Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

43 50 63 104 | Imperium (Movie) releasing August 19, 2016

8/19/2016 = 8+19+20+16 = 63 (1-63 summed, totals 2016)
8/19/2016 = 8+19+(2+0+1+6) = 36 (1-36 summed, totals 666)
8/19/2016 = 8+1+9+2+0+1+6 = 27
8/19/16 = 8+19+16 = 43 (Civil War) (This movie is about race)

Notice how the name of the film coincides with America and its 50 states.

7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104


  1. Hey Zach, don't know how much you know about Harry Potter, but one of the unforgivable curses in the books/movies is called the "Imperius" curse, where you forceably take control of someone else's mind. Race war mind control propaganda at its finest, starring Harry Potter!

  2. I listen to the books by Larry Correia (fantasy novelist) where the 'bad guys' are known as the Imperium (The Grimnoir Chronicles Series).

  3. Imperium definition : 'Absolute Power'

    Absolute Power" in the English Reduction system equals 55 / 64

    Imperium Absolute Power" in the English Reduction system equals 105 / 114

    Absolute Civil Power" in the English Ordinal system equals 227

    Absolute Civil Power" in the English Reduction system equals 83

    227-83= .. 144 ..

    Absolute Power Barack Obama Donald Trump" in the English Reduction system equals 144

  4. A new TV series I though you might be interested in.

    Designated Survivor -- 232 SE

    232 -- Saturn JE

    Designated Survivor -- 88/106/142 English Reduction

    88 -- Trump, Poison, George Washington
    106 -- Prophecy, Network, Revelation
    142 -- Terrorist, President Obama

    Seems to be about the President and his cabinet killed in an explosion, ond one of the cabinet secretaries is designated to take over.

    The explosion happens on the "State of the Union"
    "State of the Union" -- 192/66/804
    66 -- Manefest Destiny,Freedom,Empire,Revelation,Charles

    Secretary of Housing and Urban Development -- 434/173/2611

    Tom -- 48/12/180
    Kirkman -- 77/32/180
    Tom Kirkman -- 125/44/360
    44 -- kil
    77 -- Kiefer Sutherland

    played by: Kiefer Sutherland
    Kiefer -- 54/36/115
    Sutherland -- 122/41/548
    Kiefer Sutherland -- 176/77/663

    premiers on: 9/21/2016
    Which is 265 days since start of year 101 days til end of year

    9/21/2016 - 9+21+20+16 = 66 -- State of the Union
    9/21/2016 - 9+21+2+1+6 = 39 -- New Yoark,Empite
    9/21/2016 - 9+2+1+2+1+6 = 21
    9/21/16 - 9+21+16 = 46 -- Sacrifice

    I first saw a preview for this (and mentioned it) during the 6th game of the NBA Finals


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