Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, June 10, 2016

Presidential Race headlines, June 10, 2016- Stop Trump, stop Bernie, support Hillary

If you read between the headlines on this one, it tells you who is next.

For all of you who think Obama is getting a third term, just remember everyone thought that when Bush was the President too.


  1. Its crazy to me that my family and people I work with can't see this shit, it angers me.

  2. The third term drives me crazy. Where would it come from? Marshall Law wouldn't do it, for everyone who has that answer, that's not how the system is set up.

    1. Yeah.. I never bought into it. When I was still listening Michael Savage and Alex Jones, they would bring this up as likely scenario, and we all know that anything these Jew agents say is a lie meant to provoke an angry response.

    2. FDR did it because there werw no term limits for presidents back then besides being re-elected every four years. The Republicans of the time passed the bill limit a president to two terms.

  3. Stop Trump
    Stop Hillary
    Stop Giving a Shit About Useless Liars and
    Stop paying taxes!!!

    I'm going to get that printed on a tee shirt

  4. Hiliray is going to win because of prophecies created by Zionist Masonic Elite's.
    Reason we are all here to break down the clues.

  5. Sharks "saved" 44 shots
    To win 4-2 and push to game (six)

    1. I watched the 3rd period of the game. A penguin had a chance to get another shot with like 3 seconds left, but he purposely flung it wide so that it wasn't counted as a shot. Such a joke.

    2. Yes, when you know what numbers they like and are trying to set up, It's funny watching the obviously faked action.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The reason I think Obama may get a third term is because he's different. He's a Muslim in the white house and 216 is connected to him more than anyone else ever. Yes he's just a puppet but he's more...I believe he somehow serves as one of the crazy beasts of the biblical book of Revelation. Everything anout him screams Satan and 666. From his operator agent name to his birth date, the parallel he was born on, the city and state, and he's a Muslim. This president is unlike any other. Those who think he's just another drop in the bucket Mah want to reconsider that thought. He's continually portrayed as demonic. There is something special yo this presiden . I guess we will have to wait and see how so.....if not president for 3 terms then maybe he joins the sipremem court and helps pass some ridiculous laws. I mean people, has anyone ever headed a United Nations Security council as acting president???? No. But Obama did. He was the first to do so even though it statesbkn the constitution that he isn't allowed to...this guys making his own laws. So.ethjng isn't normla about Obama. Bush was still a part of the bush family. Obama is this whole other thing...related to the Bush fily but he is completely different..look how much has happened in office since he's been in... There's something more to this guy

    1. As soon as he steps down, they'll make him the Secretary General of the U.N.

    2. I know this may be blasphemy, all these books of prophecy were written by man (beast). This illusion of antichrist and or end of times was used to control civilization until today. That's the hoax!
      The elite are still using it today and creating prophecies thru numerology. Just my observation. Where are all the positive and love filled prophecies??? Lmao there's your answer.


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