Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Newspaper cartoon of Invicta & U.K. separating from E.U. in Brexit? (Has anyone seen this cartoon?)

Someone has commented to a video that a cartoon exists showing Invicta and the U.K. exiting the European Union.  Has anyone seen such a cartoon?  I cannot find it.


  1. I haven't but i'll try and look for it, the odds have stabilized at 1/3 to remain in the EU.

    Have you done any work on the European Football championships Zach? I think it could have a lot of answers in it. Ireland just qualified through the most scripted game ive seen in football.

    The whole Ireland winning the Euro's is really heating up, they have France in the next round who were my early pick to win it but now im not so sure. The numbers seem good for Ireland, im just wondering who the Irish could connect into this whole Royal theme thats been running through the year?

    1. Just had a quick look and Queen Elizabeth II (Current Queen) Her mother had connections to the irish heritage through the dynasty of Thomond kings.

      The Royal family have publicly claimed the lineage as well apparently. Deffo some work to be done on this...

    2. I thought the Royalty was German? King Richard? I hate learning about the Fucking Limey's...this sucks. I really dislike the influence of the British.

    3. Go check Ballybackwards blog and Extracapsa blog and you'll find a lot more ;)

    4. The royal family does have German connections, as well as french irish and of course Scottish. Haha i hate the royals as well especially when most of the british public love them. Its sick.

      Thanks for the blog links.

    5. 33% and 67% essentially, connecting to 'Brexit' and the vote 41-years earlier where 67% voted to remain. Remember, the politician Jo Cox = 67 just died at age 41.

  2. I can't find it either it's probably censored the EU is almost as bad as China!

    1. I have also been looking for hours. LOL

  3. Ireland looking verrrry good for the Euros.

    Martin O'Neil (Manager) Born 1/3/1952. Same year the Queen became the Queen, 13 /31.

    He's now 64 but was 63 at the start of the year. From his birthday to the date of the final is 131 days.

    It will be his 33rd game in charge of Ireland if they reach the final, the finals also on date with 33 numerology.

    Interesting enough O'Neil is actually Northern Irish, Northern Ireland are also into the last 16, along with Wales Ireland and England. So all 'Home Nations through' Which i dont think has been done before.

    I certainly see all this connecting to the royals, work to be done! Ireland are 100/1 at the moment.

    1. Jmontz... republic of Ireland initials... ROI. The gaeluc word for King is Rí.
      I've said ireland two months ago and still stand by it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It's on guardian opinion by Martin rowson

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.



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