Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

33 42 112 113 | June 17, 1972 DNC break-in to August 9, 1974 resignation

This is a follow up to my decode on Nixon's impeachment in relation to Gerald Ford:

Notice that from the date the 'Watergate' Scandal broke, June 17, 1972, until the date Nixon resigned, was 112-weeks.    112 is the alt dialing code for 911.  It is 'Deep Throat' that is credited with connecting Nixon to Watergate.  Deep Throat sums to '112'.

The event started on the right date for a name with 'gate' in it.

6/17/1972 = 6+17+19+72 = 114
6/17/1972 = 6+17+(1+9+7+2) = 42 (Freemason)
6/17/1972 = 6+1+7+1+9+7+2 = 33 (Gate)
6/17/72 = 6+17+72 = 95

8/9/1974 = 8+9+19+74 = 110 (President)
8/9/1974 = 8+9+1+9+7+4 = 38 (38th President, Gerald Ford, took over this day)
8/9/74 = 8+9+74 = 91 (Liberty)

Federal = 33; Order = 33

The name Mark Felt is symbolic.

The date his name was released has numerology connected to the scandal.  Notice below that he himself denied being the source, and this news was made when he had dementia and was unable god defend himself.  Very zionist.

5/31/2005 = 5+31+20+05 = 61 (Richard)
5/31/05 = 5+31+05 = 41 (USA)


  1. Nixon's Famous quote from the Watergate scandal speech: 11/17/1973

    "I'm not a Crook" = 53 & 134
    "Vesica Piscis" = 53 & 134 [the sacred geometry of life]

    My guess is this represents the structural maneuvers of mind control.

    Date Numerology: =101 & 120
    "One Hundred One" = 142
    "Forty Two" = 142
    "Freemason" = 42

    "One Hundred Twenty" = 80
    "Eight Zero" = 59 & 113 <===
    "One Zero One" = 53 [just like "I'm not a Crook"]

    Notice we get another series of ones and sevens, seeing a lot of that lately. 11/17/1973

    Since "Ten Days Later" = 144

    November 8th [Election Day] to 11/17 is "Ten Days Later"
    "One One One Seven" = 68 & 167 [39th Prime]

    Could we see a similar speech come from Hillary or Obama on 11/17/16 in New York?

    1. Since "Hillary Rodham Clinton" = 231 &
      Since "Clinton" = 87 &
      Since "November Seventeenth" = 87 & 231

      My money is on Hillary giving us her "I'm not a Crook" speech on 11/17/16 right after they rig the election for her.

  2. LOL "Deep throat"

  3. "Watergate" = 37 & 100

    157 is the 37th Prime
    "One Hundred Fifty Seven" = 239 <=== [52nd Prime - "Prophecy" = 52]

    541 is the 100th Prime
    "Five Hundred Forty One" = 234 & 1404 [234 + 432 = 666]

    1404 [Sumerian] is like 144 [a relationship to "Pi" and "Time"]


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