Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, August 21, 2016

11 31 106 121 | The very rigged final U.S. Olympic medal count of "121", August 21, 2016

121 medals, the most gold?

A = 1; U = 21; AU = 121
Champion = 79

121 Medals
Revelation = 121 (The U.S., created from the Book of Revelation, the book of prophecy)
121 = 11x11 (31 is the 11th prime, this was the 31st Summer Games; Phelps = 31)

46 Gold
Psalm 46 leaves 666-chapters in the original KJV Bible.  '666' = Prophecy (Jewish Gematria)

37 Silver
American = 37; Israel = 37

38 Bronze
Gold = 38; Masonic = 38; Jewish = 38

I love that the United Kingdom came in second with '67'.

Revelation = 67; Freemasonry = 67; Satanic = 67; West = 67

Recall that the United States sent '106' returning medalists, the number of 'prophecy' and 'Revelation is the book of 'prophecy'.

Prophecy = 106; Michael Fred Phelps II = 106 (Biggest star of U.S. team)


  1. Zach, check this story out. It's from my local news in ATL. What stood out immediately to me was that is was a hit-and-run with an ORANGE camaro.

    1. Orange camaro = 666
      Hit and run illuminati card game foreshadowing?

    2. I saw that. There is a bit of a local virus going on with that one. Everyone in the 404/770 is getting the vid in their feeds with the tag

      Somebody Knows who Drives this Orange Camaro=470, 2820

      Very familiar numbers.

    3. Funny thing, if you Goggle search Orange Camaro Hit and Run, you get three or four stories this year alone from around the country involving hit and runs with Orange Camaros.

    4. March in Vegas an Orange Camaro or Acura kills 65 year old.

      May in Orlando(Orange County) killed a 60 year old man.

      July in Brooklyn a Camaro kills a 35 year old bartender/avid cycler on 690 GRAND street.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Yeah it was hard to find that specific stories because of so many others like it.

    8. pay attention to how often you'll see 5:30 coded into stories about death. I must have read at least 5 articles in recent days where the time 5:30 was highlighted in the story regarding time of death.

  2. On another note, Michael Phelps' middle name is Fred? Westboro Baptist Church guy? Wow.

    1. I noticed that as well. Quick google search proposes that likely the whole Fred Phelps GHF's drama is govt propaganda, like everything else.

      According to wikiganda:
      "In May 1946, at the age of 16, Phelps graduated from high school and was admitted to United States Military Academy in West Point, New York.[10] Phelps however claims that after attending a Methodist revival meeting decided to become a minister and chose not to attend West Point.[10]"

      Or, he worked as an agent immediately after high school...

      He died at age 84 on 3/19...there's that 84 again...

    2. I wonder if/how they are related...

    3. I wonder if/how they are related...

    4. I noticed that as well. Quick google search proposes that likely the whole Fred Phelps GHF's drama is govt propaganda, like everything else.

      According to wikiganda:
      "In May 1946, at the age of 16, Phelps graduated from high school and was admitted to United States Military Academy in West Point, New York.[10] Phelps however claims that after attending a Methodist revival meeting decided to become a minister and chose not to attend West Point.[10]"

      Or, he worked as an agent immediately after high school...

      He died at age 84 on 3/19...there's that 84 again...

  3. I just found a story from last month. Camaro hit and run in Williamsburg, Virginia (=235) at 2:35 AM. Wow. And tomorrow is the 235th day as we know.

    1. That's the Brooklyn one, Williamsburg is a NY neighborhood.

    2. Oh ok, thanks for the correction. The 2:35 time is still very interesting.

    3. No doubt. It is a bit nuts that the ATL incident marks the 4th I could find this year. Going back a couple years, there are even more.

    4. Oh ok, thanks for the correction. The 2:35 time is still very interesting.

  4. Good catches,

    Orange -- 60/33/183
    Camaro -- 51/24/165
    Orange Camaro -- 111/57/348

    Hit -- 37/19/117
    and -- 19/10/45
    Run -- 53/17/320
    Hit and Run -- 109/46/482

    Hit 'n Run -- 104/41/477


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