Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, July 17, 2016

26 37 38 58 74 | Mayor Melvin Holden of Baton Rouge & the Alton Sterling & Police shooting psy-ops

Melvin = 4+5+3+4+9+5 = 30
Lee = 3+5+5 = 13
Holden = 8+6+3+4+5+5 = 31
Melvin Lee Holden = 74 (Melvin Holden = 61)

Melvin = 13+5+12+22+9+14 = 75
Lee = 12+5+5 = 22
Holden = 8+15+12+4+5+14 = 58 (Freemasonry) (Alton Sterling) (Blue Lives Matter)
Melvin Lee Holden = 155 (Melvin Holden 133) (Government = 133)

8/12/1952 = 8+12+19+51 = 91
8/12/1952 = 8+12+(1+9+5+2) = 37 (Age of Alton Sterling at time of death)
8/12/1952 = 8+1+2+1+9+5+2 = 28
8/12/52 = 8+12+52 = 72

The death of Alton Sterling came 38-days before the Mayor's birthday.  Recall how the Mayor of Dallas's birthday was synched up with the 7/7 shooting, coming 49-days before his birthday.

Dallas = 49; Rawlings = 49 (Shooting 49-days before Rawlings birthday on 7x7)

Today's shooting comes 26-days before the mayor's birthday.

Mason = 26; God = 26; Lie = 26


  1. Thank you Zach for spreading the gospel of this human world. Just thought i would let you know that July 1, 2016 Obama signed executive order allowing the UN to militarize local police in all states amongs many other orders to bring in Martial Law... Hence all of thess shootings.

  2. Copy Cat--83

    Copy Cats--102(12)

    Cop Killer--101(11)

    Cop Killers--120(12)
    Copy Cat Cop Killer--184

    Copy Cat Cop Killers--203(23)


  3. So all life consists of matter, either gas, solid, or liquid. Living things have all three going at once. So life is matter.

    Matter matters- -722J, 173, 1038

    Black Matter Matters--202, 1212

    Antimatter Matters--217, 1302

    Blue Matter Matters-213

    All Matter Matters--198, 1188, 763J(Void)

    Nothing Else Matters--224, 1334, 780J

    What's the matter?--181, 1086

    No Matter---106, 636, 406J

    Matter at Hand---125, 750, 470J

    Race is the matter at hand---231 , 771J(Play the Race Card)

    Nothing Matters--183, 660J

    Fuck it---70, 420, 328

    KYS---55, 330, 500J

    Deaths Matter--134, 804, 524J(Terrorism)

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