Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

46 59 93 118 122 187 | Death of Kansas City, Kansas Police Officer Brad Lancaster, May 9, 2016

Notice this man died on May 9, or 5/9.

Brad = 2+9+1+4 = 16
D. = 4
Lancaster = 3+1+5+3+1+1+2+5+9 = 30/39
Brad Lancaster = 46/55 (Hate Crime = 46) (Sacrifice = 46/55) (Hero = 46) (Chaos = 46)
Brad D. Lancaster = 50/59 (May 9, Kill)

Brad = 2+18+1+4 = 25
D. = 4
Lancaster = 12+1+14+3+1+19+20+5+18 = 93 (Propaganda) 
Brad Lancaster = 118 (Death)
Brad D. Lancaster = 122 (Freemason = 122, Francis Bacon Gematria) (Shot at 12:20)

The date of his killing also connects to his name through numerology.

5/9/2016 = 5+9+20+16 = 50 (Brad D. Lancaster)
5/9/2016 = 5+9+2+0+1+6 = 23
5/9/16 = 5+9+16 = 30
5/9 = 5+9 = 14

Again, Kansas City, Kansas has the '187' homicide gematria.  That is where this officer was reportedly killed.


  1. So this NYPD cop who smashed into the 4 pedestrians just recently on top of the truck in Nice that ran over 100 people, really makes me think you were onto something with the Taxi Driver video with the Hit & Run card from the Steve Jackson Illuminati game.
    2016 has been an action packed year, & this violent car shit's building to something.


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