Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, July 23, 2016

44 64 | Dennis Green died July 21, 2016, not July 22 as originally reported +Larry Fitzgerald & Tony Dungy

It was originally reported that Dennis Green died yesterday, July 22, 2016.  It is now being reported that he died late Thursday, July 21, 2016, the date of my 33rd birthday.  This throws off all of the earlier calculations unless you consider that at his time of death, it was already July 22 UST.

7/21/2016 = 7+21+20+16 = 64 (Civil Rights) (Most winning black coach was Mr. Green)
7/21/2016 = 7+21+(2+0+1+6) = 37
7/21/2016 = 7+2+1+2+0+1+6 = 19
7/21/16 = 7+21+16 = 44 (2/5/2017 = 44, Super Bowl 51 Date) (Kill = 44)

Notice the mention of Tony Dungy, the head coach of the Colts, the first black coach to win a Super Bowl, winning it with Peyton Manning and the Colts in 2007.  Also, notice the mention of Larry Fitzgerald, the Arizona Cardinal who was drafted by Green and grew up in Minnesota.

Notice Larry was born August 31, or 8/31, in the year '83.

8/31/1983 = 8+3+1+1+9+8+3 = 33

As for Tony, his birthday also pops out.  He was born October 6, or 10/6, a lot like '106'.  October is the only month that sums to '33' and 'prophecy' totals '106'.  Tony Dungy won Super Bowl 41, 121-days before his 52nd birthday.  The date of the game was February 4, 2007.

2/4/2007 = 2+4+20+07 = 33 (Race War)

That date can be written 4/2.  February = 42; Nigger = 42

Super Bowl 50 was played on the 121st Meridian, and the Broncos visited the White House on June 6, or 6/6, 121-days after the game, February 7, 2016.  Revelation is the 66th Book of most Bibles, and the first Super Bowl was played at the end of the '66 season; Revelation = 49/67/121


  1. Wiki has him Dead on 7/22, but for now lets go ahead w/ the July 21 theory.

    July 21 is 7/21, & Denny was born 2/17, serious date symmetry. Two Seventeen =167, & Denny died at 67.

    Looking at the Dates via Gematria - Seven Twenty One =206. Denny =62. Denny Green =626. Mason =62. Head Coach Dennis Green =162.

    Mason=372. Denny =372. Its 3720 Hours from 2/17 to 7/21.

    Vikings Dennis Green =205, & the SB will be 2/5.

    1. Wiki has him dead on both dates if you look.

    2. I just went back to the same exact Wiki page that I was on this morning, & now its been changed to 7/21, officially. I don't see 7/22 anywhere anymore. Thanks!

    3. Good day for a Mason to die. 7 illuminated or ×3 is 21. 8-24 might be another.

    4. And maybe a good day for a mason to be born Dennis greens son Jeremy green was born 7/21 he was busted for child porn .was release in July 2015 at 44 years old. Then Dennis green dies exactly a year later..maybe more to the riddle Dennis green is black skinned and Jeremy green looks white

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Trust me I don't like you or rfg chosen ones. I believe both of you distort the truth. But it is funny how after rfg said Colts-Vikings, now you are starting to report on them. What happened to Colts-Giants???

    1. Zach has been reporting on the Vikings previous to this, part-timer.

    2. I said RFG would predict Colts and the Vikings the day before he put out his video because I had been writing about it on here... and you're that guy who was spamming all of my posts that the Cardinals would win Super Bowl 50? Honestly, how much are you sacks of shit paid to troll my channel?

    3. If you don't like Zach or RFG why do you read their blogs and watch their videos?? Weirdo

    4. Lol no I didn't. I just told you about the significance about the movie Jerry McGuire. Did not see your post about that. My mistake.

    5. How does zach distort truth? You are distorting truth by saying zach does

    6. This guy just denied spamming that the Cardinals were going to win the Super Bowl. He posted it on nearly every post I made for a good two weeks straights.

    7. Zachary reports on anything significant. He puts the info out there on what teams have possibilities in making it to the SB. He's not a handicapper. Are you stupid?

  4. THe Vikings had another significant event yesterday with the Grand Opening of US Bank Stadium which may be symbolic to their quest to Super Bowl 51.

    7/22/2016 - 9/11/2016 (season opener) = 51

    US Bank Stadium = 38 (death) (Masonic)

    7+22+2+0+1+6 = 38

    Maybe Denny Green's death was supposed to coincide with the stadium's opening. Hence the death date confusion.

    New reported death date 7/21/2016

    7+21+20+16 = 64 (ribbon cutting)

    1. Real quick, 3 teams start camp 7/28/2016 for rookies and veterans. Giants, Vikings, Dolphins.

      7+28+16 = 51

    2. From 7/21 to the opening is 52-days, and they're hosting Super Bowl 52. This coming Super Bowl will be on February 5, or 5/2.
      Prophecy = 52
      Revelation = 49/67/121

  5. Dennis Green Quote" They Are Who We Thought They Were!!!!"


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