Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Maestro Contribution | Palindrome week and a potential San Andreas shake (+Maestro's new twitter feed)


  1. Replies
    1. AM
      Yes Mir!
      Readers can read more palindrome numbers that I posted on Zach's blog from earlier this week. (See Bilderberg Meeting)

    2. I just think it's incredibly remarkable that while we are all generally "silo'd" working independently, we all frequently have the same epiphanies at the times! The synchronicity of that should absolutely be acknowledged.


  2. Started on the 10th
    The date Christina Grimmie was shot

  3. This may be off topic but important nonetheless. I'm not sure if you came across the fact that Omar Mateen, the alleged Orlando shooter, appeared in a 2012 film about the BP Oil Spill of 2010 entitled "The Big Fix".

    The Big Fix = 54/90
    *The film runs 90 mins long

    The shooting occurred on a date with 54 numerology.

    6/12/2016: 6+12+20+16=54

    You can find the full film on YouTube. I think Mateen appears around the 36th minute. If you already knew about this then great, but I felt it was worth mentioning.

    1. Great work. I linked the scene on my Facebook page but did not know about the title.

    2. The shooting also occurred 54 days after the sixth year anniversary of the BP Oil Spill. Israeli Mossad =54.

    3. Thank you. Hope the book is coming along.

    4. I just posted this info on FB, and my FB is now down? Coincidence? I mean I know when to draw the line, but it's kinda creepy how this just happened.

  4. Racecar =173. Hillary Clinton =73. Pulse =73. Dancefloor Massacre =73. Ritual Sacrifice =73. The Indy 500 was two weeks before 6/12, on the day that leaves 216.

    1. There is a Band named "Panic at the Disco" in relation to the Orlando Shooting. They released an album this year called "Death of a Bachelor." All the songs have interesting names and Gematria, but the song "Crazy = Genius" stands out.

      "Crazy equals Genius" = 79 & 223

      It is not a Band I care for, but the name of the band is interesting, there is probably something more there to decode.

    2. Panics last show in Orlando was 7-5-2015. 49 weeks ago. 11 months, 7 days ago. 343 days ago. They played at

      Tinker Field---113, 678, 288

      They do not have another Orlando date scheduled, though they were in Miami and Tampa this week. The night of the attack they played New Orleans. New Orleans is 533.5 miles from Orlando by Crow, 639.16 by Car. Exactly 9 hours.

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  7. Satanists love their law of reversal. No surprise that Orlando has been the city of choice this week for hoaxilicious stories.

    As you all know, Orlando = 144.. Backhanded way to get to 666

  8. More about JC

  9. There is a strong heat wave hitting so. Cal this weekend. Temps will be very high Sun/Mon.

    Also, there is news of a volcanic magma chamber that is rising just east of San Diego near the Salton Sea, which has been causing a swarm of small mag. earthquakes

  10. I'll start retweeting him with both my twitter accounts. I knew he was there but I keep forgetting.

  11. I you take out the middle number and add them you
    Get 3+4+5+6+7+8+9= 42

    Then you get 61 and 16 on each side or 61-61.
    Seen this somewhere before?

  12. Palindrome=107/642
    107+701=808. 808 all 3 ways = 1776. 808+880+088=1776. 642+246=888. 888+888=1776.


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