Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Reader Contribution | Pennsylvania home where 12 girls were kept, June 22, 2016 reporting

167, the 39th Prime
Symbol = 86; Triangle = 86; Pyramid = 86

Reader contribution:


  1. Reminds me of the Ariel Castro kidnappings in CLEVELAND that were revealed May 6th 2013. I'm sure the numbers all over that one. I remember the media specifically telling us he made $18.91 as a bus driver??

    1. Yea, and if you remember Ariel Castro was related to several prominent Cleveland politicians.

      And his death seemed kind of suspicious to me.

  2. That was the hoax sponsored by McDonalds.
    It was funny to think anyone would believe that 3 women could possibly be locked up chained to walls in that rickety shack that close to other houses for 10 years or whatever and no one would know.
    I did enjoy the performance by the actor who played Charles Ramsey
    He was hilarious

  3. So I found some proof, that in fact Polarization Nation, did reference Zach's work, not by name, but clearly the work that Zach specializes in. Just in case he deletes the comment I left him.....I will show it here.

    "Hey Dude! You clearly referenced "Coding in the Media Stories" in your "Orlando Hoax" video. Zach is the one that has brought that argument to the table, not you. The fact that you have not focused on that previously, really shows that you in fact are using his theories. You presented the challenge...and I rose up to it. And I bet, that if i go back through all your recent videos, I'm gong to find more references to media coding, which you never addressed until recently. So What the Fuck Gives? I hope you realize that you have made yourself look very bad with this type of response to Zach. You need to practice what you preach, because where the hell is the proof that Zach is not legit? Don't even pretend like the this video evenly remotely approaches that accusation."

    1. Include a link to the suspicious video.

    2. That's ok. I can do it myself:

    3. Crazy! He ended up deleting one of my comments, so far anyway, after I made it clear that I had the information I needed to determine that he clearly is not Legit. I figured he wasn't, but I was never able to find what I needed to shut the door on that channel.

    4. Well, I don't see you're post anywhere. Lol.

    5. Can he make it so that i can see it still? Its probably near the bottom. It had 13 replies, and as far as i can tell all but 2 of my comments are still there.

    6. I finally found it. I had to refresh the page.

  4. Scary world we live in because FEAR is the cash cow


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