Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, July 7, 2016

D.L. Hughley's sheep hat while talking about the "race war shootings", July 7, 2016

A jewish owned celebrity goes on the jewish owned media to talk about a jewish shooting psy-op.  You have to love the hat they have put him in.


  1. D.L. Hughley" in the English Reduction system equals 48

    D.L. Hughley Cry" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Black Sheep Hat" in the English Reduction system equals 48

    Start Race War" in the English Reduction system equals 48

    Shoot Black People" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Hughley Sheep" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Hughley Sheep" in the English Ordinal system equals 139

  2. Wow so blatant - people are really blind it's so fuxking sad Man

  3. His book they promoted was called Black Man, White House ffs

    1. "Black Man, White House" = 73

      73 is the 21st Prime
      "Seven Three" = 49 = "Revelation"
      "Seventy Three" = 58 = "Freemasonry"

      7+7+7 = 21
      "Black Man" = 21

  4. The hat seems to be this:*Version*=1&*entries*=0

    Black Sheep -- 82 SE, 37/46/55 Py, 204 JE

  5. Dl is a good actor because this clearly a great performance in just another build to the race war that the elite is tryna start


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