Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, August 12, 2016

29 33 42 83 | Hope Solo calls 'Sweden' female soccer team 'cowards', your daily contrived headlines +Zika programming

Hope Solo, a numerical fit for focus of a 'Rio' Olympic event.  She has been seen in recent days sporting her 'Zika free net'.

The gematria of 'freemason' and 'zionism' ties in of course.  We know who owns the media.

'Cowards' is the right word in 'gematria' for 'football'.  It is no wonder it is emphasized.

Notice it was Norway who last upset the U.S. team.


  1. Replies
    1. On Your Own=160, 1810

      No Hope=73, *213*

      No Hope on Your Own=233, 2023

    2. Hope, Arkansas
      The Audacity of Hope

    3. Solo: I think of Obama quoting John Donne's "No man is an island" during his Brexit warning conference with Cameron after Prince died

    4. These are great observations about what seems (to me) to be a fictional name (& character)! Her "reprint" reads like code. Maybe it's because (fortunately?) I'm a Sports Illiterate & therefore can only see the original meanings for the words -- my brain isn't fogged by the "alternative, sports-themed meanings" mumbo-jumbo. None of it made any Logical "sense" -- yet no where did they "break it down" & explain what her "soccer-speak" meant. Curious.

      "Lost Hope". -- one if the most memorable lines in "The Big Chill" ... smarmy journalist Jeff Goldblum is on the phone with his publishers at People Mag -- telling them that he NEEDS to cover the story of his best friend's suicide ... saying it's about: "Lost Hope. That's it! It'll be "The 'Lost Hope Weekend'!"
      If nothing else, it shows how they've been pushing the "Lost Hope" brand of Doom & Gloom for Years ... ;D :D

    5. Listen to some Lana Del Rey songs. She's got this sort of Kill Yourself with a Kiss attitude.

  2. I've just watched the Phelps race on BBC and I swear they left a clue..
    The guy speaking said something along the lines of "the other swimmers still arnt ready and phelps has been ready for 2 minutes he's on lane 2"... I figured when I heard that he was gonna finish 2nd lol..
    Turnes out he tied 2nd with 2 other swimmers! They are taking the piss

    1. Three Way Tie=139=Freemasonry

      Silver Tie=119


      Now ... THREE "LEO Killers" escaped from HATCH, NM in a GRAY (SILVER) LEXUS ...

      "The Beat Goes On" ... ;D :D

    3. Three Pieces of Silver-219, 1330

      Three First Losers-216

  3. Phelps keeps making the same quote...
    "I'm living a dream come true".
    Reduction gematria =111 Trump/Clinton NY tribute??
    Simple gematria=237

  4. In the Little League World Series Mid-Atlantic regional Pennsylvania is represented by a team from "Clinton County". CC = 33.

    Is it possible the scripting goes down to this level? I certainly hope not.

    1. Sure it does. The little ones don't have to know.

    2. The scripting goes down to all levels. Reality = scripting. Remember as well that Hillary wants to talk about Area 51. Super Bowl 51 in 5777. Viking mission in '76/'77. Andrew Luck and Adrian Peterson.

    3. The TV show Vikings premiered on 3/3/13. That is 3 years 11 months 2 days until SB 51. Or 205 weeks before 2/5/17.

    4. Adrian is the name of Rosemary's Baby, born in 6/66. Antichrist has 33 titles in OT and 13 in NT. Prince Rogers Nelson is 6, 6, 6, and he attended Curry's game on 3/3 when Curry scored 33 and missed 13 shots.

  5. College football update " purple and gold theme still in play"

    Commentaor Kevin carter who played at Florida is overt excited about The Washington Huskies and Especially TCU.

    He first says " that PURPLE and gold" and then says TCU PURPLE PURPLE with a huge grin and evil smile. I kept thinking Vikings for some reason.

  6. 131/31's are killing it in the Olympics. We might normally expect that to be the case, but right now especially, with this being the 31st Olympiad, and Rio being founded on 3/1. Just today, Ervin gets the big upset in swimming, 131 life #. A certain Ku Bon-chan won gold in archery, born 1/31. Schooling schooled Phelps (who's been killing it with his 31 pyth/age 31), and he has a 31 life lesson #.


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