Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

26 33 45 59 96 119 | The death of Lil Snupe, June 13, 1995 was "murder by numbers", 45-days after Meek Mill's 26th birthday

6/13/1995 = 6+13+19+95 = 133
6/13/1995 = 6+13+(1+9+9+5) = 43
6/13/1995 = 6+1+3+1+9+9+5 = 34
6/13/95 = 6+13+95 = 114

The date of his death, 7-days after his 18th birthday, has the 'kill' code on him for young black men.

6/20/2013 = 6+20+20+13 = 59 (Kill) (Negro) (Slave) (Blues)
6/20/2013 = 6+20+(2+0+1+3) = 32
6/20/2016 = 6+2+0+2+0+1+3 = 14 (Dead)
6/20/16 = 6+20+13 = 39
6/20 = 6+20 = 26 (Lil Snupe died 45-days after Meek Mill's 26th birthday)

His place of death also has the '96', 'Freemason' coding.

Lil = 3+9+3 = 15
Snupe = 1+5+3+7+5 = 21/30
Lil Snupe = 36/45 (Hip-Hop)

Lil = 12+9+12 = 33
Snupe = 19+14+21+16+5 = 75
Lil Snupe = 108

As for Meek Mill, Lil Snupe died 45-days after his 26th birthday (Hip-Hop) (Lil Snupe).

Meek Mill was born Robert Rihmeek Williams.

Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
Rihmeek = 9+9+8+4+5+5+2 = 42
Williams = 5+9+3+3+9+1+4+1 = 35/44
Robert Rihmeek Williams = 110/119

Robert = 18+15+2+5+18+20 = 78
Rihmeek = 18+9+8+13+5+5+11 = 69
Williams = 23+9+12+12+9+1+13+19 = 98
Robert Rihmeek Williams = 245

5/6/1987 = 5+6+19+87 = 117
5/6/1987 = 5+6+1+9+8+7 = 36 (Lil Snupe)
5/6/87 = 5+6+87 = 98

And his artist name, with the MM, or 13 13, or 44 initials.

Meek = 4+5+5+2 = 16
Mill = 4+9+3+3 = 19
Meek Mill = 35 (Rap)

Meek = 13+5+5+11 = 34
Mill =13+9+12+12 = 46
Meek Mill = 80


  1. Twenty-one candles=64/199. 199 is the 46th prime. Twenty-six candles=64


  2. Trump today: “And at the end, it’s either going to work or I’m going to have a very, very nice long vacation.”

    Gearing up for the assassination hoax ... and probably already has a nice penthouse apartment waiting for him in Tel Aviv ...

  3. They Released The Building Climber's name Stephen Rogata. I think it's pre-conditioning for something going down @ The 6th Annual New York Harbor Regatta on September 16th.

    New York Harbor Regatta " in the English Reduction system equals 101

    Steve Rogata" in the English Ordinal system equals 133

    8+10+16= .. 34 ..
    8+10+20+16= .. 54 ..
    8+10+(2+0+1+6)= .. 27 ..
    8+1+0+(2+0+1+6)= .. 18 ..

    34+54+27+18= .. 133 ..

    Regatta " in the English Reduction system equals 27

    133-27= .. 106 ..

    106 Days Left in The Year on September 16th.

    1. 9/16 would very much fit the 2016 code.

    2. ISIS hates sperry topsiders and guys named chadwick.

    3. New York" in the English Reduction system equals 39

      New York" in the English Ordinal system equals 111

      Sailboat Bomb" in the English Ordinal system equals 111

      Sailboat Bomb" in the English Reduction system equals 39

  4. Its funny how the falcons signed dwight freeney who played in sb 41 for the colts who is 36 years old and they signed him 187 days before the sb. 6 months and 3 days. And robert mathis who is from atlanta played alongside with him in the sb and he's talking about ridng off into the sunset hmm..

  5. Haha zach I didnt if you would ever cover this. I used to listen to meek a lot. When lil snupe died I stopped


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