Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, July 25, 2016

75 174 | Anastasia Somoza, handicapped actress at the Democratic Convention, July 25, 2016

I would bet a fortune this was an actress.  She came out and played the part of a handicapped person after a clip was shown of Donald Trump making a gesture that some would say was rude to those who are handicapped.

The name gematria confirms the bad acting for me.

Anastasia = 1+5+1+1+2+1+1+9+1 = 22/40 (Hillary = 40)
Somoza = 1+6+4+6+8+1 = 26/35
Anastasia Somoza = 48/57/75 (New World Order = 75)

Anastasia = 1+14+1+19+20+1+19+9+1 = 85 (Hillary)
Somoza = 19+15+13+15+26+1 = 89
Anastasia Somoza = 174 (New World Order)

AS = 1 19 (All Seeing Eye = 119) (Star of David = 119)

They met in '93.  Propaganda = 93

Even better, to start the night, they had a young girl born from undocumented parents in the United States, a narrative that ties in nicely with Donald Trump's building a wall between the United States and Mexico.  It is so obvious how the presentation is made to provoke.  CHILD OF UNDOCUMENTED PARENTS SPEAKS AT CONVENTION!

Karla = 2+1+9+3+1 = 16/25
Ortiz = 6+9+2+9+8 = 34
Karla Ortiz = 50/59

Karla = 11+1+18+12+1 = 43
Ortiz = 15+18+20+9+26 = 88
Karla Ortiz = 131

You have to appreciate that they had her up at 8:04.  United States of America = 84

And Sarah Silverman drew out the Bernie supporters in a big way.


  1. Sanders supporter sarah silverman--388

    S Alliteration-155, 930, 525J

  2. I will vote for Hillary with gusto = 393 / 177 (There's the one's and seven's again) (393 like 39 and 93)

    Sanders supporter Sarah Silverman (with every S exception but one) = 181, 42nd prime

    1. My bad there's a v in there too....well some combination of exceptions anyway.

    2. The whole phrase
      Sanders supporter Sarah Silverman: "I will vote for Hillary with gusto." has so many s's and v's it's a little ridiculous, but buried in there is a 322.

      Ok I'm done.

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