Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, July 18, 2016

41 52 61 79 187 | Baltimore Police, Brian Rice, acquitted July 18, 2016 (Freddie Gray related)

Today is July 18, or 18/7, a lot like '187', the homicide code for some city police.

Notice how they mention '42' right away.  Freddie = 42 (Nigger = 42)

Let us decode the name of the officer, Brian Rice, acquitted today, July 18, 2016, after extracting the numerology of the date.

7/18/16 = 7+18+16 = 41
Baltimore = 2+1+3+2+9+4+6+9+5 = 41 

Recall how the Freddie Gray story was a coded tribute to the Civil War.  The Civil War began 1861, with the first casualty coming April 19, 1861, in Baltimore, the same day Freddie Gray died in 2015.  The Civil War began April 12, 1861, Freddie Gray was arrested and injured April 12, 1861.

7/18/2016 = 7+18+20+16 = 61 (Civil War began in 1861) (Barack Obama, born 1961)

Now his name.

Brian = 2+9+9+1+5 = 26
Rice = 9+9+3+5 = 26
Brian Rice = 52 (Charleston = 43/52, where Civil War Began)

Brian = 2+18+9+1+14 = 44 (Kill) (Officer) (Department) (Military)
Rice = 18+9+3+5 = 35
Brian Rice = 79 (Murder)

He is the third of six to be acquitted.

$6.4m, a tribute to 'civil rights'.

The $87,000 backpay stands out.  Clinton = 87

Notice Garrett Miller is up next, the officer that applied the force while Gray was on the ground.  It was first theorized Miller injured Gray.  Miller = 33; Police = 33; Race War = 33

Notice also the date September 6, or 9/6.  And also October 13, or 10/13.

All of these dates pop.


  1. Get OFFicers---113

    Blue Justice--1234J

  2. "Provide Care and Safeguard Prisoners" = 161 [Golden Ratio 1.618]

    16+61 = 77 ["One point Six One" = 77]
    "One Six One" = 48 & 120 [Exact Match to "illuminati"]
    and just like,
    "Key of David" = 48 & 102

    Phi = 1.618
    "Phi" = 33

    The Golden Ratio is also known as the "Golden Mean," the "Golden Section," and the "Divine Proportion":

    "Golden Mean" = 45 & 90 ["Ninety" = 33]
    "Golden Section" = 61 & 142 ["Forty Two" = 142]
    "Divine Proportion" = 102 ["Key of David" = 102]

    The Ratio found in the Great Pyramid and the Parthenon [1.5717]:
    "Great Pyramid" = 137 [33rd Prime]
    "Parthenon" = 43 & 97 [Exact Match to "Civil War"]
    "Parthenon" = 111 & 666 ["Prophecy" = 666]

    The decimals run on into Infinity:
    "Infinity" = 52 & 106 = "Prophecy"


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