Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, July 22, 2016

45 68 83 85 227 233 | Shooting at Olympia Mall in Munich, Germany, July 22, 2016 (Reichstag Fire reflections)

The headline has parallels to the June 12, 2016 Orlando shooting hoax, blamed on an ISIS inspired attacker, and former U.S. Government actor.

Shooting spree at mall = 103 (S exceptions)

229 and 103 were coded into the Orlando Shooting, where '50' people died including the attacker.  229 is the 50th prime number.  Recall how 229 is also coded into the name of the poet who wrote Invictus, William Henley.

The Olympics also begin August 5 in 'Rio', a date written 8/5 or 5/8.  This shooting is at the 'Olympia Mall'.  Also, 'McDonald's' is front and center in this story.

This shooting comes 233-days after the San Bernardino shooting, December 2, 2015, where McDonald's origins are.  Recall, at the time of that hoax, there were also the reported killings of Ronald Johnson and LaQuan McDonald in Chicago, where McDonald's is headquartered.  As I continue to explain, McDonald's is run by the same gang that controls these masonic nations and governments.

Today's shooting, 233-days later, is at the 'Olympia Shopping Mall'.

233 is the 13th Fibonacci Number.  M is the 13th letter.

This event comes 13-days before the U.S. President's birthday, August 4, 2016.  Think about the recent heavy '84' coding in the Nice, France terror false flag.

United States of America = 84
Obama = 84 (Born 8/4)
1984 McDonald attacks on July 18, or 187 
(Attack came 187-days after death of Ray Kroc) (Oak Brook, Illinois = 187)

Shooter on the loose!  Stay inside!  Be afraid!  Fear, fear, fear!

And... did I not just make a video showing the parallels between Munich and Rio?  Did I not just make a video showing the '187' code in July 18, 1984 McDonald's massacre?  They keep bringing up the McDonald's at the mall in Munich where this shooting supposedly took place.

This is the other top story, it contrasts well with the "doom and gloom" reporting that is the top story. Is this to make Donald Trump with his pro-Zionist, anti-ISIS rhetoric, seem on point?  Certainly, at least for some.  Then again, Donald Trump also reenforces the same message.  It is interesting how the media tries to make it seem as if there is a divide between the two on the subject, then again, they always try to make that divide seem so.

1968 was a year a plan was put in place that is being executed day by day.  It appears to be the plan for the buildup to World War III.  It is a path of false flags and blaming it on Islamic terrorism largely.

The Munich "terror" at the Olympics happened in '72, 44-years ago, kind of like how Obama is the '44th' President.

Did you catch the references to McDonald's?  I wonder how many hamburgers today's reporting will sell.  The second largest city in Germany is 'Hamburg', behind 'Berlin'.

They've been reporting this noise on TV for hours now with very few details of anything.

Of course, this shooting comes on July 22, or 22/7.  It reminds of the Reichstag Fire of February 27, 1933, in Germany, a 'false flag' that triggered events leading up to World War II.

22/7 = 3.14

Aside from the '227', the date also has a connection in numerology.

2/27/1933 = 2+27+(1+9+3+3) = 45
7/22/16 = 7+22+16 = 45

These events come 83-years apart, 1933 to 2016.

It is also a date with a life lesson number of '38'.

7/22/2016 = 7+22+(2+0+1+6) = 38


  1. Beautiful work Zach. You exposed this hoax in record time!

    1. "OLYMPIA" lol. Once again, right in our faces.

  2. 7+22+(2+0+1+6) = .. 38 ..

    Germany" in the English Reduction system equals 38

    Thirty Eight" in the English Ordinal system equals 149

    Thirty Eight" in the English Reduction system equals 68

    Munich " in the English Ordinal system equals 68

    149-68= .. 81 ..

    Mall Munich Germany" in the English Reduction system equals 81

    1. McDonald Germany" in the English Ordinal system equals 149

      McDonald Germany" in the English Reduction system equals 68

      149-68= .. 81 ..

      Eight One" in the English Reduction system equals 47

      Eight One" in the English Ordinal system equals 83

      Germany = 83

      Eight One McDonald " in the English Ordinal system equals 149

    2. I based this all on the Life Lesson Number.

      Life Lesson" in the English Reduction system equals 44

      So maybe something does happen August First (8-1) 10 Days From Now.

      August First" in the English Reduction system equals 44

      44 + 44 = .. 88 ..

      Ten Days" in the English Ordinal system equals 88

      August 1st is the 214th Day of the year because of The Leap Year.

      Two Hundred Fourteen" in the English Ordinal system equals 236

      Munich Germany McDonalds" in the English Ordinal system equals 236

      OLYMPIA Mall Shooting" in the English Ordinal system equals 236

      Leap Year" in the English Ordinal system equals 83

      Leap year" in the English Reduction system equals 38

      Germany = 83 & 38

      83-38= .. 45 ..

      Obama Trump August First" in the English Reduction system equals 83 / 101

      8+1+(2+0+1+6)= .. 18 ..

      Eighteenth" in the English Ordinal system equals 101

      Eighteenth" in the English Reduction system equals 56

      101 - 56 = .. 45 ..

  3. Replies
    1. Olympia Mall
      181(B) 42nd Prime
      55/46(B) like Satan and Thelema
      641(J) 116 Prime
      38(J) like death(EO), Florida(EO), Minnesota(P), Oregon(EO,P), Lucifer(P), martial law(P) and Masonic(EO)
      48(EO and P) like propaganda and United States of America

      "Meanwhile Kim is celebrating after PR bosses at McDonald's sent her a Givenchy purse filled with vouchers to be used in their restaurants."

  4. FYI. A new film is scheduled for release December 16, 2016 about Ray Kroc entitled "The Founder", starring Michael Keaton.

    December 16, 2016
    1 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 19
    1 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 10
    12 + 16 + 20 + 16 = 64
    12 + 16 = 28 20 + 16 = 36 (666)

    Gematria Jewish 242
    Gematria Reduction 31
    Gematria Summerian 510
    Gematria Ordinal 85
    Gematria English 292

    Ray Kroc
    Gematria Jewish 624
    Gematria Reduction 37
    Gematria Summerian 546
    Gematria Ordinal 91
    Gematria English 964

    The Founder
    Gematria Jewish 498
    Gematria Reduction 53
    Gematria Summerian 696
    Gematria Ordinal 116
    Gematria English 729

    1. Founder
      Gematria Jewish 385
      Gematria Reduction 38
      Gematria Summerian 498
      Gematria Ordinal 83
      Gematria English 515

      Michael Keaton
      Gematria Jewish 282
      Gematria Reduction 54
      Gematria Summerian 702
      Gematria Ordinal 117
      Gematria English 432

      Maybe Michael is overdue for an Oscar? He was nominated for Best Actor for "Birdman" in 2014.

      Born September 5, 1951

    2. Here is a list of Worldwide corporate sponsors of the Olympics (alphabetically):

      General Electric
      Proctor & Gamble

      Have no fear, McDonald's will sell plenty of Big Macs and Happy Meals during the games.

      Big Mac
      Gematria Jewish 52
      Gematria Reduction 26
      Gematria Summerian 210
      Gematria Ordinal 35
      Gematria English 62

      Happy Meal
      Gematria Jewish 585
      Gematria Reduction 43
      Gematria Summerian 582
      Gematria Ordinal 97
      Gematria English 925

      Gematria Jewish 433
      Gematria Reduction 51
      Gematria Summerian 630
      Gematria Ordinal 105
      Gematria English 573

  5. I'm reading that Clinton wanted to announce her VP today, but is unsure of whether to now or not because of the attacks. Same thing, I believe, with Donald Trump and the Nice, France attacks. He was prepared to announce his VP pick, then held off because the attack in France happened, and then ended up announcing anyway.

  6. Zacvh, here's one on the numerology of today's date that extends your work here. Thanks!

  7. Maybe look out for something to happen in Olympia, Washington in a few days?

    Olympia -- 91/37/570
    Olympia, Washington -- 221/86/1815

    And the mayor of Olympia:
    Cheryl Selby -- 134/53/1033
    Mayor Cheryl Selby -- 206/80/1594
    Mayor Selby -- 135/45/1078

  8. Here is a story from the Daly Mail tying this attack to the '72 Munich Olympics:

    It gives new details about what happened the hostages. I reminds me of the release of new details of the hostage situation that occurred during the 11/13 Paris attack.

    1. Today's Life Lesson Number.

      7+22+(2+0+1+6)= .. 38 ..

      Germany" in the English Reduction system equals 38

      Life Lesson" in the English Ordinal system equals 116

      Life Lesson" in the English Reduction system equals 44

      116-44= .. 72 ..

      44 makes me think of the Prez.

      President Seven Two" in the English Ordinal system equals 233

      Like Those 233 days Between McDonalds Shootings or 7 Months 20 Days. ('72)

    2. Munich McDonalds" in the English Reduction system equals 63 / '72

      I think this maybe foreshadowing something with Ruth Bader and Trump August 1st for these reasons.

      1.) Ginsburg is 83 Years Old. Germany= 83

      2.) Ruth J. Bader" in the English Reduction system equals 44

      August First= 44

      Ginsburg Trump " in the English Reduction system equals 68

      Munich" in the English Ordinal system equals 68

      Ginsburg Trump Germany" in the English Reduction system equals 106 / 115

    3. The Reichstag Burned Down 16 Days Before Ruth Bader Was Born or 2 Weeks 2 Days.

      Reichstag Ruth Joan Bader" in the English Reduction system equals 101

      Reichstag Ruth Joan Bader" in the English Ordinal system equals 227 (2-27)

      Reichstag Ruth Bader" in the English Ordinal system equals 187

      Reichstag Ruth Bader" in the English Reduction system equals 88 / 97

      Ruth Bader" in the English Ordinal system equals 97

      Reichstag Ruth " in the English Reduction system equals 67

      Justice System" in the English Reduction system equals 44

      August First = 44

      Burn Down Justice System" in the English Reduction system equals 83 / 101

    Just a video lol look at the actors

    1. The camera pans in the scene before the shooting starts, fake as usual.

  10. Oh ya, and all doctors with those fucking certificates hanging on the wall of the office...FUCK OFF.

  11. Well when the tin foil loons become main stream them the world has to change. It has no choice. More and more people are starting to look around and realize that something is not quite right. Recovery from being fooled takes a while but we are getting there closer every day. Just like the moon waxes and wanes so does our understanding I think. But once you get enough pieces the picture starts to click into place.


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