Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, August 13, 2016

26 33 44 67 79 133 138 155 | Imam shot on 79th St in Queens, New York, August 13, 2016

This news comes August 13, 2016, a date written 13/8.  The media is already talking about how the hate Donald Trump has created for Muslims is responsible for this killing.

The emphasized phrase has 'government', 'white house' and 'federal bureau of investigation' coding.

Here's the related matches.  Let us not forget that Donald Trump was reported to be the 133rd richest man in the world by Forbes earlier this year.

They love to use that phrase 'lone gunman'.  And again, Trump is trying to become the 44th person to be President.

Notice how the witness to the shooting was 33-years old.  Muslim = 24/33

Khairul = 2+8+1+9+9+3+3 = 35/44
Islam = 9+1+3+1+4 = 18/27
Khairul Islam = 53/62/71 (Religion = 53) (Torah = 62) (Quran = 71) (Catholic = 71)

Khairul = 11+8+1+9+18+21+12 = 80
Islam = 9+19+12+1+13 = 54
Khairul Islam = 134

The name is very suspicious.

Imam = 9+4+1+4 = 18
Alala = 1+3+1+3+1 = 9
Uddin = 3+4+4+9+5 = 25
Akongi = 1+2+6+5+7+9 = 30/39 (New York = 39)
Alala Uddin Akongi = 64/73 (Imam Alala Uddin Akongi = 82/91)

Imam = 9+13+1+13 = 36
Alala = 1+12+1+12+1 = 27
Uddin = 21+4+4+9+14 = 52
Akongi = 1+11+15+14+7+9 = 57
Alala Uddin Akongi = 136 (Imam Alala Uddin Akongi = 172)

Thara = 2+8+1+9+1 = 21; Thara Uddin = 46 (Sacrifice = 46)
Thara = 20+8+1+18+1 = 48; Thara Uddin = 100

The name of the mosque stands out.

Freemasonry = 67

If you include the word 'mosque', the name has gematria of '112'.

The next witness is '26'.  His name in gematria sums of '46' and '73', just like 'sacrifice'.

The number of the street is right for 'murder'.

Massacre = 79; Murder = 79

The time is also interesting.

Christianity = 155; Science = 155 (Jewish)


  1. What a picture....That says terrorist all over I thought Muslims wives weren't allowed to

  2. Does MC Donald's sponsor the wife's outfit..????lol

    1. Ronalda McMuslimTerrorist lol.

      Could be a subliminal... I mean we just had the McDonald's shooter (of blanks) happen in Munich. They love to repeat shit in these hoaxes.

  3. Watching the Trump rally in CT. Was scheduled to start at 7:30. He walked on stage at 8:05. Mirrored (58)

  4. Yep, the story is right. Every one loved Islam until Donald Trump showed up.

    Every one loves Islam -- 236/83/2300


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