Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

17 41 42 44 119 144 188 | The death of Patrice O'Neal November 29, 2011, just before his 42nd birthday,

PMO = 16+13+15 = 44 (Kill)
PMO = 7+4+6 = 17 (Kill)

Patrice = 7+1+2+9+9+3+5 = 36
Malcolm = 4+1+3+3+6+3+4 = 24
O'Neal = 6+5+5+1+3 = 20
Patrice Malcolm O'Neal = 80 (Patrice O'Neal = 56) (All Seeing Eye = 56)

Patrice = 16+1+20+18+9+3+5 = 72 (Pearl Harbor Day)
Malcolm = 13+1+12+3+15+12+13 = 69
O'Neal = 15+14+5+1+12 = 47
Patrice Malcolm O'Neal = 188 (Bavarian Illuminati); Patrice O'Neal = 119 (All Seeing Eye)

Notice Patrice was born on Pearl Harbor Day as a Sagittarius.

12/7/1969 = 12+7+19+69 = 107
12/7/1969 = 12+7+(1+9+6+9) = 44 (PMO) (Kill)
12/7/1969 = 1+2+7+1+9+6+9 = 35
12/7/69 = 12+7+69 = 88

His date of death connects to his date of birth.

11/29/2011 = 11+29+20+11 = 71
11/29/2011 = 11+29+(2+0+1+1) = 44 (Kill) (PMO)
11/29/2011 = 1+1+2+9+2+0+1+1 = 17 (PMO)
11/29/11 = 11+29+11 = 51 (Conspiracy)

Notice he died a little more than a week before his 42nd birthday; 42 being the number stamped all over black men in a negative way.  He also died on the anniversary date of the recognition of Israel, the 333rd day of the year.

He was in bad condition from October 19 up until his death November 29.  Notice the date 10/19 is a lot like '119', connecting to his name, Patrice O'Neal.  Also, remember that October is the only month with '33' gematria.

October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33

From October 19 to November 29 was 41-days later, like his age of death, 41.

Remember, 41 is the 13th prime, and the 'Illuminati', which was coded into his name, was started with 13-families.

From October 19 to November 29, was a total span of 42-days.

It isn't hard to see what is going on here.


  1. Nice one. I am digging the stand ups lately. I like a lot of these guys. Sam Kinison next?

  2. Hey Zach, check this out...

    Stanton hits 4 home runs in 4 straight AB's (44). Remember the Marlin connection with Ali? I don't know. The 44 just stood out.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Both HR's today with an exit velocity of 113mph. Riiiiiiight lol.

    3. Indeed,
      113 -- Mainstream, Scottish, Dishonest, Green screen.


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