Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, July 23, 2016

29 58 74 | Tariq Nasheed, hidde filmaker and critic of racism within policing (MSM Guest)

This man's been getting mainstream coverage.  He talks about how many police are "race soldiers", specially targeting minorities.  Of course they put him on with white people who say that he is wrong, in turn creating another TV sponsored argument about race.

Tariq = 2+1+9+9+8 = 29
Nasheed = 5+1+1+8+5+5+4 = 29/38
Tariq Nasheed = 58/67 (Freemasonry) (Blue Lives Matter) (Alton Sterling) (Philando Castile) 

Tariq = 20+1+18+9+17 = 65
Nasheed = 14+1+19+8+5+5+4 = 56
Tariq Nasheed = 121 (Revelation) 

Notice he was born in '74.  Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74

7/1/1974 = 7+1+19+74 = 101
7/1/1974 = 7+1+1+9+7+4 = 29 (Tariq) (Nasheed) (Masonic) (Jewish)
7/1/74 = 7+1+74 = 82 (Soldier)

Again, "race soldiers" in regards to police, are his phrase.

1 comment:

  1. Tariq Nasheed -- 121/58/413
    Traiq Elite -- 116/53/399
    King Flex -- 88/43/397
    K-Flex -- 58/22/341


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