Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, July 18, 2016

147 | Contrived narratives, 'Plagiarism in Melania Trump speech', July 18, 2016

The media always focuses on the non relevant, and worse yet, they create the non relevant to shift the focus on to, such as Melania's canned speech paralleling Michelle's, M&Ms.  Back when Michelle gave the speech, Donald was starting the 'birther' argument.


  1. I wonder is there a sign in trump using Obama speech?

  2. Off topic.. I seen something that Russia might be banned from Olympics.. what's up with that?

    1. They are for doping. I think they were trying to appeal it. Just another, Russia left in the cold story.

  3. Off topic.. I seen something that Russia might be banned from Olympics.. what's up with that?

  4. What a joke. Ya gotta love when the sheep clap when Trump says the "system is rigged", not knowing that Trump is part of that very same rigged system. Watching even 2 minutes of this shit could make any awake person lose all hope in humanity.

    1. I think it's a good sign that people were clapping at the "system is rigged" comment. Remember that this is at a "mainstream" political rally. People are waking up and the system knows it.

    2. The real awakening begins when you realize that no heroes exist in the mainstream. These people are at Alex Jones level at best lol... I know, I know give 'em a chance. We'll see...

    3. Newt went on the news to say he supports a law where simply looking at a pro-lsIamic website is a felony.

  5. I Totally agree with everyone here.

    What is the significance of first lady plagiarism here?

    Did Meliana write her speech? No. Did Michelle write her quote NO. But Same people are running the shoah. . .folks. . .

    Nothing but a mirror image of the same.

    REMEMBER: Politician is an old English word for WHORE.

  6. Going to " Lift you up" never going to " let you down" was by far the funniest part of the speech. What do people want from a Russian escort ???


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