen Curry Barack Obama " in the English Ordinal system equals 240

    Stephen Curry Barack Obama " in the English Reduction system equals 96

    240-96= .. 144 ..

    So if Warrior's have a Massive Break Down it's only more evidence of us being on the right track.

    1. Curry For President" in the English Sumerian system equals 1404

    2. Golden State's Massive Breakdown" in the English Ordinal system equals 322

      Golden State's Massive Breakdown" in the English Reduction system equals 106

      322-106= .. 216 .. (2016?)

      Two One Six" in the English Ordinal system equals 144


    Just throwing this out there in light of all the Curry and magnets talk. I'm not really implying anything specific by sharing this, because I don't know about magnets and if these formulas/temperatures/materials etc could even be applied to a basketball, but if this "Curie Point" is one thing they are tributing/mocking us with through Curry's shots, I don't want it to go unnnoticed.

    Two other people involved in the series: 'Kerr' (known for his 3's) and 'Kyrie'.

    1. Great find, what comes to mind is the A/C going out in San Antonio. I wonder if that was also mockery. With deflate gate, science and temperature were also a part of the scandal.
      makes one think.

  13. Curry For President (1872 on RTB),_1872

    The 1872 election and the death of candidate Horace Greeley

    1. Wow, great find! In light of that...
      Horace Greeley 127(EO)
      Hillary Clinton 172(EO)
      Bernie Sanders 79(EO, s exceptions)

    2. ^ Should have said that...
      Horace Greeley 179 in Bacon

    3. That was 144 years ago. 2016-1872= 144

      Greeley Died 24 days after the Election.

      Twenty four days" in the English Ordinal system equals 216

      Twenty four days" in the English Reduction system equals 63 / 72

      (2016 & 18'72') (216-72= .. 144 ..)

      Greeley Lost with 66 Electoral Votes to Grant.

      Greeley Trump" in the English Reduction system equals 66

      Eighteen Seventy Two Twenty Sixteen" in the English Ordinal system equals 444

      Eighteen Seventy Two Twenty Sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 147

      Greeley Ran Against Grant and Lost.

      Clinton Grant " in the English Ordinal system equals 147

      Horace Greeley Donald John Trump" in the English Sumerian system equals 1872


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