Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, July 24, 2016

68 138 804 | July 25, 2016 bombing of Munich, Germany "by the numbers" EXPOSED

German city rocked by explosion = 138 (Germany = 38) (Donald Trump = 138)

For the United States, these headlines come Sunday, July 24, 2016.  Sunday = 84 (Jesuit = 84)

7/24/2016 = 7+24+20+16 = 67 (Freemasonry) (Blood Sacrifice) (Italy)
7/24/2016 = 7+24+(2+0+1+6) = 40 (United States) (Forty = 84)
7/24/2016 = 7+2+4+2+0+1+6 = 22
7/24/16 = 47 (Authority)

This bombing comes July 25 local time for Germany.

7/25/2016 = 7+25+20+16 = 68 (Munich) (Brazil) (Barack Obama)

Ansbach = 1+5+1+2+1+3+8 = 21/30
Germany = 7+5+9+4+1+5+7 = 38
Ansbach, Germany = 59/68

It is amazing how quick they are to know he is a 27-year old Syrian National who was denied applying for asylum.  Speaking of which, remember when the U.S. was trying to start a war with Syria in 2013?

Also notice how no one died except the bomber, and '12' were injured.

So, since last Sunday, three coded stories, by the numbers.  Is three enough?


  1. Zach, with your Syrian like features, you would make a great candidate for dressing up as an ISIS member.

  2. Ansbach? Hmm

    1. He's from Germany but he lives in Switzerland, in a city called Lausanne. You could say he's 'Lausanne's Bach'. Ha. Think he's being sent a message? He's from Wurzburg, not far from Ansbach.

  3. No. I doubt they'll limit themselves to 3. Never let a crisis go to waste, and of course, manufacture them when there aren't enough to springboard the agenda du jour.
    They're greedy like that.

    1. Today is 777 day once again. 7/25(7)/16(7). Let's keep an eye on the news.......

    2. Another interesting piece of info... AC/DC's album "Back in Black" turns 36 (666) today in the year of 2016 (666).

  4. I wonder if Russians ban from olympics and the sanctions create another Cold War phsyop. Today's headline is that Russian hackers are going to help trump get elected.

  5. Only the good die young--240, 1440, 1449(Princess of Wales)

  6. Email Scandal" in the English Reduction system equals 40

    Russian " in the English Reduction system equals 29 / 47

    7+24+(2+0+1+6)= .. 40 ..

    7+24+16= .. 47 ..

    47+40= .. 87 ..

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz" in the English Reduction system equals 87

    Clinton" in the English Ordinal system equals 87

    Eighty Seven" in the English Ordinal system equals 139

    Eighty Seven" in the English Reduction system equals 58


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