Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, August 22, 2016

26 33 54 96 106 144 | Tyler Austin & Aaron Judge's historical back-to-back HRs August 13, 2016 (Men of Prophecy)

Let us do a little decoding, surely this was a scripted historic moment, the day after the retirement of A-Rod with the Yankees.

Christopher = 3+8+9+9+1+2+6+7+8+5+9 = 67/76 (Revelation = 67)
Tyler = 2+7+3+5+9 = 26 (Yankees)
Austin = 1+3+1+2+9+5 = 21/30 (Saturn = 21/30)
Christopher Tyler Austin = 114/132 (Tyler Austin = 47/56)

Christopher = 3+8+18+9+19+20+15+16+8+5+18 = 139
Tyler = 20+25+12+5+18 = 80 (Yankees)
Austin = 1+21+19+20+9+14 = 84
Christopher Tyler Austin = 303 (Tyler Austin = 164)

At age 24, his big league debut came 24-days before his birthday, or a span of 25-days before his 25th birthday.  Also, 3-weeks and 3-days.

Notice he was born September 6, written 6/9 or 9/6.  Freemason = 96

9/6/1991 = 9+6+19+91 = 125
9/6/1991 = 9+6+1+9+9+1 = 35
9/6/91 = 9+6+91 = 106 (Prophecy)

The man to homer after Austin was Aaron Judge, a name having gematria of '96'.

Aaron = 1+1+9+6+5 = 22
James = 1+1+4+5+1 = 12/21
Judge = 1+3+4+7+5 = 20
Aaron James Judge = 54/63 (Baseball = 54)
Aaron Judge = 42 (NYC = 42)

Aaron = 1+1+18+15+14 = 49 (Revelation) (NY, land of Revelation)
James = 10+1+13+5+19 = 48
Judge = 10+21+4+7+5 = 47 (Time)
Aaron James Judge = 144 (Time)
Aaron Judge = 96 (Freemason)

Aaron Judge has familiar birth numerology as well.

4/26/1992 = 4+26+19+92 = 141
4/26/1992 = 4+26+(1+9+9+2) = 51
4/26/1992 = 4+2+6+1+9+9+2 = 33
4/26/92 = 4+26+92 = 122 (Elohim) (Freemason)

His big debut came 109-days after his 24th birthday, or a span of 110-days after.


  1. his debut 8/13 was 8month and 13 days after his 24th

  2. How can it be scripted, did they use rubber super ball core for the balls they used to hit them out?

    1. Most major leaguers can put on a show during batting practice. Hitting home runs for professionals is a cake walk, especially if they know the pitch that's coming. Very easy to script a home run. The balls are definitely altered too.

    2. What legionary said^ and just ask Mark McGwire and Barry bonds

    3. People like Ron aren't athletes. They are fans. They don't know anything about the sport, other than what it looks like when they watch it. That is why they are so deceived. That is why they are so clueless.

    4. Actually Zach I am an athlete albeit not a pro athlete, I am 50 years old, been playing baseball since I was 10, and I play in an 0ver 40 league today(baseball not softball) I am not clueless, so please do not sound like you are the end all be all. Nobody came back with an actual rebuttal as to how they hit them out, batting practice is 60 mph fastballs which I can still hit out. But the game they have fastballs, sliders, etc, Please do not say I do not know anything about the sport as I been playing before you were born. Are you also saying them rookies are on hgh and they took effect for that one game? Even if so they still have to hit the ball, which isn't easy, if you are an "athlete" instead of a blogger.

    5. Not to mention with the "magnets" in the seats and the "metal" in the rawlings, shouldn't the first home run been murdered instead of just clearing the right field wall? Or were the magnets turned down so the guy could get his first home run ball as it bounced back on to the field?

  3. it's standard procedure for the "authority" in any given realm to set up rules/boundaries/limitations/parameters and then circumvent those same restrictions in a clandestine manner. sports are no different.


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